
Seraph of the End:Blood for the Blood God

A mass serial killer named Cain dies, and gets reincarnated into Seraph of the End, will Cain redeem himself as a protector of humanity or will he give in to his urges and damn his already cursed soul? (The cover photo is not mine. I will change if needed)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Life in an Orphanage and the Vampire reign

After being sent away by that mysterious creature, I was in the body of a 8-year-old boy, I was an orphan and was living in the Hyakuya Orphanage, in Tokyo.

I honestly hated every second in that damn Orphanage, this boy Mika anoyed me by calling us a family, and these annoying brats wanted me to play with them like a family.

"Family, that word means absolutely nothing to me, I killed my entire family with my bare hands, I could easily slit the throats of all of these children, it wouldn't be the first time."

My headache with those pesky kids didn't end there, no it increased with the addition of Yu, another kid that joined the Orphanage.

Yu was the most annoying, he was always loud, pretty much an idiot, and always tried to make conversation with me alongside that brat Mika.

It was a snowy night in Tokyo, and I was watching the snow fall to the ground, the orphan kids were running amok around the house, and the director was cooking food.

"Hey Cain, what's you doing over here by yourself? It's almost dinner time, and we need to eat as one big family." The voice of Mika peirce my ears, breaking me away from my thoughts on how to best kil this family.

"I was enjoying some peace and quiet before you came, and how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not apart of your fucking family, Mika." Turning around and facing the blonde nuisance.

"That's a bad word you know, and of course your apart of this family, we all work together to survive and help the younger ones." Mika gave me a smile, which I followed up with a disgusted face, and hopped down from the window, Mika laughed and wrapped his arm around me.

I tried to break free from his hold and his childish behavior, when suddenly I felt dizzy and my head began to spin, my vision started to become blurry, and I felt this pounding sensation in my head, as a voice echoed in my mind.

"Foolish Humans! Their eternal arrogance have broken a taboo, they have doom themselves! Sound the trumpets of the End, kill all humans and sinners who have broken the taboo, kill...sinners...taboo...trumpet." An androgynous voice rang out in my head, as the urge to kill surged through my entire body.

I couldn't control myself, the familiar euphoric sensation was overwhelming, I grabbed a nearby kitchen knife, and pounced on the first kid that I saw, getting ready to stab and watch the life drain from her life.

"Stop this Cain, I don't know what's gotten into you but you can't hurt Akane, she's a member of this family and family sticks to---Argh." I didn't let Mika finish, as I smacked his arms away and looked at him.

I charged directly at him, intending to kill the one who interrupted my fun, when my mind just stopped, and my body fell to the ground, my senses were dulled, but I could hear what was going on before falling unconscious.

"Attention, Ladies and gentlemen! You foolish humans have created a fatal virus, that has now spread all over the entire world! I regret to inform you that humanity has destroyed itself! However, we are aware that the virus does not affect human children under the age of 13."

"Accordingly, we of the third progenitor Krul Tepes's personal command unit will take into custody every child in this area, effectively immediately. Obey our orders, and all will go well." The loudspeakers blared as the sounds of screaming and crying could be heard outside, as I faded into the abyss of unconsciousness.

That was four years ago, and things have changed since then, the vampires gathered every single child under 13, and brought them to their underground city, Sanguinem.

Sanguinem was an elaborate and large city composed of several bridges and waterways, it had many levels and was designed in an 18th-century style, with some modern buildings around the city.

The human children are often referred to and treated as livestock, they are required to donate their blood for the vampires, and were under the mercy of the vampires.

I was apart of the group to donate to those bloodsucking maggots, fortunately they got a taste of their own medicine, when they discovered that my blood was poisonous to them.

I was transferred to live in the Krul Tepes palace, under the direct supervision of the vampire queen herself, my blood was outlawed, and it was forbidden to try and turn me into a vampire.

I got out of my big and luxurious bed, and looked myself in the mirror, I had short black hair and red crimson eyes, often making me mistaken for a vampire.

A knock came from my door and entered a young vampire butler, he informed me that Krul wanted my presence in the Throne room.

I thank him and prepared to leave, but not before hearing what that butler was muttering under his breath.

"Why is someone like me catering to the needs of a defective livestock, filthy livestock should know their place and obey their masters." The butler muttered before looking up as I was right infront of him.

"Is there anything else you nee___" I didn't let the dog finish as I grabbed it's tongue, my hand and eyes glowed an orange hue, as I incinerated the filthy dog alive.

"It's about time you used my powers for something useful, however it would be put to better use if you started to exterminate all of those sinners and humans." The voice in my head spoke.

The voice occasionally spoke to me in full coherent sentences, but most of the time it spoke random incoherent babble about humans, trumpets, and something about taboos.

I ignored the voice and walked down the corridor to Krul's Throne room, where she ruled as queen of the vampires in Japan.

I walked inside of her Throne room, as Krul glared at me on her golden Throne. "You are late, I expected you to be here earlier, and why do you smell like ash." Krul narrowed her eyes as stared me down.

"I was coming to the Throne room, when I was distracted by the barking of a dog, the dog was barking like crazy, so I had to put it down. Sorry that it was such an inconvenience, your royal majesty." My tone was mostly stoic and apathetic, but there was some sarcasm at the end, which Krul picked up on.

In a blink of an eye, I was thrown across the wall, as Krul stuffed her foot in my chest, glaring down at me as she knelt besides me.

"Don't get cocky brat, I am allowing you to live because you are important to my plans, but don't think that you can talk to me like that, you are just one of the key components that I need, you can easily be replaced, so don't test me." Kurl pulled her foot out and walked away, I was in pain, but I could feel that my body was healing itself.

I grunted as I pulled myself up, and wobbled outside to where the human livestock lived, I got inside the Hyakuya hideout as both Yu and Mika were awake.

Yu and Mika excitedly told me of their plan to leave Sanguinem, Mika had stolen a gun and a map from Ferid Bathory, a vampire noble.

I agreed to their plan, only because I wanted to leave this vampire rathole, Mika woke up everyone from the Orphanage and we set out towards the gate to the exit.

When we were close to the exit, we were stopped by Ferid, who began to mercilessly slaughter all of the children, until it was just me, Yu, and Mika.

Mika tried to hold off Ferid, but was unsuccessful, as he was stabbed in the heart, Yu shot Ferid with the gun as he ripped out my heart, and ran away to the surface.

In the blink of an eye, my injuries miraculously healed, all of my vital organs were completely restored, as I rushed outside to the surface to find a way to kill those filthy bloodsuckers.

Leave the demon to his demons, rest your own soul. there's nothing else.

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