

In a world where she felt utterly alone, a young girl's life took a surprising twist. After her father's passing, her mother vanished, leaving her without a soul to lean on. Just when it seemed like hope had abandoned her, destiny intervened. A chance encounter with a mysterious boy breathed new life into her existence. He became not just a friend, but the one true confidant she had longed for. As days turned into nights, the bonds of friendship deepened, evolving into a love they could no longer deny. Yet, their love story wasn't without its hurdles. Shadows from their pasts appearaed large, threatening to tear them apart. The question remained: Would fate guide them towards their dreams of happiness, or would it drag them through trials that tested the very limits of their love? In this tale of love and destiny, two souls navigated the treacherous waters of life, hoping that their love would ultimately lead them to the happiness they yearned for, and not leave them to endure suffering until the end of time.

MARYAMjk · Urban
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43 Chs


After Anna had left, Porsche couldn't get her out of his mind. He found himself thinking about her incessantly, longing to see her again soon. He was regretting not asking for her phone number, thinking, "If I had her number, I could ask if she has returned safely."

He wanted to hug her and ask her how she had been after all those suffering, after she was left alone and abondoned. 

The following day was Sunday, and Porsche had to leave for work. Every time he left his mother alone in Dehroi, he felt a pang of guilt and worry. He longed to settle down in the city with her, but finding a suitable apartment to rent would take some time. Still, he was determined to save money for that purpose. He had already saved some from a few part-time jobs he had taken up in the past. Continuing his studies after his father's death had been impossible.

As he left for work on that Sunday morning, he made a decision. He would visit Anna at the store where she worked. When he arrived and greeted her, he surprised Anna by suggesting, "Hello! Let's go for lunch."

Anna was taken aback and asked, "What are you doing here? How did you know I worked here?"

Porsche tried to explain, "It's just a coincidence."

Anna, with a hint of sarcasm, replied, "Oh really?"

Porsche grinned and said, "Well, it's a good thing it happened, isn't it?"

Anna, still surprised by his presence, inquired, "Anyways, what are you doing here on Sunday? Shouldn't you be at work?"

Porsche explained, "I took a break to have lunch with you, my friend."

Anna retorted, "Who said we are friends?"

Porsche, looking deeply into her eyes, asked, "Then what are we?"

Anna chose to ignore his question with an eye roll. Instead, Porsche stayed at the store for about 15 minutes, helping Anna with the customers. Afterward, they both left for lunch at a nearby restaurant.

As they sat at the restaurant, waiting for their order to arrive, Porsche couldn't help but take a deep look at Anna. Thoughts swirled in his mind as he observed her, and he couldn't help but think, "She still looks the same."

The backstory sheds light on the lives of Anna and Porsche, revealing their deep connection from childhood and the tragic events that shaped their paths:

 Anna came from a wealthy family in Dreake, known for her lovely looks and cheerful personality. She was the beloved child of her neighborhood, cherished by her father and adored by friends. Among those friends was Porsche, known as Den back then, who was three years older than Anna. Den had a special place in his heart for Anna, always protecting and admiring her. Even as a child, he looked at her with love and devotion, and their bond was unbreakable.

 At the age of seven, Anna witnessed a horrifying tragedy when her father was killed by his own brother due to greed. This traumatic event pushed her into a coma, and she fought for her life in the hospital for a week. When she finally recovered, she had lost some memories, including her friendship with Porsche. Her mother also abandoned her for her lover, leaving Anna with only her uncle, her mother's brother, who cared for her. Anna was raised with love and affection, always treating others kindly.

 Porsche learned of Anna's father's passing late, and when he rushed to the hospital, she had already left. He searched for her tirelessly but was unable to find her. Tragedy struck his life again when he lost his own father at the age of 12, leaving him with the immense responsibility of caring for his autistic mother.


As they sat together at the restaurant, Porsche couldn't help but feel a strong desire to embrace Anna, to share with her the bond they once had. However, he didn't want to remind her of the suffering she had endured by disclosing his true identity. They were once great friends, but now they were more like strangers on the brink of rekindling their friendship in the present.

Porsche's heart was burdened with a deep and lingering regret. He carried the weight of not being there for Anna when she needed him the most during the darkest chapter of her life. The memory of not being able to protect his beloved childhood friend haunted him. He wished he could have somehow prevented the tragic events that had torn Anna's world apart, and he longed to make amends for the time they had lost.

Should Porsche be given a chance to make Anna's life colorfull ?

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