
Chapter three

"I may be ugly but not blind to your beauty." Red said. 

Sarah couldn't help but continue blushing. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He finally asked.

"What?" She asked surprised. 

On hearing those words Sarah's mouth fell open. 

"I'll take that as a yes then." Red said. 

"Wait... Who said yes? Is this how you will ask me? Tying me to the chair as if you will kill me if I say no?" Sarah said, in a tone that is almost like that of a child. 

"I'll untie you only if you say yes to me", Red told her and smiles. 

"How can I say no if he keeps looking at me like that?" Sarah thought to herself.

"Ok I'll marry you." Sarah said, not really noticing the use of the of the word "marry". 

Red burst out in laughter, it was then she noticed her mistake.

"I asked for a girlfriend and not a wife," he said smiling. 

"I mean I will be your girlfriend." She rushed to correct herself. 

Red was a killer, and a very dangerous one, but he seemed like he is a nice person. 

However, Sarah never knew him to be a killer but a gangster, she never associated killing with gangs. 

Red untied Sarah and said, "so I guess this is our first date?" 

Meanwhile, at Sofia's workplace... 

"You rang for me sir?" Sofia asked her boss as she entered the office. 

"Yes I did, take a seat." Her boss replied. 

Sofia sat down on the chair at the other side of her boss's table.

"I heard you have been misbehaving with our male customers." Her boss said. 

"What? No sir I only take their orders to serve them food. I have never spoken to any customer rudely." Sofia replied in shock. 

"And you have been sleeping with the male customers to get extra money for yourself." The boss added. 

"No! I did no such thing!" Sofia shouted. 

"Oh, so you are raising your voice at me?" Her boss replied. 

Sofia never did any of the things her boss accused her of. Her boss has been looking for an opportunity to get her but she was just so good at her job. So he decided to frame her instead. 

"I can get rid of all these accusations on you, for a price of course." Her boss said. 

"What price?" Sofia asked curiously. 

"Come to bed with me and I will give you all the money you have ever desired." Her boss said. 

"No sir, please don't do this to me, how will I and my sister survive? I'm the only one with a steady job." Sofia said while on her knees. 

"That is non of my business! I'm giving you one week to accept my offer or you will be fired! Now get out! Her boss yelled aloud. Sofia flinched, she is surprised that her boss has such evil intentions. Sofia went straight to the bookstore after her shift was over by six pm. 

The owner of the bookstore was like a father to her. She always shared everything with him. Her happiness, worries, pain, laughter and so on. And he also took her as his own daughter. 

His wife was barren and therefore couldn't give birth to any children of her own but Sofia filled that space in his heart. 

"Oh my beautiful daughter how are you... Mr Benson stopped. What happened?" He asked her. 

Sofia hesitated to answer.

"Come and sit." He said while moving her towards a chair. 

"My boss." Sofia said. 

"Yes what happened?" Mr Benson asked.

"He wants me to sleep with him." Sofia replied. 

"What! Mr Benson exclaimed. Sofia told him all that happened between her and her boss. Mr Benson was very surprised but advises her to be strong for herself and her sister. 

After talking to Mr Benson about it she decided that she wasn't going to sleep with him. She would spend the one week not only working for her boss but also looking for another job. 

Sofia went back home and was surprised to see Sarah waiting anxiously at the door for her. Sarah was looking so happy. 

"Little sis guess what." Sarah said. 

"I don't like making guesses you know that very much. Just go straight to the point." Sofia said. 

"I have a boyfriend!" Sarah yelled in excitement. 

"So? This isn't the first time you've had a boyfriend." Sofia replied. 

"This is different" and I'm going to introduce you to him as my sister by tomorrow morning." Sarah said. 

"Wow, he must be very special because you have never formally introduced me to any of your ex's before" Sofia said. 

"Yeah, he is coming over tomorrow. "Sarah said. 

"That's nice." Sofia replied. 

"Won't you eat?" Sarah asked Sofia when she noticed Sofia going straight to her room. 

"I already ate with Mr Benson. I want to take my bath and sleep now." Sofia replied. 

"I really wish Mr Benson is our real father. Just look at the way he loves an cares for Sofia." Sarah thought to herself. 

The next morning... 

Sofia wakes up to the smell of bacon and eggs. 

"What a nice smell." Sofia said as her tommy rumbled. 

Sofia took her bath and wore her casual clothes. She didn't have work today because over there at the restaurant she works the waitresses take turns. 

Sofia entered the kitchen. 

Sarah smiled and said, my boyfriend is coming over so I have to do something special today. 

Sofia reaches for a bacon and Sarah slaps off her hand. 

"Have patience he will be hear soon. And he is coming over with a friend." Sarah said. 

"You never mentioned that. This better not be one of your hookup plans cause I'm not going to be part of it. 

A knock came to the door and Sarah goes to open it up. Red has already arrived. Sting looked Sarah eye to eye but decided to ignore her. 

"Welcome dear." Sarah said.