

Kurai Tachi is a normal student who just wants to study and do well. Lin Hayashi is his childhood friend and roommate who seems determined to spend the rest of her life playing games. When Lin purchases headgear for a chance to enter the beta of the newest VR game 'Seradeihn', Kurai suddenly finds himself trapped in the game in an Avatar that he doesn't know how to use instead, but not for long. Soon he finds that the game itself may hold a link to memories he'd long ago thought lost and the picture they paint proves to be a lot more sinister as they expose a plot that would shock the world as well as the other dimensions that soon become involved.

Mortifae · Games
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125 Chs

Something Other Than Human

Truthfully, most of Kurai's friends had known that he would be able to utilize the abilities since he seemed to be able to adapt to anything that crossed his path, but what they didn't expect was for the two energies to clash and cancel each other out, leaving them with quite a problem on their hands as Kurai looked at his two hands in confusion.

He looked at Hozumi, "Why isn't it working? I haven't had a problem with using these two energies together before."

Hozumi looked just as confused as he was as she shook her head, "I don't know, but we have to…" she didn't even get to finish her sentence before they were being swarmed again and Kurai gritted his teeth as he tried to block the onslaught with a shield.

Sure, he knew that he could use the shadows to slow them down, but that required quite a bit of energy…wait…that could be it, maybe he didn't have enough energy to utilize both techniques at once.