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Title - Serendipitous

Genre - Drama

Language - colloquial dicton

Setting - United States of America, 2014 through 2022

Main characters :

Arthur George is a good looking guy of the age 16 years, the male lead role, he lives in New Jersey with his parents, who after much deliberation gave love a chance In his life but his heart gets shattered and he gave up on love and gets himself involved in plenty hook ups with girls but his heart is rekindled by Annie.

Annie Scarlett is a beautiful little girl of the age 16 years, the female lead role, she lives in Texas with her parents, she is the first daughter from a noble family, who thinks love is not her thing but moving to New Jersey for college there she meets Arthur and couldn't help it but fell in love with him.

Plot summary -

Arthur is a great young man from a middle class noble family in New Jersey, after attending high school with the mindset of not getting himself involved in any relationship with any lady, falls in love with a certain young lady named Susan he met at a music concert he attended.

This feeling that has walked into his heart has broken the walls of shield over his feelings and opened the chapter of his life he never wanted to open, he sees her on a social media platform under his friend request list, he was shocked but decided to take the chance, things transpired between them after three years she broke up with him, he took it the hard way but still gave himself a chance with another lady named Eliza who is Susan's friend, after been with her for a year, she broke up with him and then he lost all interest in love reason been that no lady will love him cause he didn't have money, he then turned Himself to a flirt, flirting with different ladies he comes in contact with.

. But then he went to college and met Annie who happened to be his senior and they turned out to be close friends and as time went on he fell in love with the her and as fate may have it the feeling was mutual. She loved him knowing who he was as a play boy but still trust him to turn a new leave and be a committed man, which happened, then in the twist comes Annie's first crush with the influence of money to make Arthur feel insecure for not having money but Annie never cared but sticked with Arthur and not long Arthur made money and lived happily ever after with Annie.


To Arthur love was scam cause of his experience with his ex-girlfriends and decided that it's best to enjoy life and turned himself in to a play boy, But going to college, life had other plans for him as he met Annie the beautiful lady from Texas who is his senior in college. What will be the fate of Arthur.

Chapter one

Here we are in New Jersey, glacial ice layered forming thick after the wildering storm. Young man of the age 16 years, the second son and the third child of the noble family of George, by name Arthur George and let's not forget he is a twin.

Arthur is a very good looking boy who has a long straight black curved hair, attended a well known high school in New Jersey though his family is middle class, they gave him the best the can. While in high school Arthur was popular and loved by all cause of his good looking and personality.

He attracted many girls towards him but funny enough he wasn't interested in having much friends or getting into a relationship with a girl. Many boys expected him to be having about five girls seeing that he attracted a lot.

Arthur shaped himself into what he was taught by his parents while growing up, so it checked mate his behavior outside in the society. He was a very good boy who developed many skills at a very good age, he was always among the best students and he maintained it up until he left high school.

After high school it took Arthur about three years to get to college, while Arthur held on until his entrance into college, he started working to earn enough money to help him through his stay on college knowing the family background where he is coming from. He was an intelligent young boy who was loved by his parents and everyone around, his hard work and commitment to everything he did was admired by every one, as a musician he went places to play music and he was paid for his awesome skill and talent for music.

However, the part that amazed young boys like him was the fact that he had no girlfriend, despite all the girls that have been showing interest in him. Arthur was a good boy who adhered strictly to the values he was trained up with. He knew the fact that he was a good looking boy and that many girls were crushing on him, but that was the least of his problems cause girls were all around him, both social media platforms he was in.

Arthur focused more on developing his own life and skills to make money that he would use to sustain himself while in college looking at the fact that he was from a middle class family and he knows what it takes to survive in New Jersey. Relationships to Arthur was commitment both emotionally physically and financially and he did not have money so why bother himself going in one. He was focused on making more and developing his music life locking up the chapter of love in his life,not only that he was afraid of heart break by girls knowing he doesn't have money and that girls love money according to things he heard from his friends, that had been in relationships.

Arthur hails from New Jersey, and had spent all his childhood there not only that he also completed his schooling life there up on till high school, so this made Arthur have dreams of traveling around the world to see the other side of the world apart from New Jersey. He first applied for college in Texas, having the hope that finally he gets to leave New Jersey to another state but his application was not accepted, he applied still having faith but as always the application was denied. The search for college approval kept Arthur at home for about three years. During this three years only God knows what Arthur had been up to.

Nevertheless, Arthur's hope never died on applying for college outside New Jersey, cause his elder brother Martin applied to a college in New York city and got the admission to study there, he loved the idea of been far from home but things seems not to be the exact way he planned it to be. Life for Arthur started in his final grade in high school, which came with him making a decision on what he will study in college that will help him succeed in life and what college to apply to for admission. At this point he has started to make decisions for himself cause it concerns him and what he would be in future in no distance time. In his decisions he always considered the financial situation of his own family and that made him choose college that his parents can afford its fees.

Arthur is a very lucky boy that succeed in anything he does, he made up his mind to go to the college far from home and he was determined to achieve it,he never knew that fate had other plans for him. Arthur's life as a musician was supported by both his parents and his friends, his life as a musician was a very good means of him express himself and it pays him well. He started music at the age of twelve years, he started with learning how to play drums, then piano , what makes people love hm is the fact that he is committed in whatever he puts his mind to do. The one thing people never understood was the fact that he was distancing himself from girls, he never wanted to get involved with any girl, people wondered knowing he was a good looking boy and many ladies loved him. Arthur right from time never cared what people talked about him but always did what he knows was right. In Arthur's mind he wouldn't be having anything with any girl soon, cause his mind was occupied with making money to help him to scale through college with the help of his parents and to keep developing his skill and talents in music as a musician.

Rising from the other part of US Texas, a city with all ages, shapes,and sizes of beings the majority of whom were day tripper is a beautiful damsel named Annie Scarlett, she hails from New York city but resides in Texas with her parents.

She is the first daughter, and second child of the family of four, she is 16 years of age in her final grade in high school, she plans to attend college in New Jersey far from home. Annie comes from a noble family and she lives her life based on the principles led down to her by parents, Annie loves been self dependent and not focusing on others for survival. She completed her education up until high school in Texas, she has a dream of traveling round the world and gaining more knowledge and experience. Annie right from first grade in high school to the last grade was a good girl and was loved by her teachers.

Chapter two

Annie had so many boys she was crushing on and so many crushed on her but she never gave herself the chance to love because she was not ready, she had her mind focused on making her grades and making money for college. She is an independent lady that is hardworking and loved by many. She is a musician right from childhood. Annie's mindset was affected by the fact that she always see her parents fight and reconcile over time, her dad flirts around with women while the mom nags all the time, this shaped her mindset of how a relationship should be and that marriage is not something you rush into.Annie's mind was already made up that relationship is not her thing.

However, while in her final level in high school she was pushed to consider dating her level mate that has been crushing on her since their first year in high school, she considered and they started dating, barely two weeks they broke up cause to Annie he was in a rush to get what she can't give. Annie got more reason to focus on her life and her dreams of been a woman activist. Annie in her own world don't like materialistic things, to her mom she was old fashioned but Annie just prefer to be simple and neat. Her personality of not talking much and been more reserved to herself was used by her mom to compare her to other girls, but never did she care about what people thought, she just like been quiet and doing the right thing.

Annie's life after high school, before she got her admission in to college, was a great time for her, she used the little time she had to look for a job to earn a living to help her survive while in college far from home. She is a very talented young lady who does everything she puts her hand to do with love, diligence, and commitment. Her life as a musician was great though she always fear to show herself to people, to see how good she was. Her cooking skills was an extremely good one and her father's siblings and mother's siblings all wanted to have her come for holidays knowing how hard working she is and how she takes care of everything in the house. Annie just likes things been in order and in a neat appearance, cause she dislikes dirt and disorderliness.

There are things we would say Annie was but not the following, she is not a jealous person, she is not envious, she isn't disrespectful and she is not stingy. Instead of been jealous she would get hers or compliment the person who has what she admires. She likes giving out and that is something she learnt from her mother, giving to people in anyway both materials things and none material things such as food, clothes, shelter and so on. Her personality of been naive and innocent was a great concern to her father having in mind she was going somewhere she has never been to for college. Her father wanted her to go to college right there in Texas but Annie was not in agreement as she was dreaming of school outside Texas for college. She had to listen and understand what her dad told her about the outside world and how men go around deceiving girls and messing them up. Going to college, Annie was prepared mentally by her parents to prevent her from falling victim the very way some women did and ended up regretting. As a well cultured girl she was trusted not to disgrace her family and she made sure of that by avoiding flirting guys and the physical bad ones and been on her own.

Moreover, no matter how one plans his or her life to be it would not be the exact way it will turn out. Life is planned but not all the time. Annie is fully prepared to go over to New Jersey for college and is prepared to face anything she encounters over time been her first-time going to a place that is far. Some where in Annie's heart was a great question "am I sure of what am going to face and do I know what I am going to face? ".

Though this question was on her mind, she still believed in the fact that no matter the situation the principles Instilled in her is greater and would stand the test of time. For the fact, Annie is a beautiful and loved girl in her city, made every one interested in her matter. People on hearing that Annie will be going to New Jersey for college, started talking about the fact that Annie will change to the lifestyle of people over there forgetting what she was taught by her parents. Thinking that Annie will fall to there talks and quit school in New Jersey. But Annie was head bent on exploring life in different places. And she had made up her mind to face life no matter what life serves to her. There was just a slight problem her parents had with her and that is the fact that she still bed wets as at that age and that made them consider renting an apartment for her in New Jersey, instead of letting her stay in the school hostel, to avoid her been embarrassed in front of her college mates. Annie was also bothered but her parent's decision was just what she needed. She told herself that she has to control the situation by finding a solution now before she is up to the age of marriage, it was her secret that caused her not to be traveling like her siblings. Besides this, Annie has a secret she is hiding from the world and that is the fact that she has low self esteem, because she is a little bit fat.

However college time is here and all this goes through Annie's mind, she still with a strong determination decides to face the world and her reality. To that effect she told herself that she will just make few friends and stay on her own to avoid a lot of things from happening, like her parents told her. The question still remains "is Annie ready for this? "

Chapter three

Coming back to the other side of US New Jersey, Arthur is done from high school and his chances of getting into college that same year is slim. Arthur has accepted his fate of not going to college,right after high school as he planned it to be. Going on his normal life routine day after day not knowing what life had in store for him. Arthur as a musician, was invited to a music concert as one of the guest artists, going with the expectation of going to do his thing as usual and go back home but life don't always turn out the way we want it to be. With his mindset of no love around, life decided to show him superiority. As Arthur got to the venue where the concert was to hold and entered, he was sent to the front seats which was specifically arranged for the guest artist as he was seated and was busy looking around, his eye got a damsel, he immediately removed his eye and continued focusing but deep down his heart there was something going on,his heart beat had increase he could hardly hear what was said , he thought in his mind what's happening right now this isn't normal.

After the concert his eyes still found the girl were she was greeting people,. The lady that caught Arthur's eyes, name is Susan, Susan is the first daughter of her family. She comes from Paris but resides in New Jersey with her family. A curvey light fair lady with a long straight brown her falling down to her back sides and those black cataracted eyes that attract people.

Arthur for the first time is feeling something different for this lady he just met, he has seen girls but he had never felt what he is feeling on seeing her.. Of course Arthur was busy telling himself he is not allowed to feel that way. But truth be told he couldn't take her off his mind from thinking about her. As he was on his way back to the house he thought of asking some persons who the girl was and her name but he held himself back cause he was amazed on what he is feeling and wasn't so sure what he would call it. Getting to the house his expression was not Okey and his mom asked if the concert went well and he replied yes that he was just tired nothing much. He was still recalling the moment when he saw her, and thought to himself what am I doing thinking about this lady who I don't even know not even her name.

After this Arthur decided to forget about her since he might likely not see her again. He laid down on his bed picked up his phone went to his social media to chat with some friends, on logging in he saw a friend request and when he clicked on it this was a friend request from the same girl he met at the concert. He refreshed his page to make sure he hasn't started to hallucinate things, it's was still the picture of that very lady Susan. Without thinking twice he accepted the friend request and then he said wait why did I accept, what am I thinking immediately he logged out and slept off. Waking up the next morning to loggin he saw his message pop up and she chatted him up saying " hi hello ", he told himself he wasn't going to open the chat talk more of replying. He was busy chatting other people up but his mind was still on the girl's message, immediately he scrolled up and tapped on her chat and it opened, he replied saying "hi hello" it turns out that she was online and on seeing the message from Arthur she replied how are you doing? And Arthur replied saying fine but I don't know you, so can get to know your name if you don't mind, she gave a smiling emoji and said I didn't mind at all. She started by saying my name is Susan, and as him typed, OK nice meeting you. Arthur had in mind to ask her many questions but he had to act calm to avoid her thinking he is not a calm boy.

However in that very excitement, Arthur made sure to chat well with her to avoid her thinking that he wants to flirt with her. As his new friend he tried to introduce himself by telling her his name and few other things about himself, he started by telling her that his name is Arthur and that just finished high school and is waiting for his admission into college and that he lives in New Jersey where she stays. She in return explained too by telling him her name Susan, and that she is still in high school and she still lives in New Jersey just two streets away from his own house. That was were their chat ended for the day as they said bye to each other. The next day Arthur logged in to chat and Susan was online, he didn't want her to think he is trying to push her too fast into becoming friends or her seeing that he so much want to chat with her. To prevent such thinking,am good but quite busy right now we chat later he replied . Arthur was still getting his sense to understand why the special feelings toward her and since it's was his first time he was ready to take things slow and not mess it all up.

As days went by chat led to chat and the both got to know themselves and became very close friends. The were just chatting and has not seen each other though they stay close to each other. Some days went friendship grew, and then one day Arthur as usual went for an event not too far from their home, and as the event was on going he sighted Susan from a far, he had no intention to call her but she sighted him before he could remove his eyes from her and that led to them meeting after the event ended and as they were discussing, Arthur suggested that they should meet up next time to talk

. Before Susan agreed to the meeting her mind was just thinking about the fact that she was with a guy she crushes on, just like a dream come true and then Arthur tapped her to know her response, she said sorry,I was lost in thought. Yes that will be great and Arthur said, okay let me see you off to enter a cab. He walked her down to the very pace where she entered a cab to go home.

However, on the day of their meeting Susan was very excited to see Arthur again and Arthur on the other hand was anxious not to mess things up, Susan arrived an hour to the agreed time because of how excited she was to meet with him.

It was a hot day Susan waited for extra thirty minutes, while she was waiting she had the thought that maybe he wouldn't be coming since he don't know her in person and that they met on social media, knowing how scams and fake people are in social media. Just as she was thinking, Arthur walked in and spoke with a low masculine tone in perfectly nuanced English and greets her. Just as he was seated he started asking for forgiveness for coming late and Susan said you are forgiven. For the fact that Arthur apologized made her feel special. While they were discussing and laughing, Susan was lossed in thought from his cold but gentlemanly demeanor saw the sky wrapping her with a magnificence that her mind could not describe

. They were still unable to maintain eye contact and at this point Arthur understood that the feeling was a mutual one. Now what is going on in Arthur's mind concerning his friendship with Susan and the strange feeling between them?

Chapter four

Susan on her way home with a thinking deep in her heart how their meeting went reliving all the time the spend together in her mind how he talked all the time about him self and the sudden quite as he took a pause to hear her out on how she has been and things she would share with him about herself.

Finally she came back to her senses and exhaled saying he really is cute and very adorable especially his yellow cataracted eyes. With an unusual smile on her face and the airy weather blowing a great amount of wind on her face she carried on to get house. Getting to the house she knocked with joy as she quitely replied it's I Susan, as the door was gradually opened she stepped in and gave her aunty who opened the door a normal polite greeting and moved on to where she removed her shoes and walked back to the entrance of the house which led her to the sitting room.she passed the sitting room in a hurry to her room as she entered her room banged the door hard then her mom shouted who did that? Am sorry mom it's me in a quite feminine voice and immediately she bounced on her bed and started dancing around with a great smile in her mind .

Just as she was dancing around her phone rang and in the attempt to pick up she realizes how messy she has turned her room to. She hurriedly moved aside her pillow and held her purse opened it and brought out the phone in expectedly it was him Arthur and as she fastly unlocked her phone it was two missed calls from him ,she wondered why he was calling then she remembered she was to call to tell him she had arrived home as promised but losed in self thinking over the days experience forgot as she dailed his number to call his call came in again just before she picked her heart was racing and she thought there on what to reply him as she couldn't place mind on one thing to say not knowing what he will say she immediately answered and in a calm sweet feminine voice greeted good evening Arthur, evening he replied hope you journey back home was peaceful?

He asked yes she said and yours? she asked. Same here Arthur replied, so what are you up to now ? Nothing much just resting she replied.ok then he said good night we will talk tomorrow with a sweet tone coming from his voice. She said in return you too and thanks for calling as she blushed over the face feeling special and over the moon.

As the call was disconnected she fall like a tree on her bed looking up to the ceiling and smile deeply with a strange feeling in her heart which she can't tell completely what it was. On the other side Arthur was over the hills with happiest written all over him. His own experience as not far from what or better still how Susan felt while on the way home ,in details his was worst he was reliving all the times she smiled quitely and how beautiful her eyes were and the brinks she did while laughing on the things he talked about.

He really enjoyed his day and not just that her presence too, he wished he would get to see her every day and have a chat session with her but he guessed all things don't work the way you want it with a disappointing look on his face. Immediately he snapped out of it and recalled the calling session they just finished having the smile on his face as she said good night was the smile usually seen on the face of the man who just won a lottery. And then as he put on a serious face he said she really has a more feminine voice than I expected. Immediately he bounce on his bed then it came to his mind that he needed to bath and eat for the night . and just as he jumped off the bed to his feet he hurriedly removed all his clothes totally undressing himself and ahead he went into the bathroom. Few minutes later his was out and applied his night cream put on his night dress and off to the kitchen to ask for his food.just as he stepped out of his room the weather changed heavy rain and a constant wind continued all night.

Susan had just finished having her bath and is still lossed in thought of Arthur and how a gentle man he is even calling her on phone to inquire if she got home safely as she stopped she exclaimed he is the best guy I have met so far in my life. She said to her self look at the time and the weather and here I am thinking for hours about him what has he done to me ?or am I insane? No no am alright she asked and answered her self. She quickly rushed out of her room to go grab her dinner as she don't eat late to avoid adding weight or getting fat. While they were both having their dinner at their various houses the still had a sweet smile on their faces as the had each other in mind. Arthur told him self why do I feel this happy over a girl despite knowing alot of girls? Although it's new let me sit and observe why the over joy towards Susan.

As Susan quietly and gradually carries her food and puts it in her mouth and swallows the food the very thought of seeing Arthur everyday went through her mind and she wished it was possible moreover the don't live too far from each other but then she realized it might not be possible as he mind be busy and this realization stole away the smile on her face but she decided to be happy thinking about him than be sad.

As she was done eating and started doing the dishes she hurried up to catch sleep as to sleep well and wake early. As she was done doing the dishes and up to her room she said to her self. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Chapter five

As time passed and the raining and constant wind ended, rising up with great beauty to it's outstanding place to give it's essential gift to man was the sun,it's another day and the sunsets with glowing shines penetrates through the glass window right at Arthur's room shines it light at his face and right away,he turned twice on the bed trying to escape the sun ray penetration from the window into his room as then he hurriedly covers himself with a cloth and tries to sleep back.

Few minutes passed and he slowly quitely rises from the bed , stretches his hands on the air twists his legs and turns his head right ways and left ways ,just as he does every morning to get his body back in shape. As he was doing twisting, stretching and the rest of them he looked right out towards the window and there he stares at the sky for minutes and exclaims "wow it's really a hot day today" .

As he looks towards the clock on the desk at the right side of his bed he realizes that it's eight o'clock in the morning and that he has a musical instrumental rehearsal this morning against an up coming concert and he was the lead instrumentalist. Hurriedly he run off from his bed right to the bed room there he picks up his brush grabbed the toothpaste and combining both started brush his teeth and after that he had a cold bath to start his hot day with. While he was bathing he wished that as he was going to this rehearsal he would somehow see the face of his heart throb Susan.

Riding fast across to the other side of the country, New Jersey was the not fat not slim but fitted curved, damsel Anne still on the matter of the college time. Wakes up this morning meeting the sunset at it's rise turns her neck and stretches her body to get a full grab of herself.she as a lady has a lot to do been morning and a Saturday at that. She quickly stands from her bed kneel down does her morning prayers and off she runs in the bathroom to grab her brush applied the paste brush her teeth. She was just coming out of the bathroom and when she realizes that the time is fast gone her face expression changed having in mind how she will be scolded I breakfast is not served on time and the house is not kept in a good shape. Remembering this she quickly dressed up her room and off to the kitchen while she was preparing breakfast as at eight o'clock in the morning her siblings were still sleeping she said to herself "this is while I want to go to college far from home to avoid all this disturbance" hmm life is really not fair. She started singing to distract her mind and not to get tired as she loves singing.

While she was in the kitchen she decided to prepare fried noodles,fried egg and a cup of tea to take it down. She started by rinsing the pot she picked for the cooking of the noodles,right after that she light the cooking gas placed the pot poured fee cuos of water covered up the pot to let the water boil while it's was on cooking she took the time to cut the things needed for garnishment of the noodles she picked up some carrots, fresh tomatoes,fresh pepper,an onion and a leaf from the store room she placed them on the sink of the kitchen washed them thoroughly as her mother hated to taste sand in her food.

She is done washing and on to the next stage which is cutting then as she looked at the water she was cooking it was already boiled she unpacked her noodles and poured it all into the water and covered it up she then returned back to cutting the vegetables having in mind to remove the indomie after some minutes in order for it not to get too soft as it wouldn't be nice when it's too soft and as all tis was happening in the kitchen her parents had woken up and done with their normal routine of wake up, brush,bath and dress up. As the came out of their room into the sitting room she could perceive something from the Kitchen and up ahead she moved towards the kitchen and on getting their ,Annie was already done with the frying of the noodles and wash already dishing it out to everyone's place ,as her mom made a sound, she turned and in a polite manner she greeted her mother with a smile on her face .

The smile that came with the response of the mother to her greetings meant she was saved from morning shout and her mother turned around to view the kitchen and realized that every where was intact. Go wake your siblings she said to Annie tell them it's time for breakfast and the should brush their teeth first before coming down stairs for breakfast. Hurriedly Annie left to do as she was told. Her mother imagined how she was able to cook and dress the kitchen at the same time, as this time in Annie's life she had decided to act up and be a good girl to create a great impression of herself to gain full confidence and trust from her parents as she goes out to college far from home. As she went from one room to another to wake up her siblings she was smiling knowing how her mother felt this morning.

Here in Texas following the hot day, Arthur after having a watering breakfast prepared by his mother and elder sister grabs his bags and on his way out thanked his father and kisses his mom and with a smile on his face he left the house. Getting to the side road he stood for few minutes and getting the heat sides of the hot day from the hot sun decide with no joy in his face to walk down a little to see if a cab might by.

As he face frowned and his neck facing downwards as to avoid direct contact with the sun, Arthur continued as he went on he suddenly decided to face up to see if any cabs are ahead and he sighted a lady but she was backing him from a far just as he looked around for taxi the lady turned and OMG it's Susan he certainly didn't expect to see her this morning. His heartbeat increased and he instantly had a thousand and one though going through he mind. What to do ?