
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 2

Shortly after Sephiroth died and was scattering to the wind, we see a certain god that watched the whole fight between Sephiroth and Cloud's group eating popcorn on a recliner like it is a movie to her.

"Well I didn't see that coming, I thought for sure that little angel was going to win that fight."

"I really liked him too but now I don't have anything else to watch now, what to do, what to do" She says while tapping her fingers on her seat and supporting her head with her other hand in a thinking pose.

"I know what to do since he died already. It shouldn't hurt for me to summon him here for a little talk, I just thought of a great idea that can cause all kinds of chaos" She says while starting to giggle at the end because of the great idea she has for her new favorite person.

After that little laughing fit this god summoned Sephiroth, much like how he died in his own world. He starts to reform the same way slowly till he is complete again and he is standing in front of her and what Sephiroth shocks him.

Standing in front of him is a beautiful woman that is about 5 feet 6 inches tall with a set of long blonde hair and bright blue eyes that are as deep as the ocean that he could lost in if he stared long enough. But have a darkness in them that promised pain if he was to ever wrong her at any point. She has a pair of curved horns on her head that are black, along with a set of demonic looking armor with a battle skirt for the bottom. (what she looks like if your curious https://wallpapersafari.com/w/QDnGWV)

"Hello there little angel, I've been watching you for sometime and I have to say that I really enjoy what you tried to do there in your world." She says while folding her arms under her breast pushing them up and making them look even bigger than they already are, slightly distracting Sephiroth.

"You were so close to winning that I was on the edge of my seat, I was really disappointed that you lost in the end"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you then, but you mind telling me who you are first" Sephiroth says while trying to gauge who this lady is and why he can't sense how powerful she is.

"Hahaha how I can forget that, whoops well my name is Lilith and I am the god of chaos" Lilith says while somewhere triumphs play in the background and she strikes a heroic pose. Sephiroth just raises an eyebrow to her statement wondering if she is really a god or not.

"I see and what can I do for you Lilith as you can see I am currently dead so there isn't much that I can do for you now"

"Right, Right, I know that silly but what if I can change that for you would you be willing to live again for a price that is?" Lilith asks with a cheery tone while she folds her arms behind her back and leans forward a bit.

"As great as that sounds it depends on what the price is for living again" Sephiroth says back wondering what this god of chaos is scheming against him and why him of all people.

"It is simple really I will let you live again and all I want is you to be mine forever and ever simple right?

"Now I know what you're thinking, why me right, well it is simple. I just like your determination and willingness to do what must be done to achieve your goals. Plus your looks help as well and the chaos that you caused in the process made me so excited if you know what I mean" Lilith says while giving him a predatory look while licking her lips sensually at him. Making Sephiroth a little uncomfortable because this is the first time for him that a woman looked at him like that.

"I guess there could be worse fates for someone like me so I'll agree with your proposition Lilith"

"Great but there is a slight problem. You're too weak right now for me, as much as I love everything about you, your strength just isn't at my level yet but no worries I know how to solve that problem." She says with glee on her face.

Lilith then proceeds to explain to Sephiroth that there are many different worlds out there with all different kinds of systems of power where some worlds don't have magic at all or different ways in which they use magic. While they talk for a while Sephiroth finally learns that if he incorporates these different systems of power he will eventually be able to get to her level if he has the determination for it.

"I understand, you can count on me to get stronger and to cause some chaos for you in the process Lilith if that is what you desire of me" Sephiroth says while wondering what worlds he will visit now.

"Great my little angel, I'm looking forward to it and I already have the first world selected for you I like to call it DxD world and no I won't tell you why" Lilith says and then goes to explain all the different races that are in this world and that there are gods in that world as well. Not nearly as powerful as her but they are still stronger than him at the current moment.

"Now you will technically be part fallen angel in this world because of your single black wing so you will get all the benefits of that race with some tweaks here and there but you have to find those out yourself. But be careful because most races don't like fallen angels because of the way that they act in this world. I'm also going to revert you back to your 17 year old body because you looked your hottest than" Lilith says while giving him a lustful stare.

"How will I travel to other worlds then Lilith?"

"Simple because I'm making you part human you will have what they call a scared gear, I will send it to your body when you transfer to the DxD world. I call it the chaos cup and it will let you and anyone else you want to travel to a different world but it has a cool down of 2 years in between uses but it has no other functions than that."

"Okay Lilith is there anything else that I need to know before you send me off then?" Sephiroth asks her who upon hearing this slowly walks to him with a big sway in her hips showing off her hourglass figure to him.

"Nope just have to send you off now" After walking to him, Lilith then cups his face with her hands and gives him a deep passionate kiss. Sephiroth being his first kiss was shocked at this recent development and just stood there like a statue while Lilith was giving her all into the kiss to make sure that he remembered her.

Right when the kiss is about to end she sends him off in the same way that he materialized there into dust particles but the look on his face made her smile and giggle but before he completely disappears Sephiroth makes one last statement.

"Damn it Lilith" Making her laugh again and looking forward to the chaos that he is going to bring to the worlds that he visits and wondering if he is going to bring any sisters for her to play with when the time comes.

Don't forget to let me know what love interest that you want to see people.

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