
~Chapter 12~

Aera's POV:

It's been a week since I've been staying at the band's mansion. Everyone agreed to me living here for as long as I need, but Namgi had one condition: I must stay inside and make sure no one sees me since their manager won't agree with me being here for so long. The guys talked to the staff and helped me get a job there as their make-up artist, which I am really excited for. I've already been to BigHit twice to do some training and sign some documents and they said I will start working when they will have their next public appearance, which is their concert in Japan. Jacob stopped calling after a few days, and I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing, since whenever he's silent it means that he's up to something.. but I'll just let it slide for now.

I haven't been to my old apartment yet, though I literally begged Jihun to let me go since I want my stuff back, but to no avail. He said he won't let me go alone, but he couldn't go with me either since he's so busy practicing. I borrowed some of his clothes and he also gave me a pack of new underwear that was to small for him.. Yeah, I'm wearing men's underwear, but I admit they're quite comfy.

My wound is almost healed and I'm feeling much better thanks to these seven great men. I've grown really fond of them and I am so grateful that I get to know them for who they really are.

Seokju is the caring type of person, he's the fatherly figure of the group and a real gentleman, but sometimes he acts like he's the youngest.. he jokes a lot and messes around making everyone laugh with his dry humor.

Yoongjae seemed really shy and introverted at first, but in reality he has a really bubbly and silly personality.. he really loves attention even though he plays the tough guy and he spends a lot of time in his studio, he's also really smart and good at giving advices.

Namgi is just this tall and clumsy child, he breaks things almost every day and acts like he's innocent. Aside from that he's a really good leader, he keeps all the other members grounded and they respect him a lot. He's kind of intimidating when he's scolding them, but they love him nonetheless.

Hosung is a literal rainbow. He lightens the mood just by entering the room and he has this energizing aura around him. Whenever one of the guys is tired or sad one hug from him fixes everything, he's like a human charger. He's also really attentive, calm and patient.. not to mention he's dancing almost 24/7.

Taeyong is a really delicate and emotional guy. He seems so fragile to the point that you're afraid you'll brake him. He's really sweet, cuddly and compassionate, he loves old things but doesn't like new people, he's a really good judge of personality.. fortunately, I passed his vibe check. Actually he's the one that I became closest to besides Jihun.

Junghoon is the hardworking type of person. He's really tenacious and doesn't give up until everything is perfect. He also likes to make fun of his hyungs all the time, but not in the mean type of way. And let's not forget that he's the only one of the group that has a girlfriend, and he's completely smitten with her.. I've never got to meet her, but I can tell that she's treating him well.

And then, there's Jihun... He's mostly the same way he was in school, his caring heart, his sillyness, his sassyness. But there's also this new side of him.. the confident one, the one that isn't afraid to show his emotions. He went from wanting to be a tough and masculine figure to being elegant, stylish, unique, sexy, flirtatious and the list goes on. He's so effortlessly hot... the way he runs his hand through his hair all the time, or the way he pouts his plump lips when he's sad, the way he manspreads when he sits on the couch, and the way he stretches his neck when he's tired... damn, I could go on forever. I don't even know why I noticed all this things. At first I thought it was because I am an army, and you know.. sometimes I fangirl over them too even if I basically live with them. Then I thought maybe it's because we've grown much closer to each other this past week, but now I'm not so sure. All I know is that Jihun makes me feel a certain type of way, and I don't know why... or maybe I do know, but I'm too scared to admit it.

Narrator's POV:

It's Sunday evening and Aera, Jihun, Seokju and Taeyong all gathered in Jihun's room. They were sitting on the bed playing uno since they finally had a break from practicing. Jihun won first so he let the other three to continue the game while he checked his phone.

"Aaahhhh it's not faaiiir!!" Tae whined after Seokju and Aera finished their cards as well.

"Come on Tae, it's not our fault you're not good at this, stop being a baby." The older said while mixing the cards to play another round.

"That's not true! You're always cheating! I know it!" Tae started to jump on the bed frustrated.

"Yaaah! Who are you accusing of cheating?" The older sat up.

Aera and Jihun were laughing at the two boys who started wrestling, when the girl felt a sharp pain in her lower stomach. Her eyes widened and she gasped when she realized that her underwear and pants were getting wet.

"Shit.. Guys, stop moving!"

"What? Why?" Taeyong asked giggling from Seokju's tickles.

"Just stop moving please!"

"Are you alright?" Jihun sat up concerned.

"Yeah.. uhmm, I know this is weird but can you please get out of the room for a b-bit?"


"Just.. get out and wait by the door please.. al three of you."

The boys saw her uncomfortable expression and they all exited the room confused.

As soon as she was alone Aera sat up and looked at the spot she was sitting on.

"Fuck!" She whispered to herself when she saw that the white duvet was now red. She quickly sat back down on the stain and cursed herself in her mind for not being able to predict this. She ran her hands through her long red locks thinking of a way out of this embarrassing situation without having to tell anyone.. but she couldn't find anything.

"Jihun-ah.. can you come inside? Just you alone please!"

"What's wrong?" The boy looked at her confused.

"I-...uhm.. God this is s-so embarrassing!"

"Yah, you're scaring me, just tell me what happened"

"I stained your duvet..."

"Is that it? It's just soda, I'll-"

She interrupted him

"No I didn't spill soda on it... It's b-blood....."

He widened his eyes and a few seconds later his expression became one of realisation.

"Oohh.. So you got uhm...You know, you're on your.." He made a weird gesture with his hands on his lower abdomen and she giggled.

"Yeah I'm on my period.."

"Well come on then, I'll help you go to your room" He reached his arm to help her get off the bed but she stopped him.

"No wait! I don't want you to see it!"

He sighed and went closer. He grabbed every corner of the duvet and wrapped them around her.

"You look like a dumpling" he smiled and picked her up and she gasped at his sudden gesture.

He exited the room with Aera in his arms and Seokju and Taeyong looked at them baffled.

"What's going on?" Seokju asked

"Aera got her period"

"JIHUN!!" She slapped him on the chest and hid her face in the crook of his neck trying to cover up her red embarrassed face.

He took her to her bathroom, gently placed her on the toilet seat and then went to the bathtub.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Turning on the water so you can take a hot bath.. Does it hurt?"


"Your stomach..."

"O-oh.. Yeah, a bit."

"I'm gonna bring you some clean clothes and a painkiller.. Do you have.. uh, period stuff orr should I go buy you some?"

She looked at him in amazement.. no one ever did this for her. He was willing to go and buy menstrual products.. him, Park Jihun, the international hot and famous idol was going to buy her tampons without a second thought.


"Oh, sorry I zoned out.. that would be great, thank you so much!" Her eyes were filled with admiration and gratefulness for the boy.

He exited the bathroom and came back a minute later with clean clothes, a pill and a glass of water. She quickly swallowed the pain killer hoping the stinging feeling in her stomach would go away faster.

"Hosung hyung left to the store to get you what you need."

"W-What? You told him too?" She choked on the water.

"Mmm, but don't worry.. he offered to go. You know he has an older sister so he knows these kind of things." He reassured her with a smile. "Now don't worry about a thing and relax ok? I'll tell hyung to leave your stuff at the door"

"Ok, thanks a lot Jihun-ah"

"Don't worry about it." He kissed the top of her head and left, leaving her a blushing mess.

Aera's Pov:

I take off my clothes and put them in the washing machine along with the duvet I had around me. I step into the bathtub and let the hot water erase all of my thoughts. It felt so good.. it felt like..home. After 20 minutes or so a knock on the door startles me.

"Who is it?"

"It's Hosung.. I uhh.. I bought you what I remembered my big sister used, I hope it's enough." He said in a doubtful voice.

"Thank you so much! You can leave it at the door."

"Alright, come downstairs when you're finished."

I heard my bedroom's door close and I stand up from the water putting a towel around me. I open the bathroom door and look at the quite big bag on the floor.

"Aish, why did he buy so many things?"

5 minutes later

After I finished dressing myself, I went downstairs to find Namgi and Seokju bickering in the kitchen.

"Yahh! I said put whippedcream on the pancakes, not on every damn thing in the kitchen!"

"It's not my fault the tube exploded!" Namgi said with white cream splashed all over him.

"Guys? What are you doing?" I asked giggling.


A/N: Hello to all my fellow readers! I'm sorry I took so long to update, life has been hard, but I hope this longer chapter will make up for it! Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it! Don't hesitate to comment or review, I love you all! <3