(also in the gambling thing shit happened where etzer and the students get transported to the special chapter this is before that happened sorry to confuse)
"Hello senpai~" ichika said creepily and little obsessed looking.etzer knew who she was for a few reasons things like the fandom and hentai exists so eh nice.
And she had like what 226 iq? And she was also ranked high in the strength one too and not to mention she destroyed kusida as etzer saw an illustration cover of her holding kusidas hair.Now kusida seemed to be a little teeny tiny bit dangerous.
But GWAT she has a HUGE....obsession.... What did you think I was gonna say? *Rock raises eye brows*
"You must be ichika awaesawa right."
This is not a blunder this is intentional,etzers intentions are to intimidate her with his knowledge of cote.
Etzer kind of practically knew that she is a white room student reason? She is obsessed with Ayanokoji would make clearly not sense for someone to be obsessed with Ayanokoji at the same time having an iq of over 200.
"Oh senpai knows my name I wonder how?~"
Ichika had a cute creepy smirk.
"Is senpai obsessed with me? Do I have a secret admirer~"
Etzer already wanted to punch her in the face and rip her tounge of off her mouth instantly.But thag would be terrible idea for the reason of getting his hands dirty and hell! He doesn't need to see her organs spewing out! And he doens't want to put weight on the cleaners who will clean up the mess..besides she is really charming..etzer doesn't like the annoying types but hey he just had to maintain his composure.
"I never wanted to kill myself so badly" etzer said darkly to which ichika replied instantly.
"Oh senpai wants to suicide?~ suicide is bad why don't you fight me instead and I could send you to heaven easily and i wouldn't mind to do it slowly and painlessly~"
If you can't tell this is ichikas way of flirting,the love aggression is high like literally..
"You got two things wrong when you said that sentence 1. You should have replaced the word heavan for hell and 2. It should be mentioned who's winning"
Oh great etzer already picked a fight with a strong girl this is surely a bad ide-
"Senpai is so brave and funny~! Senpai you are amazing!"
Etzer just froze confused as this was something he had anticipated from a girl who has 226 iq and is a white room student especially trained to not have sympathy or any kind of attachment with anyone.he had really underestimated the level of obsessed and psychotic she is.
So etzer just replied."marry me."
"Okay senpai!~"
Ichika said loudly.
"Just kidding you are ugly and you suck."
Etzer instantly left as he made a cartoonist comment which made ichika! The white room student to be confused for the first time in her petty life!
Now etzer is a true fucking Chad give him a cigarette and black shades and bro is literally a walking giga Chad.
And yes this is exactly what happened etzer just left after disabling ichikas brain for a short period of time in a seemingly simple but mentally complexed conversation.
*Etzer at his dorm*
Etzer just layed on his bed blissfully but he had felt sorry for her as he really wanted to bang her,etzer at this point realised he is a fucking genius! Ichika is a fucking psycho and obsessed with him instead of ayanokoji for some reason... As far as etzer could read her she gives the... You can kill me and I will still love you except I have a knife in my hand type.
Etzer just opened his book and started doing weird shit.and that's when he got a message from sudo asking him to come over to his dorm.
Etzer replied he will come in a short time.etzer just layed their on his face in his bed with his hands crossed above his head..as he was thinking of a very inappropriate image of him fucking different girls...the image was beautiful extremely beautiful...
But the one thing that kind of disgusted him is that he has to fuck sakayanagi whole she is holding a cane sure she can put the cane away but that would just make her relectuant to have intercourse.
More importantly he was getting a little bricked so he immediately changed his mind to something else...he was bored he had no idea what to do.
*Etzer backstory more TIME BABY!*
Etzer with a face full of regret sat down on his thinking chair/table.as he remembered what had happened to him.
*Flash back to when etzer was 7*
A women was carrying etzer while he was unconscious (etzer doesn't know this part as he was well... unconscious this is just the narrator narrating what happened)
The women was pale and was covered in blood,sweat and sorrow tears falling from.her face.she was dashing through hallways after hallways,every hallway she passed their was an alarm that made a loud beep noise.
The women eventually settled down in a garage after sneaking past a few guards...the women eventually more paler them before to when she was running panickedly tried to wake up etzer by shaking him by holding his shoulder.
Etzer was deep asleep/unconscious if you wanna be weird.
"Boy! Boy! Wake up! The agents may come here and find you... And put you in that her-"
Before she could say anything the garage door creamed open slightly as her pale face turned ghost white as her soul left her body for a few seconds and was gonna leave her body permanently.
"Well well... What do we have here? A old lady feeling sorry for a mere experiment that is bound to fail?"
A black haired man with a golden face and a muscular body with fair and soft skin with a huge rifle in his hand said harsh words.
The women with defiance in her face said.
The women said enraged loudly in the madness surrounding a mere 7 year old orphan with no where to go.
"Then what are you?" The man said meekly as he immediately took out his rifle and shot multiple bullets through her skull which there was just silence instant and what felt like eternal silence....
*Back to present*
All etzer saw was him being carried by a agent as there was a pool of blood spewing out slightly from the garage door just so slightly seemingly of a women he heard no screams no despair or anything just pure silence as all he did after that was just go back to peaceful slumber in the agents shoulders not aware of the great havoc he will cause later on in his pathetic life.
That's when there was a knock on etzers door he immediately opened it and then came a purple haired girl who immediately hugged him and kissed him....
oh and this is just what happened after the special chapter it's still very much fine I still have not decided what to do for the special chapter.