
Sentient Awakening

The Infested have invaded the solar systems. Sentients, the protectors of the realm, are falling left and right and planets are being lost. After various failures, the solar council has tactically relocated their forces only to maintain the status quo. Years later a man named Noff wakes up, he isn't a sentient, he's just a normal human being, does he have what it takes to defeat the infested and reclaim the solar system?

Spufferman · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Greg’s Hut

Year: 573,709

Location: Earth

Ugh… What's wrong with her I thought? I have so many questions, I barely know what to do, how does she even sense anything from me, and why, why am I even alive! What if I come across infested now huh? My life will be over!

[If I knew you were going to be so annoying, I'd never helped wake you up, you little dribbledrob]

"Again! What is this voice? Who is this? Who am I even talking to? Also… you were reading my thoughts, I didn't say anything out loud!"

[I assume you're talking to me aren't you? How magnificent! Nobody has talked to me in over 100.000 years! I'm so glad!]

"Who are you?" I asked curiously with a bit of a disappointed tone.

[Hehehe, I cannot tell you, but just act like I'm your personal advisor who is right inside of you! But for now, you can call me Nexus.] Nexus said in a high-pitched feel-good tone. As if it was not to be taken seriously.

"As if things couldn't get any worse…"

[You're so mean dribbledrob, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be drobbing around anymore!] Nexus said in a similar manner.

"Dribbledrob…. What does drobbing even mean, please help me around a bit, I'm so confused." I asked frustratingly. It was not so much that it's personality was frustrating me - even though it's acting like a combination of a failed clown and a narcissist - but more the fact of me having to deal with someone or something that can read my mind for who knows how long.

[I'm just describing your uselessness using unintelligible language. I need to have my share of fun too!]

"Yeah yeah" I responded with my feigned disinterest.

[Look, as I said, just act like I'm your personal advisor for now. I'm inside of you and it looks like I'm not leaving anytime soon. So let's work together for now. But I guess…. I can at least explain a few things, if you have any questions, that is.]

For the first time I felt somewhat relieved, as I might be able to get some help from someone since I've been thrown into this mess out of nothing.

"Oh yeah definitely. Why am I still alive? It's impossible for humans to live 100,020 years." I asked reluctantly. It's not as important of a question compared to questions relating to the war and the infested, but I might as well warm Nexus up before going to the big question.

[That's because of me! Hihihihi. I can't tell you more than that. But I will accept all the gratitude you have.] Nexus said in her usual manner while giggling like a cute little kid being tickled by its grandma.

"Go die!" I blurted out, unable to contain my frustration.

[How unfortunate for me. My master doesn't seem to appreciate my presence.]

"Ugh, okay. It seems you do not want to tell me much. I'll just list my questions instead, you tell me whatever you can."

[Deal] Said Nexus in a surprisingly serious and determined manner.

"Why is Selene referring to herself as 'the' protector of the solar system and not 'a' protector? Secondly, what happened to me before I ended up at the prison. Lastly, what are the infested and where do they come from?"

[I am here to announce that I, in fact, do know the answer to all three of these questions.]

"Will you enlighten me?"


"Useless… Then wh-.." Before I could express my frustration, Nexus interrupted me.

[I can, in fact, answer your third question though.]

This quickly made me forget my frustrations because I can finally say that something positive has happened.

[Selene's Description of brainless maniacs is somewhat correct. They're monsters, or rather, corrupted creatures. Most of them cannot think or speak, they live based on instincts. It's different for the higher ranked ones, they do have the ability to think or even speak. The Infested don't have sex - which I find to be a very unfortunate development for them - but my opinions aside, their way of procreating is similar to that of parasites, it's just that they don't need parasites for that. They spread spores, these spores grow when it's warm, it's their source of energy, the warmer it is the faster they grow and the bigger they get. This doesn't mean they cannot grow at cold temperatures, it's just less than optimal.]

"Could that possibly be the reason why Selene mentioned the Dyson Sphere around the sun? What exactly is that structure?"

[The Dyson Sphere is a structure which surrounds the sun, it's some sort of solar panel that captures the sun's energy, but much more efficiently.]

"That sounds cool." I said trying to not sound too excited, even though I think it does sound really cool.

[Let's go and find Greg sweety.]


It took a while for us to start walking in search of Greg. It seems like Selene dropped us off in some sort of mineshaft, so the path was very linear. There weren't any rails or wood or any of the sort. Infinity torches were placed behind Palladium microalloy glass, which is said to be the strongest and toughest type of glass in existence. There's absolutely no way any normal human being could break that without some kind of superpowers.

[I do find it interesting that Selene said that planet Earth is too dangerous for you, yet here we are, in some random cave on planet Earth. Maybe it's mostly dangerous on the outside.] Nexus contemplated out loud.

"Will you save me if danger occurs?"

[I'll think about it] Nexus said laughingly.

"Very relieving"

[Hey, Hey Dribbledrob.]

"What?" I asked, afraid of what kind of nonsense Nexus is planning to share with me.

[Did you know that your bladder responds to mine too? So whenever I need to pee, you will have to do it for me! This applies to all bodily functions, hihihihi. How magnificent.] Said Nexus in a high and exciting pitch, as if it thinks this will bring our relationship any closer.

"WHAT, HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK, DO I HAVE TO SOLVE YOUR DAILY OUTTAKE PROBLEMS TOO? DO YOU EVEN EAT? DO YOU USE MY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND STEAL MY FOOD?" I responded. Of course such claims make me very worried, because you know what they say: The Three Pillars of Life are Food, Sex and Sleep, and I'm a big connoisseur of the first two.

[Hahaha calm down little guy. It's not that big of a deal is it?] Nexus said as if it was not to be taken seriously.

"IT IS! IT IS A BIG DEAL! I HATE GOING TO THE TOILET!" I said, knowing that these little actions require me to stop what I'm doing, get up and reset my concentration even when I'm in the flow. Also knowing full well Nexus will take its chance to pee whenever I least want it.

[You didn't go for over 100.000 years, so don't worry, you'll manage.] Nexus said, ending this abysmal conversation… for now.

It didn't take very long before arriving at some sort of hut. It was a fairly large hut with some equipment racks near the front door showing his skill means business. Most of the hut was built from logs instead of polished wood or planks, this gave it a rough look. The hut clearly had two stories. From what was visible through the windows, it seemed like the upper story was for living and the bottom story for his smithing and selling. There was also a sign hanging with the text: "50% off for people smaller than me". Since Selene mentioned Greg's a dwarf, I couldn't help but wonder how many would qualify for that discount.

"Nexus, it seems like we're approaching some underground hut." I said, hoping conversing would improve our relationship.

[How exciting this will be! Let's meet Greg!] Nexus responded with the same excitement as always.

As I opened the door I saw a man, an old man, working on his equipment with the same passion I clean my ass after I'm done in the bathroom knowing my date is waiting for me. Only difference is that he looked more precise, less snob-like and above all, more successful in what he's doing. That's based off of my observations okay, I have no idea how smithing works, but it looks so damn cool! The man looked a bit too small for his weight, but it wasn't bad, he looked cool and confident. He looks like he's wearing black shorts and long brown socks, the socks blend in perfectly with his brown shoes making it feel as if they're boots. He has a green blouse tucked in his pants and a yellow short-sleeved jacket above it, which, despite sounding mismatched, looked surprisingly stylish. He also wears a black magician-like hat, but instead of the white stripe, it's a red ribbon. And of course, like any dwarf, he has an amazing beard, a grey one at that, looking like an experienced man worth respecting. While I couldn't see it clearly at this distance, it seems like he's wearing glasses too.

"Hello?" I said as if I was asking a question.

"Greetings, how can I help you?" Answered Greg enthusiastically.

"Selene told me to find you."

"Well, well, well, what brings you two to my humble abode? Equipment, you say? Ah, I see, another adventurer joining the ranks, eh? Step right in, my friend. I have just the tools for you." Said Greg in a very dwarf-like manner.

"Another adventurer? Are there more?"

"Yes there are, but I need more returning customers, so I hope you can fit the bill."

"What does that even mean?" I asked worryingly.

"They're all dead." Said Greg in a very determined manner.

Oh great…

"It has nothing to do with the quality of my equipment though! If Selene recommends me, then it means I'm the best of the best." Said Greg in a way as if he wasn't worried about the adventurers which have already passed away.

"Look, I'm an old dwarf, I've had my fair share of experiences. The Infested are no joke, they're monsters, they don't seem even human in the slightest." Said Greg while having a humongus ruler in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Checking whether you fit the smaller than me discount."

"CAN'T YOU TELL THAT ON FIRST SIGHT?" I screamed as if Nexus was talking to me.

"Let's find you some equipment." Said Greg hastily as he was rummaging through his collection.

"That sounds perfect, Greg. I appreciate your help. Also, do you happen to know anything about the lost sentient at Earth's core? Selene mentioned that it was brought in that direction, but she lost contact. Any information you have could be valuable." I inquired without really believing in a useful answer.

"Ah, the lost sentient. A tragic tale, indeed. As for the specifics, I'm afraid my knowledge is limited. However, legends say that it was defeated during a heavy battle which ended up all the way down near the Earth's core. So be on the lookout for unnatural cave formations. If you dare to venture into the depths, you might just uncover the truth about the lost sentient. But be warned, my friend, the path won't be easy, and the challenges will test your mettle."

Hearing this made me very determined. If the lost sentient and its fight became so famous that it became a legend, it must mean that either the sentient was very well known or the fight was of such an epic scale that the people needed to tell this tale. What's the sentient like? What was the fight like? I really want to find it so that I can ask about it. Hopefully it'll be a bit less mysterious than Selene and I can actually ask away.

"Look at this! I found something for you!" Said Greg enthusiastically while running in my direction.

I tried out the equipment at once, he didn't just give me weapons, but also clothes. It was a complete set. Black pants, black oversized jacket with orange outline and details - which really fits my black and brownish hair - and a white shirt which I quickly tucked away in my pants. This outfit was specifically designed for flexibility. The comfort I feel when wearing this is immeasurable. He also gave me an orange towel for removing sweat or stopping blood flow which I could attach to my pants. More importantly, he also gave me a weapon I could fight with. It was some sort of mace, but instead of spikes, it had blades. The blades were oval formed and had large holes with them going from the centre of the stick to the near outer edge of the blade. The weapon was black but the blades were orange, you could feel the heat when touching it. If not careful enough, you could burn yourself or any equipment you might have. The point of the mace was spiky though, which can be used to stab the enemies, even though the spike ain't that long.

"It's amazing! Wow! Thank you so much!" I said, trying to express my gratitude wholeheartedly while carelessly swinging with my new weapon.

[Be careful that you don't accidentally burn yourself sweetheart.] Nexus said in her usual tone. Yet I couldn't help but smile a little this time.

"Do I have to pay anything for it? I have nothing to offer."

"Don't worry. If Selene sent you here, then it's free for you." Reassured Greg.

"I see, do you two know each other very well?" I asked, knowing that any information about Selene could be helpful.

I didn't realise the impact that this question would have on Greg. As he took off his hat and started looking somewhat emotional, he began telling me a story about his past.

"It happened 400 years ago."

"Back then I was still a little boy. I lived in Greggerinos, a city built by the Gregs. The Gregs are a special family of dwarves. They named their relatively small city to let people know who built it. My parents named me Greg because… I don't know. But my full name is Greg Greg, it's somewhat confusing. In any case. Greggerinos lies close to the butterfly garden managed by Sophy. Which is the most beautiful place I've ever been to. Flowers and butterflies representing all colours of the rainbow, hills filled with flowers, flowered staircases that can be controlled at will to reach the other levels of the garden. It felt like a multidimensional paradise. But during the attack sentients were being shot down left and right and our power fell. Earth only had one sentient left to fight for us, other than that, we had to protect ourselves. Then on one of the hottest summer days, the Infested attacked. We had to protect ourselves, but fighting in the heat takes on a heavy toll. I was still only 30 years old, which is very young for a dwarf, I was still a child back then, you can compare it to an 8 year old human. My parents rushed towards the butterfly garden where Sophy is. They left me there to fight off the invested themselves and had Sophy take care of me. But their numbers were infinite, there was nothing we could do. They gave Sophy such a difficult time that she didn't have the time to protect me anymore. She was gravely injured after the battle. And just when an infested monster was about to eat me alive, at once, the scene went dark. It was night, the stars were shining, and there she came, Selene. I wasn't wounded at all, but if she came a second later, I would be dead. She helped Sophy rebuild the butterfly garden, but Greggerinos was never rebuilt, as all the dwarves except me were killed. This wasn't all she did. She gave me this hut, where I live now and promised me that it would be safe here. Since then, I have been living here for 400 years, not a single infested monster has shown its face here. From there on out, I decided to help adventures gear up and fight against the invested, because I realised that anyone who is fighting till their deaths, deserve to be admired like they're the biggest heroes of all time. I'm still sad that our dwarf family was completely annihilated, at least there are more dwarves around the world, as far as I know."

It was clear from Greg's face that this was a difficult story to tell. He lost his parents at such a young age. He witnessed the horrors of the infested first-hand, which makes him a reliable ally in my eyes. So far, I haven't seen any infested yet, but I'm going to find out what they are as soon as I possibly can. In any case, Greg provided me with invaluable information.

"I'm sorry for what happened, the infested really are such powerful monstrous creatures." I said trying to empathise with him.

"So Selene is quite the powerful one, correct?" I asked hoping to get more information about Selene.

"She is powerful, but I don't know how powerful. I was 8 years old. I don't remember much about Selene nor Sophy. This is all I have to offer."

"I see, thank you."

"Before we part ways. May I know your name? Adventurer." Asked Greg in a somewhat nostalgic tone, as if he was still living inside his past.

"My name is Noff. It was a pleasure to meet you." I said as I left the hut immediately after, leaving Greg behind, hoping we would meet again and that I'd be his one and only returning customer.

"Nexus, did you know all of this?"

[This story is completely new to me. You see, because you slept for so long, my cut-off date when it comes to knowledge is 100.000 years ago. So please bear with me.]

"Ugh… so you're just an outdated machine with no useful input whatsoever and whenever you know something you wont tell because of some weird reason?" I said with a disappointed tone, knowing full well I couldn't blame Nexus for this.

[You forgot the fact that I make funny jokes!] Nexus said, making me realise that I wasn't disappointed that Nexus has a cut-off date, but rather that Nexus is Nexus and I'm stuck with it.

[Look, in spacetime 100.000 years isn't a lot. I told you I know Selene, I also know the answer to some of your questions. I know quite a lot. But I cannot tell you anything.]

"Let's get going. We're going to Earth's core to find the lost sentient!"