
Seraph of the End:Blood for the Blood God

A mass serial killer named Cain dies, and gets reincarnated into Seraph of the End, will Cain redeem himself as a protector of humanity or will he give in to his urges and damn his already cursed soul? (The cover photo is not mine. I will change if needed)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


I managed to heal myself after the fight against Crowley successfully, the squad decided to hide and recover in an abandoned store.

"Bwrooo! Bwrooo! The sound of the alarm caught everyone's attention and everyone went outside to see what triggered the alarm.

"Emergency! Emergency! We are under vampire attack! Vampire forces are concentrated on the western wall, all civilians evacuate to the Eastern wall immediately!! The ground shook as the sound of Explosions and helicopters could be heard.

I closed my eyes and activated a new ability that I learned in Omotesando, the world seemed to slow down as my vision turned into a field of red.

I could see everything that was happening while my eyes were closed. Every human had a red outline, and I could see the movement of their blood vessels underneath the skin.

I scanned the surrounding area and found over a hundred vampires, more were being flown in by helicopters as the extermination army struggled to fight off the onslaught.

I turned off the ability as blood trickled down from my eyes, this ability had several advantages against enemies but put a strain on my eyesight while in use.

Shinoa ordered the squad to head toward the western wall. I gave Shinoa the excuse of protecting the citizens as I went back to try and communicate with my demon.

My surroundings faded away as I was transported into my inner world. Which now took the form of an old, decrepit Orphanage. 

Unlike the Hyakuya Orphanage, this place gave me a familiar sense of Deja vu because the only sounds I could hear were the screams and cries of muffled children. 

I walked up the gravel path till I reached the front door, where the sign read Playcare Orphanage, my hair stood up and my body felt numb as the memories came crashing down like a wave.

I created this Orphanage after my first couple of kills, I needed a way to conduct my murders without raising suspicion. So I thought that it would be best to pretend to act as a caretaker for the homeless and abandoned children, no one would care about children who go missing in the slums who didn't even have a home. 

I hid a sinister smile on my face as I walked into my secret laboratory inside the Orphanage, a sickly pale boy trailed behind me as he was sick with a terrible cough and tried to keep up with my movements. 

 "Sir, are you sure that I can be better? the sound of the boy coughing was the only thing that could be heard in the dimly lit corridor. 

"Of course, I have a secret medicine that will make you feel better in no time! Didn't you say that you wanted to finally play with the other kids, instead of being locked up in that room of yours?" We reached the door to the lab and entered the bright white room.

"W-Will the medicine h-hurt? The child looked afraid as he stared at the chair with glass panels surrounding it from all sides.

"No! It won't hurt even a little bit. Just sit in the chair and breathe in the red smoke and you will never have to be sick ever again." I put on my red gas mask that had yellow air filters to prevent me from inhaling the red smoke.

I helped the kid get in the seat and strap his arms into the armrests, I exited the room and turned on the controls for the dispenser that had the red smoke.

(Child's pov)

Lonely. That's the only feeling that I've experienced since I was a little kid. The slums weren't all that bad once you get used to how things work.

But, all those feelings disappeared when Mr Cain appeared. He gave me and other kids food, water, and a place to call home when we came to his little house.

I wiggled around the chair that Mr. Cain put me in, I couldn't wait to be cured and play with the other kids in the Orphanage.

The red gas that Mr Cain said was my medicine filled the room, so I inhaled the smoke that smelt like lavender through my mouth.

I felt tired and dizzy as the room started to spin and I started to cough up blood from my mouth, I didn't understand why the medicine wasn't working.

I was fighting to keep my eyes open and to try not to breathe in the red smoke, but it was so hard as I heard the lullaby that Mr. Cain hummed to us when it was time for bed.

The door to the glass room opened and someone entered. I think it was Mr Cain, but I couldn't see because of the red smoke that blocked my vision.

"What a shame, you were so naive that you believed that I was going to cure you of your sickness. You were nothing but a lamb that foolishly gave me his trust, only to find himself at my mercy." My body started to shake as the man made a laughing sound that sounded like a demon.

"But don't worry, I'll make sure that your death is quick and painless. Oh, I can't wait for the rest of the children to see your broken body." My eyes felt heavy and I was so tired that the only thing I saw before I went to sleep was a red axe.

(End of child's POV)

My mind kept showing flashes of how my past victims died, the sound of children giggling was all that I was hearing until I was sitting in a park bench with my demon.

"Why the hell did you show me those memories? To try and make me have a guilty conscience? What was it? Shi didn't say anything he just smirked.

"Why do people do anything in this world? I just reminded you of your sins, in case you forgot. Aren't I a good friend? I just rolled my eyes and faced him.

"Your not my friend, give me more power demon." The light post next to me flickered as the demon transformed into the kid that I had just seen.

"Now why would I do that? If I just give you my power without receiving anything, what's the point of the contract? I'm not a charity after all." The demon's tone carried a sense of contempt in his voice.

"What do you want? More blood? I'll slaughter how many humans or vampires for more power." The demon shook his head grinning.

"Nope! What I want is a favor that you will allow me to possess your body for a day fully." Alarms in my head started to go off as the demon listed his terms.

"Hell No! One, the original terms were that I spill the blood of people, and you grant me more power. Two, I have no way of controlling what you do in my body. And Three, Why would I need to agree to this deal when I can just force you to submit your power." The moment those words came out of my mouth, everything around me turned glitchy. 

"That option only applies if you have the power to force me to submit, you will give me control one way or the other. Unless you want me to fight against you while you're using the sword." I sneered and began to walk away from the demon who began to play a low whistle.

I left my inner world and slowly regained consciousness, when I opened my eyes I saw a vampire about to sink its fangs into my neck.

I reacted without hesitation, and decapitated the vampire before killing the rest of vampires nearby.

"Damn demon, bastard probably knew that I was in danger and almost got me killed by trying to make me stay." I cursed under my breath and returned my sword to its sheathe.

I thought that I was safe, but I had to jump back as a bullet almost graze my shoulder.

A group of military soilders surrounded me, as I began to attack them using my powers and cut through the bullets from their guns.

"Tell me, why did you fuckers try to shoot me and who sent you? I asked the soilder who I captured and put the sword closer to his neck.

"I won't tell you anything, surrender peacefully or we wil---." He didn't get to continue his sentence before I slit his throat and looked at the rest of the soilders.

"Drown the world in a sea of Blood!! I shouted the command to activate my Cursed Gear, but my mind was suddenly overwhelmed by Shi trying to possess it.

"What the fuck are you doing? I'm in the middle of a fight!! I only received Shi's giggles as a response. "~didn't I tell you that I was going to possess you one way or another.~" Shi replied in a sing-song voice.

If I was paying attention to the soilders, then I would have realized that they were wearing Gas masks as they sprayed me with red smoke.

"Growl!! Growl!! While I was in the middle of playing tug-of-war with Shi to reclaim control, a familiar scent entered my nostrils.

My eyes widened and I tried to quickly end this game, I could already feel myself getting tired and my body turning numb.

I was shot with tranquilizer darts, and sprayed with more of the smoke. I tried to maintain my focus and keep myself from failing asleep, but it was getting increasingly difficult with more doses of red smoke and Shi's annoying interference.

My sword fell to the ground,alongside my body as I was starting to blackout. My vision was blurry and I could barely see anything, I could only make out one word before I fell unconscious. G.E.M.S

We finally got him. I hope that he is ready to be dragged back to the hell where he rightly belongs, once we kill him and trap his soul, we can finally find peace.

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