
Seraph's Ruin

Three worlds, once scattered across the cosmos, have collided into the chaotic mess now known as Terra II. Magic, cutting-edge technology, and ancient myths have been unceremoniously smashed together, turning the world into a place where the impossible is a daily grind. The result? A place where survival isn't just a challenge—it's a downright nightmare. Enter Sera and her Crew, Enline Industries—a crew that finds themselves neck-deep in a world full of corporate backstabbers, power-hungry mafias, and creatures straight out of forgotten legends. With her landship, Babel Dynamics, Seraph isn’t just taking on mercenary work—she’s wading through the muck of a world that seems hell-bent on tearing itself apart. Whether it's delivering sensitive cargo in the middle of a damn warzone, dealing with supernatural disasters, or outsmarting criminal syndicates, there’s no such thing as an easy day on Terra II. As rival factions fight for control of dwindling resources, Seraph has to keep her crew alive and make tough-as-nails decisions in a world where everyone’s got a knife behind their back. Trust is a luxury, and loyalty? You can bet your ass it comes at a price. (EnLine as well as the landship being named that doesn't happen until the somewhere in vol 1-at chap 330) ————————— Fuck me. sign for the 5th time the vol overview pdf was fucking changed again..tch. so vol 1- (trials and tribulations)introduce world,part of main cast and all that jazz..and a local war after they move to another region. that's not all as i'm too lazy to write more.[I'll rewrite the first 80 chaps one more time..damn i really do hate myself.] vol 2- (Drama, so much drama)more conflict and higher stakes..shh..read it whenever i come to vol 2. vol 3-(Horizons Fail? ) vol 4-??? vol 5-??? vol 6-??? yes those are the names of the vols. :) support and spread this novel…cuz creation is hard!!!

Kristen_404 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Prologue: The Storm of Loss

Sera awoke with a start, her heart hammering as the low rumble of thunder reverberated through her bones. The room, usually a haven of warmth and safety, had transformed into a chamber of looming shadows. Each flash of lightning twisted her familiar belongings into grotesque, eerie shapes, their distorted silhouettes casting a sense of dread across the walls. The storm raging outside was nothing like she had ever experienced before—violent, raw, and unsettlingly alive. The wind howled like a living creature, rattling the windows as though it was trying to claw its way inside, while the rain pounded against the glass with a fierce determination, almost as if it was personal.

She rubbed her eyes, still groggy from restless sleep, her body tense from the lingering sense of unease that had plagued her all night. Storms had always made her uneasy, the chaotic energy in the air often amplifying the turmoil she tried to keep buried deep inside. But tonight... tonight was different. The air felt heavy with a dark presence, a malevolent force lurking just beyond her sight, waiting.

"Mom?" Sera called out softly, her voice barely audible over the roar of the storm. The words seemed to dissolve into the wind, swallowed by the cacophony outside. No answer. The silence from her house, usually comforting, now felt oppressive.

Her anxiety gnawed at her gut, twisting into a growing sense of dread. She slipped out of bed, her feet hitting the cold floor with a soft thud. Wrapping her robe tightly around herself, Sera stepped toward the door, her bare feet moving cautiously across the wooden boards that groaned under her weight. The chill in the house was different, almost as if it were coming from deep within the walls themselves.

As she opened the door, it creaked loudly, almost lost in the violent noise of the storm outside. The hallway was dimly lit, flickering candlelight casting long, wavering shadows that danced across the walls. The house felt unfamiliar—ominous, as though something ancient and dangerous had seeped into the very walls. She moved forward, each step heavy with uncertainty, the sound of the storm growing louder in her ears.

"Mom? Dad?" she called again, this time louder. Her voice echoed hollowly down the corridor, met with nothing but the relentless thunder and rain. The tension within her chest tightened, evolving from unease to a sharp spike of fear. Where were they?

Suddenly, the shadows seemed to shift. The corners of the hall warped and twisted as if something within the darkness was alive, shifting in grotesque, unnatural ways. Sera blinked, her breath catching as she tried to focus on the shadows. But every time she looked directly at them, they dissolved into nothing, as if her gaze alone banished their true form.

Sera turned a corner, and her blood froze. Standing in the middle of the hallway was something out of her worst nightmares. Its body was a twisted amalgamation of sharp angles and grotesque, writhing limbs. Its snarling face, filled with jagged, dripping teeth, was illuminated by a pair of unholy, glowing eyes that locked onto her with malevolent intent. Sera's breath caught in her throat as fear surged through her body.

This is no ordinary storm, she realized in a flash of terror.

Time seemed to slow as the creature lunged at her, its claws stretched out, ready to tear into her flesh. Sera screamed, stumbling backward, her arms instinctively flying up to shield herself from the attack. She could see its gnarled, twisted form descending upon her, moments from ripping her apart.

Just before the creature reached her, a blinding flash of light erupted between them. The brilliance was so intense that it forced her to close her eyes, a protective instinct against the burning brightness. She expected the worst but felt nothing. When she dared to open her eyes again, she saw her mother—Lady Elara Valen—standing before her, her entire form radiating with fierce, protective energy.

"Get away from my daughter!" Elara's voice rang out, slicing through the noise of the storm like a knife. Her eyes, once gentle, now blazed with an intensity Sera had never seen before. Elara raised a hand, and with a burst of power, a pulse of magic shot forward, slamming into the creature. The impact sent it hurtling backward, its form writhing and convulsing as the light tore through it.

The creature shrieked—a horrible, piercing sound—before it disintegrated into a wisp of smoke. The dark, oppressive energy it brought with it slowly dissipated into the air, leaving behind a heavy silence.

Elara turned toward Sera, her expression softening as she knelt beside her daughter. Her hands, still warm from the magic, gently cupped Sera's face. "Are you alright, my love?" Her voice trembled with concern as her eyes searched for any sign of injury.

Sera nodded, her body still trembling, her heart pounding in her chest. "Mom, what's happening? Why are there monsters in our home?"

Elara's face tightened, her usual calm marred by the shadows of fear. "We're under attack, Sera. These creatures... they're drawn here by something—something powerful. Your father is holding them off, but we need to get you to safety." Her words were firm, but her voice held an edge of urgency.

Grabbing Sera's hand, Elara pulled her to her feet, and together, they hurried through the flickering, shadowy halls. The house groaned under the strain of the storm outside, each flash of lightning revealing how the once warm and welcoming space had become a battleground. As they moved, Sera's eyes were drawn to the shadows in the corners. They writhed with intent, as though something dark lingered just out of reach.

By the time they reached the grand court at the center of their home, the sounds of battle echoed in the air—clashing steel, the crackle of magic, and the guttural growls of something inhuman. Fear gripped Sera's heart as they burst into the court.

The scene before them was chaos. The grand room, once filled with beauty and elegance, was now a ruin of shattered furniture and torn tapestries. In the center of the destruction stood Lord Thalor Valen, Sera's father, locked in a desperate battle with a massive beast. It dwarfed the creature Sera had encountered in the hallway. This monstrosity was a hulking mass of scales, claws, and raw hatred, its eyes burning with an insatiable hunger.

Thalor's sword flashed with each swing, his movements precise, but the beast was relentless, matching his strikes with deadly speed and power.

"Thalor!" Elara's voice rang out, desperation creeping into the command. Thalor glanced toward them, relief mixed with urgency flashing in his eyes.

"Elara, take Sera and go!" he shouted, his voice strained as he barely dodged another blow. But in that moment of distraction, the beast seized its chance. With a sickening crack, its massive claw slammed into Thalor, sending him flying into the far wall. He crashed with a force that shook the entire room, his sword clattering to the ground as his body slumped against the stone, motionless.

"No!" Elara screamed, her anguish piercing through the chaos. She ran to his side, falling to her knees as her hands frantically tried to rouse him. But he remained still, his breathing shallow and ragged.

Sera's world tilted. The sight of her father crumpled and broken tore through her like a jagged blade. Everything around her blurred, the chaos, the storm, the magic—none of it mattered. All she could see was her father, helpless, fading.

Elara turned to Sera, tears mingling with the fierce resolve in her eyes. "Sera, you have to hide," she urged, her voice breaking. "No matter what happens, stay hidden. Do you understand?"

Sera hesitated, torn between the need to obey and the overwhelming urge to stay and fight. But the desperation in her mother's voice left no room for argument. Nodding, Sera ducked behind a massive, toppled pillar, her heart pounding in her chest as she crouched in the shadows.