
Sent to Skyrim with mods

Hopefully you enjoyed main character gets sent to his favorite game to survive should be good twist for you

Thomas3643 · Urban
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10 Chs

Man in the black suit

I just stood there with the blank expression on my face While The man repeated what he said I'm sorry a man but you have died I thought in my head how the fuck did I just die I was just downstairs.

getting the clothes out of the laundry or at least I thought I went downstairs but I know I was in my house I know I Change the laundry and walk back up the stairs so what the fuck was going on I thought to myself I was starting to get confused like how the fuck did I die there's no way I could die

on 35 like yeah I've had a wild childhood smoking and drinking but predominantly I have been playing video games since I was 12 always played video games but hearing the man's words shudder ran through my spine Because I did not feel like I felt

like what he said was about to come through with that big ass fucking weapon of his dad, of course, I could be dead because there's no way in hell anybody would be it able to have that weapon is The fucking personification of death I told him that was bullshit because there's no way I What day to

me he was saying that shit just to fuck with me but there was some truth to his words I didn't feel like I was in my body anymore which made me think maybe I did die but how the fuck did I die I looked at the man in the black suit and I asked him how I died which then he pointed out that I have been

drinking nothing but energy drinks and soda for the past 18 years And I started smoking cigarettes when I was 12 and I started drinking when I was 14 and I was smoking weed by 15 all that shit I was doing to my body was slowly poisoning it which is Not much better than outright killing yourself he

figured since I've been slowly poisoning my bloodstream and nothing happens it would be better just to come to get me his self Which pissed me off even more So you're telling me my poor lifestyle it's The reason I'm fucking now why I'm dead Man smiled the nodded and said yes but don't worry you count as a suicide I thought in my head what the fuck does that mean which I

committed suicide The man looked at me with a sad face and said Suicide is a frowned upon thing in your culture but in old days it was a way of Offering yourself what I have come to do today is to see which being would want a Soul like you it is my job to take side offered souls and Sell them

away to any entity that would want them, it is much like an auction house in your world there are many entities in the universe and in the greater multiverse that have been alive since before the beginning of the universe and are looking for ways to satisfy their Endless boredom so you will be sold

one of these entities for their amusement and trust me when I say you do not want to be returned if you are returned we will break you to make you subservient to your next Mester there are rules in the auction house if you break any of the rules in the auction house there will be a great punishment for you The best you can do is when we get to the

auction house make sure you do not piss off you know master I would hate to see what would happen to you if you pissed off one of the ancient beings from the multi-verse your punishment would truly be hell then the man said let's go before I could say anything the man's eyes lit up with the flame in golf the both of us And us quickly

disappeared appearing and an auction house I could see the backstage where men and women were standing with colors around their necks the man in the black suit grab the color it out of his pocket and put it around my neck I looked at the man With other fucking rage I had never been so

mad at somebody but I was fucking pissed at this man to tell me I was killing myself slowly than to tell me he got bored with that and decided to come to get me his fucking cell to tell me I would never be able to see my beautiful fucking kids, my wife, again it

just pissed me the fuck off I couldn't take it anymore I thought in my head affected every get out of the situation I would there is no way in fuck in hell I'm going to leave my family sometime past and the auction house opened I looked around to

see the entities sitting in chairs Bing way to the one by Allegan Winged women As the auction As I looked around I could tell that I was not on earth anymore I don't know where the fuck this

the auction house was but it was not on earth everything was gilded and gold something that seems sparkly as fuck I have mediately looked around and seen the entities some Was in hoods some look like they could destroy everything I had

ever held deer chest from their eyes seeing what the man in black was talking about know damn well there was nothing I could do and I like the doors way to be Sold like a piece of meat Looking at the other poor people how was bad to be sold like me in this Auction the set of dread was on the humans knowing any of us could die after we were

sold the men in black one over some key rules of the auction if we ran away we would be hunted down then tortured then we sold then whatever the master wanted to do to me the idea of double torture with fucking insane there's no way in hell I'm gonna left whatever the fuck these things are

torture me on top or have any sick fucks want to

After that the man told us to stay here so he could take care of some business the man went to the front and started talking with the Guess entering the auction They were 41 entities at the auction now I said down at their table These entities

look Fucking terrifying like I almost shited myself

Could you imagine being in front of her being like God I doubt that you would not almost have a fucking heart attack Seeing the man in black pair on the stage in the middle of the auction let me know two things I was utterly fucked and the

the auction was just about to begin we spent about 15 minutes as the gas sat down and order drinks more of the Drinks just sat there As the auction began The other people saw my number and back the hell away from me thinking that this was even worse than what they thought of my number read 666 me

not being an overly religious man not giving a fuck about a number when I'm gonna be sold when there's over 1000 of us to that makes no fucking sense why you would give a fuck about a number like that but they stood away from me scared to approach me so I stood there waiting for my number to be called hoping we were going one by one so I at least had no what what happened to the other 664 people ahead of me