
Serendipity's Admiration

"Admiring you was the greatest serendipity." When Rachel Spencer realize that her life could be on the run, Alexander Morgan offers to give Rachel extra protection, in which he knew she wouldn't fully decline despite her not wanting to trouble him. Little did she know, that Alex could even help her reveal more mysteries around her, including the ones they've never seen coming.

allen_stories · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day...

Rachel's POV....

After having breakfast with my mom, I start to do the dirty dishes since I still have some spare time before Alex arrives.

After I finished with dishes, I was about to check my bag and when I hear a loud honk coming from outside.

"Who is that?" ask my mom.

The thought of Alex suddenly came across my mind. I let out a sigh. "Just my friend who promised to pick me up."

"Ah ok," says mom. "Is he your boyfriend?"

"No. We literally just met at college," I say. "I gotta go now. Bye mom!"

I grab my blue bag from the living room and walk out of the door to see a black car parked in front of my house. The car window slolwy opens as Alex gives me a sassy wink.

"Good morning, Gorgeous!" says Alex with a bright smile.

I roll my eyes at his cheesy greeting.

"Yeah, good morning," I say as I open the car door to enter and sit next to him.

"So did you sleep well last night?" Alex ask as he keeps his vision on the road as he drives.

"Yes," I say. "How about you?" I ask him as I glance at him.

"Good," says Alex. "In fact I actually slept better last night than before. You want to know why?"

"Why?" I ask with curiousity.

"Well, my bed kinda smells like roses now," says Alex as he turns to face me for a second and gives me a quick wink.

What the hell? I thought after hearing his cheesy statement. He couldn't be talking about my perfume right? Yes, I use rose perfume at some points, but did it really made his bed smell like roses? Maybe he's just messing with me.

"Really?" I ask.

"Well yes," says Alex with a small laugh.

This boy can be so playful at times.

I thought.

Meanwhile, at the boys' house...

Nate and Jack are working out together in the work out room while Liam is busy sorting out some files in the office room.

"23, 24, 25..." Nate continues to count as he lifts some dumbbells.

"So Chad says that he'll be having his little meeting with us next week," says Jack as he continues to do sit-ups.

"So he's coming to New York next week?" Nate ask.

"Yes, along with the others, and Crystal," says Jack. "He also said that there's gonna be a little party."

"Ohh..sounds interesting," says Nate.

The two guys continue with their work out for an hour before getting themselves cleaned up with a nice shower.

At Weston University...

Rachel's POV...

"So you just quit your job? Again?" Emma ask.

"I had to," I say to Emma as the two of us continues to walk through the crowded hallway. "I was being chased by a freak!"

"Well, you're lucky Alex was there to save you on time," says Emma.

I told Emma about me not working at the cafe anymore. I needed a new job and I was wondering if she might have gotten any suggestions, since she told me she was also looking for a job since two weeks ago. I also told her about Alex saving me, but I didn't quite tell her all the details since the guys told me to keep the gang thing a secret.

"Yeah, I was lucky," I say to Emma.

Speaking of the flirty guy, I happened to saw him flirting with a bunch of girls earlier. They were smiling at him and being flirty, in which he flirted back. As silly as it sounds, I don't know why but looking at him flirting with other girls makes me feel uncomfortable. Man, I should't feel like this. You should stop, Rachel.

"By the way, I finally found a job," says Emma. "But they are still looking for another part time worker. Maybe you would be interested?"

"Hmm..I guess. Is it far from here?" I ask Emma.

"Quite near actually," says Emma. "It's at Q&A Bar."

"So we'll be bartenders and serving drinks?" I ask.

"Pretty much," says Emma. "Luckily, we won't be working late, where the perverts usually show up."

"That's a relief. Damn, I wouldn't want to deal with old perverts at late night," I say in which Emma answers with a small laugh.

"Haha, we need our beauty sleep, girl," says Emma. "So you up for it?"

"Yeah. When do we start?" I ask.

"My first shift starts today after college. You can come with me after college. I can introduce you to the manager," says Emma.

"Ok," I say as I form a small smile on my face. Despite having to be extra careful these days knowing that someone could be after me, I was happy that Emma actually introduced me to a new job.

A few hours later...

Alex insisted to drive me back home for safety reason, but I told him that I wanted to visit Ningning on her first day of work and I could go home together with her.

"I'm a grown woman, Alex. You don't have to worry about me," I say to him as the two of us stands near the exit door of the college building.

"The reason I'm here is to protect you, Rachel," says Alex. "I have to keep you safe."

"I'm not a kid or am I your girlfriend, Alex. Please, you don't have to worry about me so much," I say.

Alex raises one of his eyebrow as he stares at me with a smirk on his face. "Then do I have to be your boyfriend first so I could keep you safe?" he ask.

I could feel my cheeks blushing just by hearing his sentence. I try my best to look chill and not broke the eye contact between us, though deep inside I'm already screaming of awkwardness.

"Why would you even like me?" I ask him. I don't really know why I suddenly asked him that silly question.

"Why wouldn't I like you?" Alex ask with a small smile. "You're cute."

"I thought you liked that girl you talked with in the hallway earlier," I say as I look down at my black sneakers. Great, I let my feelings get the best of my mind (and mouth), and now I'm starting to regret what I just said.

"Brittany? I was just talking with her," Alex says.

"You were flirting though," I say as I still avoid looking into his eyes.

"Well, a little," he says shyly. "But you're still the cutest girl I've ever seen."

Though I still doubt that he actually finds a girl like me cute, I slowly look up to face him as I see his mesmerizing eyes staring at me. Man, I wish I could I stare into his eyes forever and just get lost.

I let out a sigh.

"Look, Alexander Morgan, I appreciate your kindness. But this time I'm gonna go with Emma, ok? You don't have to worry about me. I'll be ok. Besides if anything happens I can call you and the guys," I say as I try my best to form a small smile on my face as I stare back at him.

Alex lets out a sigh. "Fine. But if anything happens you know we'll be there for you. Don't hesitate to call us."

"Sure. Well, I gotta go catch up with Emma now. Bye!" I say before I start to run out of the building to catch up with Emma who is waiting for me outside the building.

A few hours later....

Rachel and Emma decides to take the bus to go home together before they part away.

Rachel's POV...

"See you tomorrow, Em," I say to my friend as I exit the bus and watch her wave to me from inside. I walk a few minutes and arrive at my home.

A few hours later...

11 PM...

I just finished brushing my teeth and is ready for bed. My first shift at Q&A Bar starts tomorrow and I'm quite happy that I got a new job, plus I get to work with my best friend, Emma.

The next day....

I woke up earlier than usual today, literally because I want to put some air in my bike's tires, since I didn't want Alex to pick me up today. Though I love his attention towards me, sometimes it just makes me feel uncomfortable that he's being too kind, and not to mention that I hate when people treat me as a kid when I'm literally an adult. Today I want to ride my bike, and not to mention I also want to ride my bike to Q&A Bar. I tried to call Alex earlier but his phone is off, so I just texted him saying that I'll be taking my bike to college today.

After having a quick breakfast, I pump my bike tires. After pumping the tires, I walk back inside the house to grab my backpack.

"I'll be going now," I say as I smile at the two who are still in the middle of finishing their breakfast.

"Stay safe, Sweetie," says my mom.

I nod and say "bye bye" at my mom before walking out of the door to ride my bike to college.

At Weston University...

I arrive at college to see Alex is already standing near my locker with his arms crossed. Looks like he had been waiting for me. I walk to my locker to approach him.

"Good morning, Morgan," I say with a small smile.

"Morning, Princess," he says with a mesmerizing smile. Man, I could stare at his smile forever every time I get the chance.

"Did you get here safely?" he ask.

"Yes. I took my bike today. I told you to not worry about me so much," I say as I open my locker to get a pen I had left there yesterday.

"Somehow, I can't seem to stop worrying about you," he says as he watch me going through my locker.

"Well, just find another person to worry about," I say before closing my locker and turn my head to face him.

"You know that I promised Jack to take care of you, right? I can't possibly break a promise," says Alex as he looks at me in the eyes.

"I understand," I say.

The two of us starts walking through the crowded hallway. I could see some girls whispering like we're a hot topic when we walk past them. Chances are they are talking about me and Alex.

"I think we've become the talk of Weston," says Alex as he notice a lot of girls are now staring at us from a distance.

"Yeah right," I say. "I don't care about what they have to say about us. I don't have time to deal with gossips."

Alex turns his head and gives me a bright smile. "Rachel Spencer, I love the way you think."

I could feel my heart racing after hearing his words. I try to stay calm as the two of us continue to walk through the crowded hallway. This guy always know how to get my heart racing like crazy.

A few hours later...

The final class of the day has come to an end and all the students start to depart. Rachel had told Alex earlier that she'll be going home with Emma today, so he doesn't have to drive her home.

"Are you sure you'll be ok, Miss Spencer?" Alex ask while raising one of his eyebrow.

"Of course," says Rachel as the two of them walk out of the college building. "Please, you don't worry about me too much."

"Then can I worry about you a little?" ask Alex with a smirk as he stares at Rachel, making her cheeks blush like a cherry tomato.

"Sure, but only a little," says Rachel as she tries to form her best smile in hopes he won't notice how he had made her blush.

Alex looks into Rachel's hazel eyes with concerns. Rachel stares back deeply into his emerals eyes, before Alex turns his head and let out a small sigh. "I think I've kinda failed in being your guardian angel," says Alex with disappointment in his voice. "I'm not doing a good job at it."

"You're doing a pretty good job if you ask me," says Rachel as she gives him a small smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I got to catch up with Emma. Bye, Alex!"

Alex slowly forms a small smile as he watches Rachel runs off.

That girl is a different one. He thought.

To be continue...