
Serendipity: The Unknown Event

Sahil_2254 · Sci-fi
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8 Chs


This is space unknown, unexplained, unexplored and undetected but still the most common thing in the existence. And similar to how everything changes sometimes in the most unexpected way, that's what happened there too…..there on Earth, no the galaxy no the ..... well no-one was sure what, where and how it happened, but something did happen something strange, something no-one was prepared for, something no one ever saw coming, and something that saw humans both the versatility of nature and hopelessness towards it.

On the year 2167, everything was fine but suddenly whole sky got filled with a large and intense flash of light, the light was so bright that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to compare it to a super nova. And then suddenly, there was a large planet beside ours , the planet was so big that even Jupiter couldn't compare to it. Everyone around the world was terrified by this event, their was only terror in there eyes.