
Serai System- The God of lust

A fantasy story from a horny guy. A harem story where the MC gets to sleep with his crush and gain powers from it from the system. Note: The novel is pretty graphic and may offend women's gender. Viewers description is advised Tags: Bondage, harem, adult, smut, r18, sex positions

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The System

A/N: This is a novel that i have written for fun and for imagination. IF there is a good response I will consider to continue it


After all this hard work, finally, I can taste that woman. The woman I am talking about is an Ex-girlfriend of my ex-roommate. I didn't have a good relationship with my ex-roommate Rajiv. We do speak when we meet like close brothers and I do call him sometimes, but I had never liked him

His ex-girlfriend's name was Heena. Heena Shrestha. Now let me tell you something about this girl. When we were studying CA, I came to know about her. At that time Rajiv was already dating a girl named Sushmita. They were quite a famous couple in our group.

So, at that time, Rajiv was talking to an unnamed girl on facebook, and turned out she was Heena. They had already broken up before. But my roommate uses to call both of them and chat with them.

I don't know why, but I became good friends with her. We use to call each other occasionally. And I started to develop crush over her. She use to ask me if Rajiv is dating someone, indirectly but I never gave a proper answer.

I asked Rajiv about it and he just told me tell her the truth. I don't know why? I mean if he was dating 2 girl ? (Heena was a girl back then) then why tell the truth?

I just told her. Obviously she didn't believe me and thought it to be a joke. And then she stopped calling me. I got frustrated. The reason I started to have crush over her was I started to like her.. I guess. But now she was not responding to my text and calls, I was becoming angry

Finally, the truth of my roommate came to her. But we stopped hanging out.

And now!!!

I got a system

A system that would increase my powers by fucking girls.




Name: Vicky Maharjan

Age: 26

Health: 100/100

Stamina: 50/ 50

Agility: 13

Defense: 10

Girls Rating

SS: 0 S: 0 A: 0 B: 0 C: 0 D: 2 E: 12

Girls Satisfied: 7 (50%)


Yeah, One day a blue screen just popped over my head saying "What do you want?" to which I replied "Strongest and richest"

The system accepted it and said how do you want to proceed and listed my options. They were:

1. Cultivation and training

2. Intuition

3. Slavery

4. Intoxication

Cultivation and training seemed like a lot of work. Slavery looked like bad news. Intuition seemed vague and intoxication seems like I would be in hypnosis.

All of them were vague with no more details, so I chose intoxication.



Ding! You have chosen intoxication. You would have to attract girls, fuck them, make them like you uncontrollably and create their harem. You would have to control them for your desires.


And how am I going to do that? I asked myself.

The system said that it would guide me. So, I went to thamel, a place filled with prostitutes got a girl, and fucked her.

The girl was ugly. She had no big ass or boobs. She was fair but had hairy pussy which I don't like.

After I did, I got a notification


Congratulations! You have fucked a girl

Remarks: The girl is not satisfied. Try better next time

Rewards: 1. Stamina increased by 4

2. Gained 1 skill point


I continued like this. I had money. So I would go there once a week and do it.

After a week of hard work, I got the notification


Congratulations! You have fucked a girl

Remarks: The girl is satisfied

Rewards: 1. Stamina increase by 10

2. Horny meter is On

3. Gained a skill 'horny touch'

4. Situation control pill

5. Gained 10 skill point

6. Appearance change


"Whoa!! Those are lots of rewards" I said. 'Hmm… let's see then". So horny meter would let me see how horny a girl is.

There is parameter which say, kiss.. touch.. fondle.. and fuck.. and above that is worship.. and then never forgotten.

So, if the parameter on the girl goes to 'kiss' then she would not mind If did that.. Then so on.

And I gained my first skill called horny touch. It basically, points to specific areas on a woman's body that are horny. And if I touch them, their horniness increases. Pretty op

And situation control pill was just one-time use item. This lets me control any situation of the girl

I had a smug smile after I saw that. I had a lot of girls I wanted to fuck. From my first crush, Prerana, my celebrity crush stana katic to my hateful friends like Poonam.

But I had one woman I wanted the most. And that was Heena