
Serial killer diary

The boy who goes crazy after his mother dies and starts killing people who behave badly and after killing he records in his diary how he killed and why

HesimElizade · Horror
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2 Chs

Chapter 2-Ringing

Kane's death ceremony

Jae-Ah it would be bad if I didn't come here!

(After Kane's death, Kane's death was described as an accident)

Kane's mom - Are you Jae? Kane's friend from school.

Jae - (friend? pffft) yes aunt, I'm so sorry. She was right next to me, I couldn't help! He slipped and fell. I couldn't do anything, his death is my fault (he fake cry)

Kane's mom - don't blame yourself, we all know it's an accident. can't help it (cries and hugs jae)

Kane`s mom-kane how can i live without you now, your father died 2 years ago, now you're gone too

People talk amongs themselves - it feels so bad to lose a child at such a young age,poor girl,she is got hard time….

Kane's friends-Hey jae you did it you killed him! Even if everyone believes in you, we don't believe you, you murderer!

(Jae continues acting)-I didn't do anything.I tried to call for help as it fell into the water but there were no people around.I just wanted to strengthen my friendship with Kane.

Kane`s friend-liar,liarr!

Kane's mother yells-Enough! Fighting among you won't bring Kane back. Everybody shut up!

Kane`s friends-sorry aunt.

Jae-Aunt, I'm going home,againmy condolences


Death ceremony ends.

Jae -ahh i'm tired of acting, but i was sad to see her mom upset. Do I really did the right thing? jae's hand starts shaking) it's done , now nobody suspects me anyway.


Jae-(what the sound familiar

Jae's father-hey jae

jae-(that's my father – zoldyck. wait a minute, who's next to you?)

zoldyck's girlfriend- jae nice to meet you, I'm elena, zoldyck's girlfriend.

Jae-Nice to meet you too (what are you doing here, dishonest dad brought his girlfriend with him without being embarrassed) Dad, why are you here, why didn't you come to my mom's death ceremony?

Jae's father-I had work then and couldn't come anyway, you have papers to sign.

Jae- Is it time for paperwork?

Jae's father-Yes, it's important after Hilda dies, I'm thinking of selling the house you live in, then I'll buy you a new house and I'll take the remaining money anyway, the house is too big, the smaller house is more comfortable for you, don't worry, I will come to visit you from time to time.

jae-(he is angry)(what is he telling me, he decides to sell the house without answering) ok dad, I'll sign, but first I have something to get from the house. give me three days

Jae's dad-ok, but hurry up! let's go, elena.

(Jae says he will go home, but secretly follows his father)

Zoldyck-see you again, elena. I have to do the paperwork

Elena-okay baby, see you again

Jae-hmm, so they don't live together . anyway… (keeps following).what? wait a minute,here?!

Zoldyck makes his way to the brothel and 40 minutes later leaves the brothel with another girl.

Jae-I knew you were a scoundrel, but I didn't expect this much! first of all, what you did to my mom, now she's cheating on her girlfriend! (jae starts going crazy again) duchbag someone like you, doesn't deserve to live. İ will kill you for the sake of the world, you have to die.