
Indecisive Love

The morning light seeped into the room, casting a soft glow across the space, while the gentle rustle of the wind filtered through the slightly ajar window.

Though the sun was rising, the remnants of last night's rain still lingered, leaving the day draped in a subdued, cloudy ambience.

In the midst of this tranquil scene, the sudden trill of the phone shattered the silence, jolting Anna from her slumber. With a hoarse voice, she grumbled into the receiver, "Ah, who is it?"

On the other end, Taylor's concerned voice broke through the fog of sleep, "Anna, were you sleeping?" 

"Yeah, I guess I was," Anna replied, still groggy from her abrupt awakening.

"Um, I was thinking if we could go for a walk because today we'll be going for hiking," Taylor suggested, his eagerness palpable even through the phone line.

Anna's response was hesitant, "Taylor, I don't think I can come right now."

A note of worry crept into Taylor's voice as he asked, "Why? Did something happen?"

Anna hesitated, struggling to find the right words, "No, it's just a headache, actually."

Without waiting for her reply, Taylor swiftly assured her, "I'll bring you the best pills for a headache. I'll be there in five minutes."

Anna attempted to interject, but the call ended before she could utter another word.

Startled, she quickly got out of bed, rushing to the washroom to freshen up and check her disheveled appearance after her sudden awakening.

A light rap at the door brought Anna out of the washroom, her face still moist from her hasty cleansing.

As she opened the door, she was met with Taylor's earnest gaze and a whole bottle of pills clutched in his hand. "Good morning, Anna," he greeted her with a warm smile.

Anna's initial surprise melted into a soft smile as she responded, "Hey, good morning. You didn't have to come all the way here."

"I thought it was my responsibility to give you these. I'm sorry if I bothered you with my actions," Taylor explained, his words tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Anna attempted to assuage his concerns, saying, "No, it's really not like how you think. I just... forget it."

Sensing the lingering awkwardness, Taylor suggested, "Um, would you mind if I come in?"

Anna's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by his request. "Ah, uh, yeah, of course," she replied, opening the door wider to allow Taylor entry. He stepped inside, scanning the room with a discerning eye before making his way to the balcony.

As the two of them stood in the room, Taylor remarked, "Yours is cozy." He then strolled over to the balcony, taking in the view beyond. Anna, feeling a bit out of her depth, attempted to break the tension. "Do you want some coffee?" she asked.

Taylor turned to look at her, his expression expectant, "I'd like having it with you."

Nodding in agreement, Anna called the hotel staff, requesting, "I'd like to order a coffee, please."

Taylor appeared a bit puzzled by her order, inquiring, "Why only one?"

Anna offered a strained smile, replying, "Um, I don't feel like having it."

Taylor nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze still lingering on her with an air of understanding mingled with confusion.

As Anna sorted through her clothes for the hike, Taylor remained seated on the balcony, basking in the early morning sunlight.

Suddenly, there came a sharp knock at the door. Anna made a move to answer it, but Taylor intercepted her, insisting, "I'll go and get the coffee."

Taylor swiftly crossed the room and opened the door, anticipating the arrival of his coffee.

His cheerful expression froze as he found Porsche standing before him.

Both men locked eyes, neither expecting to encounter the other in this particular moment.

Porsche's wounded gaze bore into Taylor, silently communicating a tumult of emotions.

His heart twisted at the sight of Taylor standing at Anna's door.

Despite the tension, Taylor managed a polite smile, breaking the silence with a simple introduction, "Anna, it's Porsche."

Time seemed to come to a standstill as the two men continued to scrutinize each other, their unspoken thoughts and feelings hanging heavy in the air.

Meanwhile, Anna, taken aback by Porsche's unexpected appearance, felt her heart rate quicken in her chest as she turned her attention to the door.

Porsche stood there, holding a small bag in his hand, his gaze downcast.

Taking a step forward, Anna approached Porsche, her eyes fixed on him, her mind racing to comprehend the situation at hand.

Porsche spoke in a soft, almost faltering voice, "Here, thi-this bag. You left it that day in the courtyard, so I-I took it."

Anna reached for the bag, her fingers trembling slightly as she accepted it.

Porsche's downcast gaze remained fixed on the ground, his emotions kept carefully guarded beneath a fragile veneer of composure.

Porsche had turned to leave, his heart heavy with unspoken emotions, when a stewardess arrived with a tray of coffee for Anna's room.

Sensing the tension, Taylor quickly stepped forward, politely interjecting, "Let me get my coffee, guys," as he smoothly navigated his way between Anna and Porsche, proceeding to retrieve his drink.

Just as Porsche was about to depart, Anna's voice, tinged with a subtle plea, called out to him, "Porsche!" He halted in his steps, turning to face Anna, who gently implored, "You can join us." Porsche hesitated for a moment, the conflicting emotions swirling within him palpable on his face, before softly declining, "No, I-I think I'd better go. You guys enjoy. I have to get ready."

Taylor, always one to bridge the gap, chimed in, "Oh yes, we'll be leaving in an hour." Porsche nodded in acknowledgment, his silence masking the tumult of feelings raging within.

As he moved to depart, his ears caught Taylor's light-hearted comment to Anna, "You should get ready for the hike, even though you look pretty as it is." The words pricked at Porsche's simmering frustration and jealousy, stoking the flames of his inner turmoil.

Taylor lingered in Anna's room for another twenty minutes before excusing himself to prepare for the day.

Together, they made their way to the bus depot, where they encountered Wennes and Ken.

Anna exchanged warm greetings with them, but Porsche kept his distance, the tension between them palpable to those observant enough to notice.

As they settled into their seats on the bus, Anna chose to sit beside Taylor, a choice that didn't go unnoticed by Ken and Wennes.

Their eyes flickered with concern as they glanced over at Porsche, only to find him seemingly unaffected, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside.

The atmosphere was fraught with unspoken sentiments, each member of the group grappling with their own inner conflicts.

Anna remained quiet throughout the bus journey, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of Porsche.

She stole a glance back at him, only to find him already looking at her.

Their eye contact was filled with unspoken emotions, leaving them both flustered, prompting them to look away hastily.

Ken, sitting beside Porsche, silently observed the exchange, his concern growing more palpable.

Fifteen minutes later, the bus arrived at the hiking trail.

As they disembarked, the tour guide provided a brief explanation of the trail's details.

"It will take us approximately two hours to reach the top," he explained. "The path can be a bit rocky at certain points, so please exercise caution as you hike."

The group set off on the trail, with Anna walking silently alongside Taylor.

Ken and Wennes followed closely behind, and Porsche trailed at the rear, keeping his distance from the rest of the group. 

The group trekked along the rocky terrain, immersed in conversation and the surrounding natural beauty.

Wennes, troubled by the palpable tension between Anna and Porsche, quietly approached Anna, her voice a mere murmur as she expressed her concern.

"Anna, what are you doing?" she whispered, her words almost lost amidst the rustle of leaves and the distant call of birds.

Confused by the question, Anna turned toward Wennes, her own worries etched onto her features. "What do you mean?" she asked softly, her voice carrying a touch of apprehension.

Wennes leaned in closer, ensuring their conversation remained private. "You're hurting Porsche," she gently cautioned.

Anna's grip tightened on Wennes' hand, her gaze drifting momentarily toward Porsche before returning to Wennes.

Her reply was filled with a mixture of pain and frustration. "It's not only him who's getting hurt, Wennes," she confided. "He's the one who pushed me away."

Wennes interjected, her voice laced with concern. "Anna, I told you that you need to mend your friendship."

Wennes interjected, her voice laced with concern. "Anna, I told you that you need to mend your friendship."

Anna's reply was swift, her words filled with determination. "Wennes, I went to him seeking his attention, trying to understand what I did wrong, trying to comprehend his troubled feelings.

But he refused to see me. What I'm doing now is giving him the space to figure out his thoughts," she explained, her tone tinged with a sense of resignation.

Wennes nodded, her understanding of the situation evident, but she couldn't help but warn Anna of the potential consequences. "Remember, my child, that the space you're providing might only serve to drive you further apart," she cautioned, her voice gentle yet firm.

As the terrain grew more challenging, each member of the group proceeded with caution, carefully navigating the increasingly steep slope.

Ken, attentive to Wennes' every step, walked closely behind her, ready to lend a helping hand if needed.

Wennes, despite her pregnancy, displayed a remarkable proficiency in hiking, having engaged in the activity frequently.

Anna, unfamiliar with the rigors of hiking, found the journey somewhat arduous.

Taylor, ever the playful companion, maintained a lighthearted atmosphere, engaging in banter with Anna and playfully nudging her along the path.

His jovial antics, however, elicited a sense of irritation from Porsche, who observed the interaction from a slight distance, his gaze fixed intently on Anna, concern etched on his features.

As they approached the flatter stretch of the trail, another playful nudge from Taylor threatened to send Anna tumbling down the steep slope.

However, this time, Porsche was like a bolt of lightning, racing to her rescue. He managed to break her fall, but the momentum sent them both crashing to the ground.

The sudden mishap incited panic within the group, with Ken, Wennes, and Taylor particularly alarmed.

Ken hurried to Anna's side, assisting her in getting up from her position on Porsche's body.

Porsche, on the other hand, had borne the brunt of the fall, smacking his head on the ground quite hard.

Anna, consumed by worry for Porsche, instantly examined his head for any signs of injury.

Ken, being the voice of reason, helped Porsche to sit up.

Anna's concern was palpable as she covered Porsche's head with her bare hands, gently rubbing it to ensure there were no wounds. Thankfully, there appeared to be no visible harm.

With her arms wrapped protectively around Porsche's head, Anna continued to ask with deep concern, "Porsche, are you alright?" Her voice trembled with fear, and she refused to let go, offering him her comfort and support.

Ken joined in, inquiring, "Porsche, are you okay?" Porsche, though hidden by Anna's embrace, managed to nod slightly, his face buried in her protective hold, as he struggled to deal with the aftermath of the accident.

Taylor, laden with guilt for the unintended consequences of his jest, approached from behind and humbly apologized, stammering, "Ah, I-I'm sorry, Anna. I didn't mean to-"


Porsche's hand made contact with Taylor's cheek. The force of the blow startled everyone, leaving a stunned silence in its wake.

I really want to see Anna and porsche having a happy moment together. cries*

MARYAMjkcreators' thoughts