

Michelle was born into a royal family, but she never felt that she belonged. Fed up with the restrictions of her royal life, she decided to go undercover and live a simple life. She found work in a small town and tried to blend in. One day, on her way home,she met a man named Lucas who works as a manager in a brewery company. He was charming and asked her out, but she refused, not wanting to seem cheap. Despite her initial reluctance, they continued to cross paths and eventually started to get to know each other. This led to her being drugged and raped, giving her a product of physical and mental abuse. Lucas disappeared and wasn't seen for months after that until he reappeared on the day of Michelle's delivery.  Despite the pain she was going through, Michelle foolishly still went with him, which led to her being disowned by her family. Things continued and events kept happening until tragedy struck and Lucas changed for the worse. Another rape ensued and she became pregnant again, making the events turn and Lucas vanish for the second time. Michelle went through difficult times with her family and felt lost, unsure of the path she should choose. The pain she experienced made it hard for her to find her way forward, forcing her to finally decide her own fate. Now a shocking discovery happened with Lucas coming with a shocking revelation.

Godwin_Dixon · History
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20 Chs

Not this guy

It was Saturday,the day Michelle had been looking forward to she had really taken time in putting on a light makeup with a red lipstick. She had worn a red gown with flowers at the hem, putting on heels and holding a bright red purse. She had intentionally let her hair fall to her waist thereby making her more beautiful looking at the mirrors she smiled and muttered he is gonna Drool 🤤

Lucas on the other hand was dressed in a white T-shirt and white trouser wearing a white sneakers he really looked cute😎


Lucas got to DEL HOT very early and had to wait for 30 minutes before his eyes fell on a beauty in red gown coming towards him.she is mine he muttered.

Reaching the table they exchanged greetings while she sat down.

Thanks so much for coming he started,i just wanted to know you more and probably establish a friendship he said

Michelle can i see you for a minute Ms Gabrielle said interrupting Michelle who was about to speak.

Yea sure she replied.michelle stood up and walked away with Ms Gabrielle while her hips swayed.lucas was dumbstruck for some seconds looking at her hips he promised himself....i must bang this one he said

Michelle this guy isn't meant for you he is a flirt and a cheat Ms Gabrielle said

How do you know?

Okay he once dated my daughter after promising to marry her,he was caught in an hotel with another lady pls Michelle you need to rethink

Ok Ms Gabrielle thanks for your advice....he is still at the table Michelle said wanting to leave

Going back to the table a lot of thought ran through her mind.could this be true? she asked herself

Well I'm going to find out she concluded

Reaching the table she faked a smile and sorry for keeping you waiting

No problem Lucas replied.

So...I'm Michelle santoz,I'm 22 and i love cooking she said

Nice he replied I'm Lucas Manuel, I'm 33 and i love partying

Oh she replied

So like I said can we be friends he asked

Sure no prob she replied.

After the lil introduction the discussed about other matters while taking their meal.

Goodbye dear Lucas said leaving the restaurant bye Michelle replied

Michelle this guy is a total turn down his intentions are not sincere and i won't bear to see you in pain when he use and deject you Gabrielle said

I know Ms Gabrielle but I can't just ignore him moreover he only asked for friendship nothing more.

okay Michelle just be careful

I will Ms Gabrielle Michelle said