
Chaptwr seventeen

"I don't think so sir. I believe it's something deep. I'll send you the video now sir." Greg said. 

"Okay." Big boss replied. 

Greg sends the video. 

After five minutes Big boss calls back. 

"I need you to find out everything about that girl. We have to make her hate Sting for life. I can't loose my most priced killer because of a stupid little girl!" Big boss said. 

"I'm on it sir." Greg replied and Big boss ends the call. 

Meanwhile in the mansion...

Sarah tries to comfort Sofia. 

" Go away! You are as guilty as he is! I would never have gotten this close to him if not for you! It's your fault I'm hurt in this manner!" Sofia said. 

Sarah decides to give Sofia some alone time. 

Sofia touches the "s" Mark on the left side of her chest. 

"You scared my heart the moment you walked into my life... Who knew I could love you this much after so much hatred we had for each other." Sofia said.