
Chapter fifteen

Sofia continues cleaning the guest rooms one by one. 

After ten minutes Sarah arrived. Sofia turns and looks at her. 

"Where have you been? You left all the work for me." Sofia asked. 

"Don't worry about that. I'm here now and that's what matters." Sarah replied and starts to work before Sofia could say anything. 

"Something is up with her. I'll have to find out as soon as possible. I don't like this part of her." Sofia said to herself. 


Gunshots are being fired to the air. 

"Open the safe!" Red yelled with a gun pointed to the head of their target. 

"Please don't do this to me. It's the only money I have." Their target pleaded. 

"Do we look like we care?! Open it now!" Sting said. 

The target opens the safe and Red tells the rest of the doom gang members to take everything. 

They are done taking the money and it is time to eliminate the man and his family.