
Serena's Reign

Serena Dezmosa was born into a noble family at a time that magic rules the world. All she ever wanted in life where your ranked matter was to be recognized by her power. Not her family's name. She encounters Prince Christian Irving, first in line to the throne, and makes a vow to stay away from him. She was not looking for romance but her emotions were not on the same page as hers. Soon her plans will foil once she finds out she is engaged to Prince Christian Irvings. Her life has turned into a series of betrayals, pain, fear, and most of all, horror. She is put through a series of tests and amasses a jar of secrets, being a queen let alone a great queen is no easy feat. No one ever knows what happens behind the curtains and when the sun goes down.

Parinoid · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Magic. This simple two-syllable word may seem so small but to the people of the Imperial Kingdom, it was what caused the world to go round.

Everywhere you went in the world there was magic. In creatures, nature, and even the earth.

Magic was used for everyday tasks like cutting wood, heating up the furnace, and harvesting the crops. In a world where magic was so common, it was unheard of if someone did not have any capability of using it.

In the world, there are four kingdoms, the Imperial Kingdom, the Frost Kingdom, the Golden Dawn Kingdom, and the Evergreen Kingdom.

Each kingdom ruled in different parts of the world and was classed by commoners, workers, nobles, and royalty.

In the Imperial Kingdom, one night a girl who would once be the wife of the king was born one frosty morning. She was born with blonde hair that almost appeared white and hazel green eyes and white skin. She was the daughter of Nobleman Zylan Dezmosa and May Dezmosa.


Serena was turning ten the next day, she was super excited because it brought her a year closer to when she would be able to train to become a mage. She always wanted to be one since her older brother Cyran was a wizard and her older sister Mayra was already a mage.

It was her biggest dream to be able to fight evil and protect the kingdom. Even though Serena wasn't allowed to leave her estate because of the dangers the world held, she wanted to travel the world.

Even though she wanted a party with just her friends and family, her mother was set on having a huge party. She invited fellow nobles and the royals to her birthday party.

The day of her party came and she became suffocated with having to act proper and pleasant. This was not a party she wanted, she didn't want to have to wear a dress but she was forced to.

To escape the bustling walls of her home she left and started to venture out into the woods. The deeper she went, the more excited and free she felt. She eventually came to a clearing where myrtle and willow trees surrounded her.

She was so happy she started to sing the song her grandmother used to sing to her before bed.

🎵 When the wind grows cold and harsher

And the trees provide no comfort

In my arms you will find shelter

For I will be here with you

The sky will turn darker

The animals will barrow away

The grass will fade beneath a blanket

And if you ever lose your way

Just follow the sound of nature

And there you will find me 🎵

Whilst she was singing she started to twirl around. But a little boy who also escaped her party was there without her knowing. He watched in fascination with her beauty and voice. The more he listened the more he grew enthralled. Ever since that day he declared in his heart that one day, even if it takes another lifetime. She will be his.

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