
Separated for the worst, or maybe not

“Let’s go! Let’s go now and rescue my husband!” Scarlet tells everyone and takes her rightful position. The one that was only meant for her. Flying from city to city until a someone captures her. Leaving her son alone by himself and soon the news of the Black Lotus gang doing their kidnapping part again fly's into the newspaper once again or are the rumors actually true? Inside the most mysterious gang territory, the one that holds the most unknown secrets. Scarlet finds herself in the middle of it all! What to do when Scarlet starts recognizing people that she should have forgotten about? When the sweet and innocent childhood sweetheart shows up when she the least wants? But what is happening when all that she has been looking for lays in the hands of an unknown man? But is he really as unknown as she thinks... Scarlet finds herself in a difficult situation! Between her escape plans, and her heart from shivering of excitement from the man that she should be a stranger to... or maybe not. Warning! this novel is a lot cliché! Be prepared. You have been warned!

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15 Chs

3. Who are you?

Scarlets eyes wander from the boy to the others around him. The innocent looking smile on the boys face turns serious and only now dose she see that he's actually much older than he was looking like a second ago. The boyish eyes look more mature and she feels a shiver running down her spine. >Who is this boy?< The question repeats like a broken recorder in her head. And she starts to feel fear. >What if he's going to hurt me< Scarlet thinks.

Scarlets hands are shaking and she knows that he can come at her anytime. Even if she once knew some material arts, she's not ready to fight against anyone yet and especially not so suddenly as this. And as awaited the boy runs up to her. Scarlet closes her eyes and takes on the defensive, crossing her hands in front of her to block any sensitive areas. scarlet feels how the boy raises his hands up and Scarlet is ready for the impact but suddenly she feels arms gently embrace her in a hug.

"What...?" In a high pitch voice fast comes out of her mouth. A surprising hug leaves Scarlet confused. She doesn't know if she should hug this boy back or if she should push him away. This kidnapper is strangely more confusing than the others!

"I can't believe that you still don't remember me by now!" The boy says with a shake in his voice like he's feeling hurt. Scarlet automatically hugs him back and he hugs her more tightly than before.

"I can't breathe!" Scarlet says between her teeth. With that, the boy let's go of her and smiles with a truly happy smile. That's when a name jumps in her head. >But it can't be, how come he still remembers about me. He was so small back then that it should be impossible.< Scarlet thinks but there's still possibility that she's right.

"Little Arrow?" She asks slowly, unsure if she's right or wrong and the boy hugs her again but more gently this time. He raises both of them up from the cold floor that Scarlet forgot that she was sitting on and he swings her around in circles until she starts to feel dizzy.

"Yes! You truly are my sister in law! I couldn't believe that it was you that we rescued from those stupid rouges in the streets. I started to cry when I saw you but since you where unconscious I couldn't hug you like this before. But don't worry! You didn't sleep on the floor this whole time. I got someone to bring you here and do this prank just when it was time for you to wake up. Did you get scared? Mohahah I'm a genius, right!" Aaron says he starts to shake Scarlet even more than before.

'' Let go! I can't breath!'' she says before she starts to feel sick.

'' But I don't want to, It was so long ago since we last meet each other. I thought that I would never have the chance to see you again after that incident...'' Aaron wanders with his words off, afraid to remind Scarlet about the wrong incident.

She almost forgot about what happened, the reason why she and her son had to flee from people and work hard in by themselves in a more peaceful world. But if she's being honest, she could never forget the pain and misery that she and her son had to go trough by themselves. The only thing that didn't make her go crazy by time was her son, she had to live if not for her self then for her son.

The thoughts of her son brings back her panic and stress. She starts to inhale and exhale fast, just like a blowing wind in the heavy rain. Scarlet looks around in the room and soon enough finds the door to run outside from. She catches Aaron watching her with his scary eyes once again and she knows that he knows what she's thinking about doing. But the most scary thing is that he doesn't know about Leo. Since there has never been the right time to tell him she has never said anything.

"Little Arrow, I need you to do me a little favor..." she attempts to say without looking him in the eyes. But just like Aarons brother, he catches up fast about what she needs him to do.

"You want me to help you get out from here without anyone knowing, right!" Aaron lifts her chin up with his left hand and makes her look him in the eyes. His deep hazel eyes look slightly teared up. He bites his lower lip and let's go of her chin and instead gives Scarlet another warm and familiar hug.

Scarlet remembers that when they where younger, Aaron was always emotional and would cry very much. One day, his brother got really angry at Little Arrow for eating the last muffin without anyone knowing and that included his brother and her. When Aarons brother got to know about the kidnapped muffin, he inspected everyone in the whole area to find out who's the guilty one. But by the end of the day, Little Arrow walked up to his brother with the little courage that he had and admitted to his crime. Every suspect was relieved that day but little did they know that Little Arrows brother was not only looking for the one who eat the last muffin but also who eat the other muffins as well. After Little Arrow got scolded by his brother that afternoon, he found Scarlet taking a stroll by the river and she let him hug her for the very first time. The hug was both warm and silly but still one to remember for the years to come.

"Sister-in-law, why do you want to go away again?" Aaron asks as he feels that Scarlet is hiding something from him.

"I need something from the apartment that I was staying at." She tries to say as if there's nothing more and as she wants to continue to convince him, what he says next makes her flinch.

"Scarlet... when we got to your apartment... to get your stuff... the apartment was.. was.."

"Was what?!?!"

"The apartment was.. in flames" The vision in front of Scarlet gets dark and she can't breath anymore. She feels her whole body collapse and the screaming for her name in the background doesn't connect with her mind. She puts her hands on her neck and tries to grasp. Just after a while is she able to slowly breath again. The feeling that her Leo is still alive calms her down a little.

"Why? How?" She desperately tries to think that Leo is alright and still alive. But she should be right by his side when he needs her the most. "How could this happen?"

"We don't know either, when we got to your apartment it was already in flames and there was noway to go inside. More like there was nothing to go inside for. Everything's was almost burned down to ashes after we put out the fire."

"Take me there!"


"I said, take me there!" Scarlet screams out in Aarons face and she can see a tear in Little Arrows eyes but that doesn't stop her worrying. Now more than ever, she has to find her son.

I would appreciate it if you could give me feedback or if there’s something wrong with my grammar. English is my third language but I hope that it’s not poorly written.

Have a good day/ night!

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