

It was an easy plan. So-to-say, specially for an assassin of her stature. She had one mission and that was-- to make the Paxley brothers fall in love with her.

'This would be easy' Lesley thought, a skilled assassin like her wouldn't fret messing up the job. She'd just get in and get out. 'Plus, they're mages, how hard could this be?'

She had an irresistible face and body, a sweet talking mouth. She had it all and specially a heart full of vengeance.

She took a notebook, being a child-at-heart she was. She wrote her plan down. Grabbing the quill and ink, she put down the words:

'Kill the Paxley's, and those who stand in my way'

"Just get in and out Les, that's all." Lesley murmured, breathing in-and-out, completely frightened but confident in her task. "You can do this." She smiled sadly, having to leave her family again.

She clung to her pen harder. Fear, Anger, Sadness filling her mind.

"Hey what's wrong?" A concerned filled voice asked, which Lesley presumed to be her brother (who seemed to be popping with sudden timing).

"The plan." Lesley frowned, as she explained, "I don't want to leave you guys."

"Me too sis, please don't leave." He begged, tears showing up at the corner of his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Still opposed to the idea, Harley insisted, "I don't think you should go sis, I think it's a bad idea."

"Come on, you've seen what they did to my hometown and my father. You know I have to do this." Lesley frowned, sad that her brother didn't completely support her.

"But please, what if you get hurt?"

"What if I won't?"

Frowning, Harley told her all the possibilities that could happen. Listing them one by one, from the best and worst outcome. Harley kept on talking till dawn arrived, which by the way, bored the hell out of Lesley. Although she was quite amused and happy that her brother could speak and care about her so much, even after just knowing her.

"You do know it's dawn right?" Lesley giggled.

Harley once again frowned, as he was laughed at by her sister. In all honesty, as much as he made it seem that he hated being teased, he--on the inside-- loved it.

However, happy moments don't last. For Harley's sister still had a task.

"You're still going right?..." Harley sighed, grabbing his sister's hands. "I know I may not change your mind but... please don't go. Please."

"But you know I have to. It's for my father."

Looking down, he requested, "At least tell father and mother."

"Of course I will." Lesley assured as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

The two hugged it out, it was a sweet moment until--

"Tell us what?"

Shocked at her father's voice, she stuttered, "Mother, father! I...I"

"She's leaving." Harley explained kindly, "She wants to avenge her father."

Her mother was surprised and begged her not to go but her father was kind and understanding. "You've already avenged your father but if it's justice you seek, then you shall have it."

It was true, she wanted justice for her father. After every thing that's happened to her, every joyous thing. She had lost it all in minutes. And that needed justice. What happened to her, she didn't deserve. And her new father understood that.

"Thank you father." Lesley said gratefully.

As for Mrs. Vance, she was in complete and utter disagreement. "Please, I disagree. Please don't go, dear!"

"Mother, it's for him. I have to." Lesley pleaded, hoping to get her mother's approval.

Mrs. Vance looked down, 'I only met you a few days ago but I don't want to lose you'. She thought.

"I...I don't know..." She said sadly, as she walked away from the scene.

Truth be told, even if Mrs. Vance had only met Lesley for a couple of days, she already treated her as if she was her own. She developed a love for the lady.

As they watched her fading silhouette, Harley turned to Lesley. Tears brimming his eyes, once again. He too had developed a certain fondness for his new-found sister. "Sis, I may not agree on you with this. But... I always got your back."

Lesley nodded in acknowledgment flashing his brother a peace sign and a lopsided grin. Which the action, caused the smaller male to blush.

Harley smiled and giggled, "~Wahh, you tease!" As he proceeded to chase his sister around the manor.

However, Lesley was skilled in escaping and not being seen so this game of tag could've been one-sided. Keyword: "could've". As much as Lesley was skilled in it, it seems popping in the right places was Harley's skill.

He tugged on her hair and shouted, "~Gotcha!"

"You two, I need to speak to your sister, Harley." Mr. Vance's baritone voice spoke.

'Oh crap, am I in trouble, Oh god. What did I do, I hope I didn't do something. Did I do something-' Lesley's internal monologue had been cut off when she was hit with the realization that Harley was gone and that her father had now been coughing to get her attention.

"How do you plan on doing this, Lesley?" He questioned.

"I'll make them fall in love with me Papa." Lesley explained, "Then I'll take their lives."

"That seems like a hard plan, don't you think?" Mr. Vance suggested, matter-of-factly.

"Why so father?" Lesley asked confused, did his father not trust him? "Don't you trust me father?"

"There are two possibilities, my dear flower."

"What is it papa?" Still confused, she tilted her head like a kid, awaiting her father's answer.

"Well, that could happen..." He paused before continuing, "Or you could fall in love with one of them."