
Serial Madness

Contains graphic and sexual scene! In the eyes of everyone around me, I'm the epitome of kindness and love. But beneath this facade lies a dark truth: I'm plagued by a murderous desire that I can't control. I'm a silent serial killer, responsible for the disappearances in our town. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I crossed paths with Sean. Initially just another client, I never imagined he was as dangerous as he turned out to be—an assassin. He made me an offer: he'd keep my secret safe as long as I belonged to him.

KC_Sabilla · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Incoming storm part II

Sean closed the hood of the car, revealing his well-built frame and those hands that seemed accustomed to heavy work. His white polo shirt was folded up, exposing his muscled arms and the veins that hinted at strength. I couldn't help but notice the striking physique as I approached him.

"How is it?" I inquired, my eyes flickering to the hood of the car. I knew next to nothing about cars, and my hope for a quick fix relied entirely on Sean's expertise.

Sean ran his hands through his dark hair, assessing the situation. "Looks like a busted alternator belt," he remarked, his tone calm and authoritative. "It's a good thing you stopped when you did. If you had kept driving, it could have caused some serious damage."

 I nodded, thankful for his assessment. "Can you fix it here?"

Sean chuckled, a sound that sent a subtle shiver down my spine. "Not without the right tools and replacement parts. We'll need to tow it to a nearby garage."

I glanced around, realizing the challenge of finding assistance in this remote area. "How long do you think it'll take to get it fixed?"

"Hard to say," Sean replied, his maroon eyes meeting mine. "Depends on the availability of parts and the mechanic's workload. But I can arrange for a tow truck. Should be here within the hour."

Sean finished his call and turned his attention back to me. "They'll be here in about 40 minutes," he informed me. The news wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, but I held back any visible frustration, choosing to maintain a positive facade.

"Thank you for helping; I appreciate it," I expressed my gratitude, offering a polite smile.

"Where are you going anyway?" Sean inquired, his maroon eyes fixed on me.

"Riverside. Just give me one sec; I'll call for a taxi driver," I replied, reaching for my phone to dial.

"I could give you a ride," Sean offered unexpectedly. His willingness to help caught me off guard.

"But it seems to me that you're on your agenda. I don't want to be a hindrance," I responded politely, emphasizing my preference for independence. Riding with strangers, wasn't my preferred choice, especially with someone like Sean Riddle, whom I barely knew.

With a persuasive smile, Sean insisted, "I insist." Caught in the charm of his demeanor, I found myself agreeing to accept his offer. The situation left me with little choice, and I reluctantly decided to go along with Sean's proposition.

As the car glided through the landscape, my gaze followed the passing trees. The sky had taken on a darker hue. Sean, focused on the road, initiated a conversation, "Why are you headed to Riverside?"

"We have a client there," I replied, keeping my response concise. Sean nodded in understanding, adding, "I see. Well, I have a friend that I need to meet."

Curiosity getting the better of me, I inquired about his profession, "What's your occupation, Mr. Riddle?" Sean responded with a hint of pride, "Mechanical Engineer."

"That must be the reason why you know how to fix cars," I said, acknowledging his skill.

As we continued our journey, the conversation between Sean and me took a more personal turn. Sean initiated, "So, Astrid, aside from handling legal matters, what interests you in your free time?"

I pondered for a moment before responding, "Well, I enjoy reading and spending time in nature. Something is soothing about being surrounded by greenery." Sean smiled, "Nature has its way of offering solace. Any favorite genre when it comes to reading?"

"Thrillers and mysteries," I confessed. "I find the complexities intriguing and the suspense keeps me hooked." Sean nodded, "A person of depth, I see. I appreciate a good thriller myself. Any favorite authors?"

As we exchanged thoughts on literature, the atmosphere in the car became more relaxed. We discovered shared interests and even debated a few plot twists from our favorite books.

"Dad," I called out through the echoing corridors of my memories. The chandelier above twinkled, casting a warm glow on the scene. In the nostalgic haze, I glimpsed my teenage self, in my high school uniform, descending the stairs. With each step, a heavy weight seemed to settle in my chest, and distant voices urged me to halt. Despite the invisible force trying to pull me back, I pressed on.

The journey led me to my father's office. As I reached for the doorknob, a foreboding feeling loomed. Upon opening the door, a chilling sight met my eyes—my father's feet dangling above the ground, a toppled chair nearby. Silent screams echoed in my mind, but my voice remained trapped within.

"Astrid," Sean's gentle voice interrupted the haunting reverie, tapping my shoulder. I snapped back to reality, my head resting against the car window. "We've arrived," he informed me, deftly removing my seatbelt. The dreams of the past clung to me, a reminder of a haunting memory.

In front of us stood the cafe where we were supposed to meet Sean's friend. "I'm meeting my friend here. If you don't have a ride back, you can come with me," he offered, breaking the silence. Acquainting myself with Sean didn't seem like a bad idea. Despite sharing some common interests, I couldn't forget he was still my client.

"I appreciate that, Mr. Sean," I responded, grappling with the lingering unease. "It's not bothering me. It might be a welcome distraction." 

"I'll think about it," I replied, hesitating for a moment. Sean's earnest response surprised me. "Please, I'll wait for you," he insisted, his words hanging in the air. The notion of someone waiting for me, especially someone I had only recently met, raised an internal question. Why would he wait for someone he barely knew?

As I pondered this, it became apparent that Sean had a way of making connections feel deeper than they were. Though we had only known each other for a few weeks, his conversational style conveyed a sense of familiarity, as if he had known me for a long time. Despite my initial reservations, it seemed that saying no to him wasn't an option. 

With a subtle nod, I gave in. "Alright, I'll join you," I conceded, accepting the unexpected offer. For someone like Sean, it was apparent that he wouldn't easily accept a refusal.

As I walked down the bustling streets, my focus shifted back to the upcoming client meeting. The transaction needed to be finalized, and my primary objective was to efficiently navigate through the business discussions. 


Sean watched as Astrid disappeared from his line of sight, a subtle smile playing on his lips. His fingers tapped rhythmically on the car's wheel, lost in contemplation. It had been twenty minutes since they arrived in the town, and he couldn't help but reflect on the moments when he had silently observed Astrid sleeping.

They had reached their destination, and instead of waking her, he had taken the opportunity to study her features. Her flawless white skin, brown locks cascading delicately, and the subtle pink hue of her lips — she appeared angelic. Yet, Sean knew better. There was a hidden fierceness, a devilish quality beneath that seemingly delicate exterior. The duality intrigued him.

He found satisfaction in stumbling upon her secret, realizing that the universe might have conspired to bring them together. Sean stepped out of the car, closing the door with a soft click. With a lingering gaze at the vehicle, he made his way towards the cafe. The anticipation of what lay ahead only fueled his intrigue further.