
The Intentions

Lucas was typing away on his computer when he heard a loud bang near Ezekiel's office. He flinched at the noise and stood up to take a look outside.

"Ms. Yao, what was that?"

Yao, one of the lady receptionists, looked at him sheepishly and sighed.

"Oh, that's just Mr. Lin and Mr. Ming. They were talking."

Lucas's lips formed an "O" as he slowly nodded. Yao nodded in return and resumed typing on her computer.

Just as Lucas was about to return to his desk, another loud bang came from Rex's office. 

This caused him to look over to the door with concerned eyes but that was when he heard Lia sighing.

"There goes another vase. We should contact Ek-ya for another vase."

Yao giggled before noticing the stunned look on Lucas's face.

"Ah, well. That tends to usually happen whenever Mr. Ming is around. It has become a kind of regular occurrence for all of us. I was as shocked as you are on my first day."

Lucas nodded in understanding, though his mind was like a haywire circling at full speed. As he stood there, overthinking things, he saw Ezekiel walk out of the room with a tired look on his face.

"Good morning, Mr. Wang."

Lia greeted, mockery evident in her tone.

Ezekiel shot a glare at her while she chuckled and grabbed the phone, assumingly to call Ek-ya for a new vase they were talking about earlier.

Ezekiel was leaning beside his office door when he noticed Lucas staring at him with deep curiosity in his eyes.

"What? Just ask already."

Lucas blinked, and a light tint of red appeared on his cheeks. He lowered his head in embarrassment, and cleared his throat before looking back at Ezekiel.

"What's their history?"

Ezekiel sighed, gesturing for Lucas to follow him into the room. Lucas followed and sat at the edge of his desk, waiting for Ezekiel to explain.

"Well, Mr. Lin and Mr. Min were actually cousins."

Lucas nodded in understanding.

He knew that already since Rex already mentioned it when he talked about the mysterious call yesterday.

"They used to date back in junior high but broke up when they discovered that they were cousins."

Lucas felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest. 

Date?! They used to date?! What in the Sweet Home Alabama is this shit?!

Ezekiel studied Lucas's shocked face and shook his head. Even he was shocked when he learned about it for the first time and had the same expression as Lucas back then.

It's very uncommon in their country to hear any news about both male dating, let alone between cousins.

Ezekiel hadn't expected any of it.

"Yeah, and their break up was peaceful, not that we expect any drama out of it. They were still young at that time, so yeah."

A tense silence filled the room, embracing the weight of revelation. Lucas heaved a deep sigh while silently screaming inside.

Ezekiel cleared his throat, snapping Lucas out of his thoughts. 

"Any more questions?"

Lucas opened his mouth but couldn't find any words. He only shook his head as an answer.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel closed his lips, cleared his throat and shook his head after answering Lucas's query since he didn't trust the fellow's mouth.

"Okay, good. Now, let's get back to work."

Lucas could only nod as he slowly processed the sudden revelations.

He still couldn't believe that Rex and Mr. Min were involved in something as scandalous as this. Sitting in his chair, he stared blankly at his laptop, unsure of what to do next.

Ezekiel watched him and tried not to snicker a laugh while shaking his head and went back to his work. 

This would be a very long day.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the hall, inside Rex's office, a frustrated Rex was massaging his temples, sighing deeply into oblivion.

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but stop."

A snickering chuckle answered his words, as he looked up at its source.

"Look, dude. I don't have anything against it, you can have anyone you want. You can date anyone you want. But, I just can't wrap my head around as to why Lucas Huang?"

Rex shot him a deadly glare with a serious expression. If only looks could kill, Hunter would be dead by now. 

Hunter raised both of his hands up high in surrender and chuckled after seeing Rex's face.

"Oh come on, don't be so mad. You deserve to be happy, we all want that for you. But, I just want to know your true intentions for keeping him here."

Rex sighed, lowered his head and thought for a second. In all honesty, Rex, himself, wasn't entirely sure why he had given Lucas a position in his company.

Sure, he pitied Lucas for what happened to him—born into a rich family, loved by his parents and peers, only to be kicked out of his home and out of the family just after one mistake.

He looked at Hunter with a pensive expression, prompting a grumble from Hunter, who later on sighed in frustration.

"Really? Nothing?"

Rex remained silent, unable to find the right word that would come out of his mouth.

"So, you just decided to give him a position in the company, but do not get any benefit in return? Have you lost your mind?"

Rex sighed, stood up from his desk and stared out of the window.

"Son of a bitch. So, you aren't entirely joking. Do your parents even know what's going on?"

The question made Rex turn and glare at Hunter.

"Don't you dare to mention anything to my parents. Wait until I have sorted everything out first."

Hunter tittered. 


Rex sat at the edge of his desk, trying to gather all his thoughts, searching for either an excuse or a reason to give Hunter for why he had allowed Lucas to work in the company.

Silence hung between them as Hunter looked at his cousin with concern, while Rex stared at the ground, pondering for reasons.

After a few minutes of deafening silence, Hunter decided that Rex's silence was enough of an answer and nodded to himself.

"Well, if that will be all, cousin. I'm afraid I will need to go back to my company before those hooligans ruin everything I have managed to salvage. See you around, Rex."

Hunter bowed to Rex slightly and was about to open the door when Rex finally spoke.

"Fine. I'll tell you my reason."

"Never give up on a dream that you've been chasing all your life." -- Park Jimin, BTS

ManangBerthacreators' thoughts