
Serene and The Six Realms

Synopsis Princess Serene who belonged to Fae Realm had her life taken a 180-degree turn when she decided to join an institute full of vampires, werewolves, and witches. Being of Fae's kind, she attracted love and hatred from these creatures. But, the person who captured her heart was none of these three beings but an entirely different being..... Her world was basically divided into six realms: Fae (where fairies dwelled) Haxum (where witches and warlocks lived) Lycanus ( abode of werewolves) Wampir (where vampires were settled) Folkshel (where common or non-magical people lived) Dark ( where all kinds of mythical creatures and monsters lurked) Centuries ago her forefathers formed an alliance to deal with the threats posed by the Dark Realm. It was a horrid place where all kinds of mythical creatures and monsters lurked. They kept invading other realms so it was barricaded using a powerful boundary spell. But, after about 5 centuries of peace something evil was rising in the dark realm and everything in our world was about to change... .............. Excerpt So, that's what you believe? That your existence pains me? And that you are using me? Tell me, did you ever ask me to do something for you?" His voice seemed to be on the edge of being hurtful. I didn't know what to say to him and seemed tongue-tied. That feeling of hopelessness when you want to do something but you can't creep up on me. "You spoke with each other, determined my fate and decided whom I was supposed to love. At least let me choose the person I want to love. Have I asked you to love me back?" His words hit me like a tornado shattering my heart into millions of pieces. I couldn't understand why he wanted an unrequited love so much, which would only bring him heartbreak, over and over again. "Answer me, please." His tone was playing on the border of hurt and endurance. "No....you didn't." These were the only three words I could say to him, I wanted to say so much more but my whole body was trembling and my heart was racing so fast right now. I knew he could hear it. "Then let me be Serene, please let me be. You don't want me to bother you? I won't. I already keep my distance as you made that abundantly clear the last time. But, please don't take my will. Let me decide whom I want to love. And, one last thing: your existence is not a source of pain for me. Don't ever think like that again and stop letting others put words into your mouth." With these words, his gaze held mine for a brief moment. The agony in his eyes was indescribable, and then he swiftly turned around and left. *********** Take this journey with Fae Princess Serene to find out how she juggles life decisions. I hope all of you will enjoy reading my story. It's my first time writing a novel, so bear with me and support me. Vote for my book. Send a gift. Much appreciated. Thank you to all my lovely readers. Read my other novel as well and show your support to this newbie writer. That's called: "Elven Encounter With a Blood Seeker." ************ The book cover is mine.

Sunny_Shumail · Fantasy
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192 Chs

Chapter 13

Zeph's POV

I was confused. Did I do something wrong? Why did it feel like I was gonna be interrogated? I sat down opposite both of them.

"I am Artins Drugh, Vice Principal of this institute. I along with my father run this place. And, we decide who can join our prestigious institute. We prepare the best of " Slayers "(a term used for everyone who passes out from the institute ) our world has to offer. We are the harbingers of peace and our mission is to keep it at all costs." Artins addressed me in a very calm and collected manner.

Artins and Alexis looked so much alike. They were tall and strong but not muscular like werewolves. Both had dreadlocks and chocolate brown skin which seemed to shine. The most prominent feature was their glowing eyes, which were goldish yellow and almost glowed. It was mesmerising to look into their eyes as if one has been placed in a trance.

I had met Alexis before when I came to apply for the institute but this was the first time I was meeting his son. Both had the same authoritative unique aura about them but it wasn't cold. One felt warmth emanating from them.

"I understand, that's why I applied to this institute. But, I don't understand why I am here." I told him blandly.

"You showed immense talent during the entry test. It's not easy to defeat a werewolf and a monster like "Khidal". No one has defeated him so far. So, good job on that front. But what we really wanna know is where you got that sword?" he pointed towards my sword.

"It has been in my family for generations. My father inherited it from my grandfather and he did it from his father." I was a little taken aback by his question.

"Can I see it?" Artins extended his hand towards me. I handed him the sword.

He took it out of its holster and held it in his hand. Sword was forged using Cramum and rare black crystal. The Center part of the sword contained the crystals which gave it immense power. I didn't know many details yet but I had heard from my father that it was a rare sword and I must take care of it.

"Hmm, this is indeed one of the three rare black crystal swords to have ever been forged. Only three of them exist in the world. How did your family obtain it? I hope you people didn't steal it from a royal family," he said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

I was outraged at such an accusation. Since I belonged to a family of commoners. He believed we couldn't possess such a powerful sword. It was only meant for royals and powerful families.

"We may be poor but we are not thieves and we didn't steal it from anyone. You do realise our realm is known for forging weapons for all the realms. And, the only tree on which black crystals have bloomed exists in our realm. My family is in the business of forging weapons. My ancestor might have forged it," I replied rather angrily.

"My purpose is not to anger you Mr Zeph but we can't grant admission to someone who might be one. We have to be very careful when it comes to these things," he answered back.

"Well, if a royal had brought that sword with him. I don't think he would have been questioned like this. You are only questioning me because I don't belong to a prominent family. So, much for the integrity of this institute," I spat back.

"Oh! believe me, we don't consider colour, race, class or creed when it comes to our students. Everyone is equal here regardless of their background and will be treated equally. I will just need to run some background checks. The truth always comes to light. If you are speaking the truth you have nothing to worry about. But, if not then I am afraid we don't have any place for liars and thieves." He replied calmly while handing me my weapon back.

I just kept glaring at him. I could feel the heat radiating from my face because of how angry I was.

"Oh my! that was intense. Now now, no need to get angry little raven. Let's get you some refreshments. Mr Artins has a habit of going overboard sometimes." Shumal replied while approaching me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I took my sword from him and kept glaring. He kept looking back at me with his calm and collected demeanour. There was no sign of anger on his face.

"Come on now, let's go," Shumal kinda tried to drag me from my arm. I jerked my arm and freed it. "I can walk on my own."

"Sure sure," she stepped back and held up her hands. "Follow me, then," and we left the room.

She took me to the dining area. It had huge tables lined up with hundreds of chairs. On the far right corner table, I saw my companions. Ralph noticed me and started waving frantically as if he hadn't seen me for years. We headed for the table.

"Well, delinquents enjoy the meal and then you people can use the institute portal to head back. Hopefully will see you in two weeks." She left us to have our meal in peace.

"What did they want?" Ralph asked me once Shumal was gone.

"Nothing," I was too annoyed to talk about it and didn't want to say anything in front of others. Ralph seemed to take the cue and didn't press me further.

"Eat something," he nudged me and placed a plate in front of me with grilled meat. My stomach was growling so, I took a few bites.

Once we were done, we headed to the portal to make our head back home. It was located near the grounds where we had our test. It was a circular metal structure placed on a huge podium. Inside it seemed like made up of sea-green jelly. It was guarded by two guards.

We showed them our permission slips and they entered the designation on them. We then stepped in and Ralph blurted out: "Let's go, homeee."