
Serendipity: The Unknown Event

Sahil_2254 · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 : Arrival of the Unknown

As he was returning from the washroom he saw everyone seeing at the sky, so he lifts his head to see what's up there and there he saw.....

A large group of UFOs were coming, everyone was holding their breath as the UFO was landing, as soon as they landed a voice from the UFO came, stating, "Everyone we are not here for any harm or trouble, we are here to help you, as you could see this place won't be safe for too long please come in the UFO we will take you to a safer place"

These words divide the into 3 parts , first were those who accepted that as they didn't say any other option, second who wanted more details and third who straight up refused and stated that it is a trap. But it seemed like they were prepared for this , they just started evacuation of people and ignored those who refused.

Vibhanu got thrown into a UFO due to the crowd's movement and have to stay there. He saw a man who seemed to be someone who works there, " Sir, I think my parents are outside, could I go to them", he saw his face and then bent on his knees and said " Hey you see there's a big crowd outside and I think they will be on another plane, don't worry when we go out we could search them", "So when are we going to search for them?" Vibhanu asked, then the man with a sweet smile on his face said," Don't worry, till day after tomorrow's morning we would have reached our destination and then after a small ceremony I will search for your parents with you". After this the man asked for his parents name and their physical classifications so that he could try searching for them