
Seraphim Requiem

In the year 1346, everblack era of the Universal Calendar, where time knows no bounds and worlds collide, young Raven Seraphim finds himself caught in a cosmic web of deceit and betrayal. Born into the prestigious Seraphim royal family, Raven was destined to become a prodigious warrior according to the prophecies of the Grand Priests. However, fate had other plans. Weak and deemed a disgrace to his lineage, Raven faces rejection and abandonment from his own clan, including his family. Left to fend for himself at the tender age of seven, Raven's only ally is his elder sister, Aurelia, who risks her own safety to protect him. In a desperate bid for survival, Raven stumbles upon an ancient evil spirit lurking within the confines of the castle grounds. A bond forms between Raven and the enigmatic creature, granting him newfound powers and companionship. With the spirit's aid, Raven rescues Aurelia from her tormentors, and the siblings flee to the remote city of Fahilia, seeking refuge from their past. But Fahilia is a land shrouded in darkness and ruled by corruption. Determined to rise above his circumstances, Raven embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery and ambition. Through cunning and resilience, Raven ascends from the depths of obscurity to claim the throne of Fahilia at the tender age of thirteen. As Raven assumes the mantle of kingship, he faces a daunting task ahead: to rebuild Fahilia from the ashes and forge a kingdom worthy of its people. But lurking in the shadows are adversaries both old and new, threatening to unravel Raven's newfound reign and plunge Fahilia into chaos once more. With Aurelia by his side and the spirit's guidance, Raven must navigate the treacherous waters of politics, betrayal, and cosmic forces beyond his comprehension. As secrets unravel and mysteries unfold, Raven discovers that his journey is far from over. For in the vast expanse of the cosmos, vengeance knows no bounds, and the true test of a king lies not in his power, but in his heart. Will Raven's quest for revenge consume him, or will he rise above his past and forge a legacy worthy of his name? Only time will tell in this epic tale of cosmic intrigue, where destiny beckons and darkness lurks at every turn. The chapters will soon be published.If you read this much it's then upto you whether you want to Follow with this or whether to ignore this Thank you~~~

Cirrus69 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Echoes of Doubt: The Rejected Prophecy

In the dimly lit corridors of the Seraphim castle, the hushed murmurs of maids echoed against the stone walls. They gathered in small clusters, their voices tinged with curiosity and apprehension as they spoke of the prophecy that loomed over the royal family.

"He's not what they expected, is he?" whispered one maid, casting a furtive glance over her shoulder.

"Indeed not," replied another, her brow furrowed with concern. "The Grand Priests foretold greatness for young Raven, but he's nothing but a disappointment."

The name "Raven" hung heavy in the air, accompanied by a ripple of discontent. For years, the Seraphim clan had awaited the arrival of a prodigious warrior, destined to lead them to glory. But Raven, with his frail frame and timid demeanor, seemed ill-suited for such a fate.

"He's a weakling, that one," scoffed a third maid, her tone laced with disdain. "I heard he couldn't even lift a sword properly."

"And yet he bears the weight of the prophecy," murmured another maid, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "The Grand Priests cannot be wrong, can they?"

As the maids dispersed, their whispers lingered in the air like ghosts of uncertainty, weaving a tapestry of intrigue and apprehension within the walls of the ancient castle.

Their voices tinged with curiosity and awe as they watched the eldest son of the Seraphim family stride past them, his presence commanding respect and admiration.

"Look, it's Alistair," breathed one maid, her eyes widening with reverence.

"Alistair, the pride of the Seraphim clan," whispered another, her voice filled with admiration. "Such strength, such skill in combat."

Alistair Seraphim, with his chiseled features and imposing stature, exuded an aura of power and confidence as he passed by, his sword glistening at his side. He was the epitome of everything the Grand Priests had prophesied: a fearless warrior, destined to lead his people to victory.

"He's everything Raven is not," remarked a third maid, her gaze following Alistair's every move. "Strong, brave, worthy of the prophecy."

The mention of Raven's name cast a shadow over the conversation, a reminder of the younger brother who had failed to live up to expectations. But in Alistair, the maids found solace and reassurance, a beacon of hope in uncertain times.

"And yet, there's something about Raven," murmured another maid, her voice barely above a whisper. "A flicker of defiance in his eyes, despite his shortcomings."

The words hung in the air, a subtle acknowledgment of the younger Seraphim's resilience in the face of adversity. For all his weaknesses, Raven possessed a spirit that refused to be extinguished, a trait that intrigued and unsettled those who dared to underestimate him.

As Alistair disappeared around the corner, the maids exchanged knowing glances, their conversations lingering on the cusp of uncertainty and intrigue. For in the halls of the Seraphim castle, the whispers of fate echoed with the promise of both glory and despair.


Aurelia's heart clenched as she saw her younger brother, Raven, huddled against the cold stone wall, tears streaking his cheeks. With gentle concern, she approached him and knelt beside him, enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

"What's wrong, Raven?" she whispered, her voice soft and soothing.

Raven's shoulders shook with sobs as he struggled to articulate his anguish. "I heard them, Aurelia," he managed to choke out between gasps. "The maids... they were talking about me. They said... I'm a disgrace."

Aurelia's eyes blazed with indignation, her protective instincts flaring. How dare they speak of her brother in such a manner?

Ignoring her own rising anger, Aurelia focused on comforting Raven. "You are not a disgrace, Raven," she said firmly, her voice unwavering. "You are my brother, and you are loved. Their words hold no truth."

With gentle hands, Aurelia wiped away Raven's tears and guided him to a quiet alcove, away from prying eyes and hurtful words. She sat beside him, offering silent support as he poured out his heartache and insecurities.

"You are brave and kind, Raven," Aurelia reassured him, her voice a soothing melody in the darkness. "You possess qualities that no prophecy can define. You are stronger than you know."

Slowly, Raven's tears subsided, replaced by a sense of calm and reassurance in his sister's presence. With a grateful sigh, he leaned into her embrace, finding solace in the warmth of her love.

As the night draped its comforting veil over the castle, Aurelia remained by Raven's side, her unwavering presence a beacon of hope in the midst of despair.

And as Raven drifted into a troubled sleep, his dreams haunted by echoes of doubt and uncertainty, Aurelia vowed to stand by him, her unwavering loyalty a shield against the harshness of the world


The mornings blurred into a monotonous routine of training sessions with Aurelia, each day marked by the relentless pursuit of mastery and strength. Yet beneath Raven's diligent facade lay a simmering apprehension, a nagging fear of his brother's scorn and the weight of his own perceived inadequacies.

As the sun rose on another day, casting its golden rays across the castle grounds, Alistair's imposing figure loomed before them, his presence casting a shadow over Raven's fragile resolve.

"Sister, must you waste your time on this wretch?" Alistair's voice dripped with disdain as he addressed Aurelia, his gaze lingering on Raven with contempt.

Aurelia bristled at her brother's callous words, her patience worn thin by his relentless scorn. "Raven is not a wretch," she retorted, her voice tinged with righteous indignation. "He is my brother, and I will not abandon him."

Alistair's temper flared at her defiance, his features contorted with rage as Aurelia stormed off, leaving him seething with resentment.

Alone with Raven, Alistair's facade of civility crumbled, revealing the cruel intentions that lay beneath. With a swift and decisive motion, he incapacitated his younger brother, rendering him helpless and vulnerable.

"Pathetic," Alistair spat, his voice laced with contempt as he hoisted Raven's limp form over his shoulder. Without a second glance, he strode purposefully towards the edge of the forest, his cronies trailing behind him like shadowy specters.

With a callous shove, Alistair cast Raven into the depths of the dark forest, abandoning him to the mercy of the wilderness and the unknown horrors that lurked within.

As Raven's consciousness faded into darkness, the forest enveloped him in its sinister embrace, its ancient whispers echoing with the promise of peril and despair.

-----------------To Be Continued---------------

Honestly I feel it wasn't that good,I'll try to be better.

Cirrus69creators' thoughts