
He is Pretty

Trident's anniversary celebration went on for hours and the live music and entertainment were spectacular. The spacious hall was decorated elegantly and was brightly lit. Food tables were on the right and it was filled with delicious canapes, snacks, and dessert. Waiters flocked everywhere with trays on their hand to serve drinks to the guests.

The employees were very satisfied. Compared to their previous anniversaries, this time was a huge celebration because they finally got to see their big boss. And on top of that, their company will be facing a big change because of the partnership.

Together with Alexander, Samantha met with some of their investors and old clients. There were only very few who knew her because of her father; the others weren't aware that she was the young miss of the Kim family.

Her smile had been frozen on her face that her facial muscles started to hurt. She stepped aside and went over to her family which was seated not very far from the stage.