
Serial Madness

Contains graphic and sexual scene! In the eyes of everyone around me, I'm the epitome of kindness and love. But beneath this facade lies a dark truth: I'm plagued by a murderous desire that I can't control. I'm a silent serial killer, responsible for the disappearances in our town. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I crossed paths with Sean. Initially just another client, I never imagined he was as dangerous as he turned out to be—an assassin. He made me an offer: he'd keep my secret safe as long as I belonged to him.

KC_Sabilla · Urban
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13 Chs

After Storm

The blaring sirens jolted me awake, and panic surged through my veins as I hastily rose from the bed. Peering through the window, the scene below unfolded—a police car and an ambulance, carrying bodies shrouded in white cloth. My heart raced as the realization hit me—I had failed to retrieve the crucial evidence.

Just as I was about to bolt for the door, Sean entered the room with a tray of food. "Good morning! I thought you might be hungry," he greeted with a warm smile, seemingly unaware of the chaos outside.

"Sean, did you see what's happening?" I asked urgently, my concern palpable.

"Apparently, three men were found dead this morning," Sean replied casually as he placed the tray on the table. I stole a glance outside, witnessing the unfolding police investigation. Among the officers, I spotted Nash, handling the evidence bags.

The gravity of the situation sunk in, and I needed a plan. Nash's infatuation with me could be leveraged to retrieve the evidence. Suppressing my inner turmoil, I turned to Sean, who was now taking a bite of his breakfast.

"Are you alright?" he asked, oblivious to my internal struggle.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck.....'.

'I'm not fucking fine'.

Internally screaming, I fought to maintain composure. Why had I fallen asleep? Anger threatened to surface, but I suppressed it, forcing a calm facade. "I'm fine," I replied, though the weight of the situation pressed heavily on my shoulders. 

Forcing a calm exterior, I suppressed the turmoil within me. No need to panic, I assured myself. There was still time to retrieve the evidence, as long as it hadn't reached the forensic department yet. My mind raced with thoughts of Nash, and I knew I had to act swiftly.

"Take a bite," Sean suggested, cutting a piece of pancake on my plate, he had been watching me closely.

"Thank you," I replied, trying to focus on the present moment. We finished our breakfast, and after getting ourselves ready, we headed down to the lobby. The scene was tense, with police officers questioning each guest.

As we approached, a police officer directed a question my way. "Ma'am, did you hear or see anything unusual last night?"

I maintained composure, shaking my head. "No, officer. It was a stormy night; I mostly kept to my room."

The officer nodded, his gaze shifting to Sean. "And you, sir?"

Sean mirrored my response, providing a concise account of the night. As the questioning continued, I seized the opportunity to discreetly observe Nash, contemplating my next move to retrieve the crucial evidence before it slipped through my grasp.

As Sean and I made our way to the parking lot, Nash's voice sliced through the air, calling my name. 


An opportunity presented itself. I turned to Sean, urging him to go ahead while I stayed back to speak with Nash.

"Go ahead, Sean. I'll catch up," I told Sean, reassuring him with a smile. He nodded and continued toward the parking lot, leaving me to face Nash.

As Nash called my name, I turned to him, feigning innocence. "What's going on, Nash?" I asked, concealing any unease.

Concern etched on his face, Nash approached. "Astrid, are you okay?" he inquired genuinely.

"I'm fine, Nash. It's just a bit unsettling. Did they find anything?" I replied, choosing my words carefully.

Leaning in, Nash shared a piece of information. "We found a few pockets of drugs and marijuana in their room. Those guys overdosed themselves." 

The news was unexpected, and a wave of relief swept over me. However, my focus shifted to the bag of evidence Nash held. It contained the bottles I needed to dispose of discreetly. I maintained my composure, carefully assessing the situation and considering my next move.

"So, um, you and that guy are...?" Nash hesitated, searching for the right words, his expression revealing his curiosity. He must have assumed that Sean and I were dating.

"He's my boss's client," I replied firmly, a subtle hint of deflection in my tone. Nash's face brightened a bit, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. His lingering infatuation could be a tool for manipulation, an advantage that I was prepared to exploit.

Shifting the focus, I pointed towards the bag of evidence Nash held. "What's with those bottles?" I asked innocently, directing attention away from any potential suspicion. It was crucial to maintain the facade of ignorance while subtly steering the conversation in my favor.

Nash hesitated for a moment before offering an explanation, "Oh, this, um, just something I could use for the report and, you know, hide it in the storage room after reporting."

I couldn't help but inwardly chuckle at his transparency. His infatuation with me seemed to cloud his professional judgment. A police officer of his caliber should be discreet about crime scene details, but his lapses in protocol became my advantage.

"It must be a tough job for you, dealing with all of this."

He nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Yeah, it's not easy, but it's what we signed up for."

I couldn't help but find a certain irony in the situation. Despite my initial expectations of Nash's competence, his flaws became my advantage. His infatuation inadvertently opened a door for me to navigate through this intricate web of deception. I maintained an outwardly neutral expression, concealing the shrewd calculations taking place behind my eyes. It was time to play this game with finesse, exploiting the weaknesses that Nash's emotions unwittingly laid bare.


Inside the car, Sean's hands tightly gripped the wheel as he observed the scene unfolding before him. Frustration boiled within him. Couldn't Nash see that Astrid wasn't interested? In Sean's mind, Astrid belonged to him and him alone. He fought to control his emotions, realizing that he was the cause of Astrid's distant demeanor towards Nash. The newly planted evidence must be bothering her, and Sean understood the internal conflict she was facing.

Yet, there was a part of Sean that wanted to see how far Astrid would go to eliminate the fake evidence he had strategically replaced. He was entangled in a game of manipulation and intrigue, eager to witness the lengths Astrid would go to protect herself. Despite the tension in the air, Sean remained in the car, wrestling with conflicting emotions as he observed the unfolding drama between Astrid and Nash.


The car ride felt interminable, and my body ached with every passing mile. Seeking relief, I shifted in my seat, attempting to find a more comfortable position. The discomfort was undeniable, and the morning had brought its share of physical strain. As I woke up earlier, my body had already begun to ache, but my focus had been consumed by thoughts of disposing of the evidence.

"Want to lie down in the back? It might be more comfortable for you," Sean offered, concern evident in his voice.

I nodded, appreciating his consideration. "Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks, Mr. Sean." 

As I settled into the back seat, Sean and I continued our journey. With every passing mile, the ache in my body seemed to intensify. I contemplated the possibility of taking a sick leave once we arrived, the events of the night having taken a toll on both my physical and mental well-being.

As Astrid drifted into a peaceful slumber in the backseat, Sean stole a glance at the rearview mirror. A subtle smile played on his lips as he remembered the events of the previous night—the intimate moments that had solidified his claim on her. The memory brought a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she was solely his.

Changing the gear of the car, Sean drove at a leisurely pace, relishing the quiet tranquility of the morning. The sun, now radiant in the sky, painted a stark contrast to the stormy night they had endured. Large construction vehicles diligently worked to clear the road of branches and debris left in the wake of the tempest.