
Chapter 50

It has been a few days since that incident at the arena, news traveled fast in the underworld but it didn't stop just there and every other faction in the world came to know what had happened that day. Many of the factions in this world were surprised because it is known how powerful Sirzechs is, being one of the few super devils of the devil race. The fallen angels were excited in knowing that someone of their race was strong enough to beat down one of the most powerful being's of the devil's race.

Many of the factions wanted to meet Sephiroth and see if they could pull him to their side by offering benefits and whatnot unaware that no matter what they offer he wouldn't join their side. He wasn't even of this world to begin with and had no intention of staying for much longer anyway so really a waste of time on their part.

While the devils in the underworld were furious over the event because they not only lost two pure line devils they also lose face by losing to someone like Sephiroth Crescent and they demand that the other Satan's band together to hunt this person down and bring him in before them so that they may sentence him for his crimes which most likely was going to be execution.

Sirzechs could only sigh at the elders of the underworld, they didn't see or feel what he felt that day. Sephiroth didn't even use everything that he had and was still able to not only defeat him but three others as well that were easily in the ultimate class for power. Something that even he would struggle to do, granted he would still win in the end but he wouldn't have been easy. Not like it was for Sephiroth, he fought all of them without even taking a single form of damage to himself. That just goes to show how much power Sephiroth was still from them and he figured that if Sephiroth deemed it necessary he could have ended that fight that much faster.

Not to mention he had to deal with his father's death and the effect that it had on his family, especially his mother and little sister. He wondered if asking for Sephiroth's help was probably the worst decision that he could have thought of, the man solved one problem but created many others in the process.

While Sirzechs was lamenting over his current situation, we can find Sephiroth and Akeno just casually strolling around Paris in casual clothes with Akeno holding Sephiroth's hand with a happy smile on her face, if one was to look at them they would seem like a happy couple out on a date just enjoying the scenery that the city had to offer.

The two spent time together enjoying the atmosphere that the city of love had to offer to them and did things that a normal couple would do. They tried all kinds of food and different attractions that the city had to offer, this was probably the happiest that Akeno had ever been since she lost her mother that fateful day that changed her life forever. Akeno got to see a new side of Sephiroth that few have ever gotten to see, a caring side that was solely forced on her and doing whatever made her happy.

On the last day that they were going to spend in Paris before they headed back to Kuoh town, they sat in their 5 star hotel room together and Sephiroth knew that now was the time to tell Akeno about himself truly and see how she would take it. After all the time that they spent together in his time in this world and the past few days he knew that he cared for Akeno and wanted her to join him in his journey. He was going to give her a choice after hearing his full story to join him or they would go their own separate ways, he didn't have much time left on this world and he could sense this.

Leading Akeno to the bedroom, she had a blush on her face thinking what they were going to be doing something that required a bed and she started fantasizing about it during the walk. While Akeno is known for testing boundaries with her actions and the things that she says she has never had done anything besides kissing before and the only one that she did that with was Sephiroth. The days that they have been sharing a bed Sephiroth hasn't touched her inappropriately and just held her as they slept, something that she was thankfully for but also frustrated that he hasn't made move on her yet.

Snapping Akeno out of her sexual daydreams by putting her on the edge of the bed facing him, Sephiroth took a seat on a chair opposite of her. "Partner are you sure you want to tell her everything about you, she could easily betray you?" Ddraig questioned Sephiroth worried that he is putting too much trust into this woman.

Answering back "From everything that I have seen she won't betray me and if her feeling are as strong as I believe she will follow me in the end, don't worry Ddraig if she were to betray me I can simple remove her from existence" Ddraig didn't say anything after that knowing that Sephiroth meant what he said and would do it if he has given his word.

Coming back to Akeno who was in front of him "Akeno, can I trust you with a very important secret of mine?"

Confused on why Sephiroth would ask something like this she nodded her head "I would never betray your trust Sephiroth you know that" as she grabs his hand tightly trying to reassure him of that.

Nodding his head to agree with her, "I'm about to tell you my life story up until I meet you in that forest that one day"

"But wait I thought that you couldn't remember anything of your past, do you finally remember now?" Akeno asked hoping that he finally could remember his past now, if something like that was to happen to her she would do anything to help her remember.

"No, I always knew but once you see my story you will know why I lied to you and everyone else that day" Once she heard this she was sad and a tad bit angry that she was lied to but when she heard that she will know the reason why soon she calmed herself down and kept quiet waiting for Sephiroth to go on but was slightly confused when he said see not hear.

Then Sephiroth stepped forward and raised one of his hands he created a white sphere on the tip of it and pushed that toward Akeno's forehead who didn't show any kind of resistance to his actions.

Then Akeno saw everything that Sephiroth ever saw, felt, and tasted during his life up until he met her that day in the forest. It was like watching a movie but it was of Sephiroth's life and it could be classified as a horror movie for the most part. The things that he experienced just as a child made Akeno sick and wanted to kill those that were responsible and it didn't get any better. The kind of missions that Sephiroth was sent on were nothing short of massacres really and then when she saw and felt Sephiroth when he found out the truth about his origins. She couldn't help but want to embrace Sephiroth and couldn't blame him for his reaction of finding out the truth but when she saw what he intended to do in the end she was beyond shocked, killing a whole world to become a god. Then she saw the last moments of his life brought tears to her eyes, when she saw Lilith she was surprised that someone could be so beautiful and then when she found out that she was the goddess of chaos itself was another surprise for her. The fact that the goddess could make something that let you travel to other worlds was just crazy and her sole mission was for him to cause chaos in the worlds that he visits and get stronger for her. That part irked her because she didn't know if she could compare to a goddess like that but she wasn't going to give up without a fight.

When the showing of Sephiroth's life ended, Akeno had tears streaming down her face and quickly lunged at Sephiroth to give him a tight hug with all of her strength. Trying to show him that she cares for him and won't leave or betray him.

"*sniff* oh Sephiroth you have *sniff* had a terrible life so far. But you don't have to *sniff* worry, I will never leave you alone and will help you in anyway that I can from *sniff* now on okay." Akeno said trying to show him her love that she has for him.

Sephiroth wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug and a light peck on her forehead trying to calm her down. "My past is my past, I'm no longer that person anymore and I try to put it behind me and finally do what I want for once. I plan to leave this world in the future and I wanted you to come along with me Akeno"

"Would you join me? '' Hearing this Akeno was mildly surprised because she knew that Sephiroth could go to different worlds; she just didn't think that he would ask her to join him at all. While she is now technically free from Rias from being her queen because of the deal that she made a few days ago, she didn't know how she felt just leaving everything behind something like this was a big step.

Seeing the hesitation on Akeno's face, Sephiroth knew what she was probably thinking "We will come back in the future Akeno, so you don't have to worry about not seeing your friends and family ever again. We have a long life ahead, why don't we enjoy it together and see all of the different worlds out there"

Upon hearing this Akeno felt relieved that they would come back making her decision that much easier for her now, "I will gladly join you then Sephiroth-kun" she said while twirling her finger on his chest in her usual teasing tone, making Sephiroth give off a small smile at her actions.

Ddraig who watched the whole event transpire was happy for her partner that he found someone that could help him in his journey and still loved him for him after seeing what his past was like, while she can help him in most things but because she doesn't have a physical form there are also some things that she just can't help with.

"Now then we will be heading back to Kuoh town tomorrow morning, you will have to talk to Rias and see what's going on with the underworld, while I'm going to visit a certain fallen angel about something" When Sephiroth was done saying that, he picked Akeno up in a princess carry and walked her to the bed surprising Akeno and making her have a massive blush on her face because of embarrassment.

"What are you doing, Sephiroth?" Akeno said while trying to hide her face with her hands.

"Since you agreed to be with me, why not seal the deal" Sephiroth then laid her down in the middle of the king size bed and hovered over her with his arms on both sides of her head effectively trapping her there from getting away.

"But….but….but" seeing Akeno stutter, Sephiroth leaned forward to her ear and whispered "I want you Akeno" before he learned back he licked her ear sending a shiver down her spine at his action.

Breathing hard now and slowly getting worked up, Akeno only nodded her head to show that he can do what he wants to her. This is something that she has wanted for a while now and after learning about Sephiroth's past she couldn't think of a better way to prove that she loves him and that she can be trusted then by giving her body to him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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