
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Declaration of Defending the Beautiful Wife

Fortunately, Zhang Wuji's affections lay with Zhao Min, a fact even the original Song Qingshu begrudgingly acknowledged. It was undeniable that Zhang Wuji possessed the qualities of a true gentleman. As per the original storyline, their senses were quickly restored, and Zhang Wuji departed before long.

However, what confounded Song Qingshu was Zhang Wuji's sigh, followed by an affectionate call, "Zhiruo!" In a stunned moment, Zhou Zhiruo found herself enveloped in his embrace, his head descending towards her cherry lips, poised for a kiss.

Both Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo were taken aback, but she swiftly broke free from Zhang Wuji's hold and retreated, seeking refuge.

Damn it, this script was awry! Song Qingshu gawked at Zhang Wuji with wide eyes from his bed, his thoughts in disarray. To seduce a married woman in the dead of night, was this the same Zhang Wuji from the benevolent gentleman depicted in the original book? If memory served him right, Princess Shaomin awaited his return at home. The outcome of Zhang Wuji's actions remained uncertain.

Outside the house, the footsteps of patrolling disciples echoed, heightening Zhou Zhiruo's shame and anger. "Zhang Wuji! You...you..." She faltered, grappling for words.

"Zhiruo, you have treated me with unwavering kindness since our childhood. How could I forget your devotion? If it weren't for your assistance in saving my adoptive father in Haozhou City, you would have been my wife long ago," sighed Zhang Wuji. He took a deep breath, his gaze brimming with affection as he regarded Zhou Zhiruo.

Caught in a tempest of emotions, Zhou Zhiruo's heart swelled with resentment upon hearing his mention of the incident at the Haozhou wedding. "In the presence of the world's heroes, you chose to follow that witch Zhao Min. When did my feelings ever factor into your considerations? Now you and Zhao Min live together, while I have become Mrs. Song. Yet, you dare speak of old affections!"

Zhang Wuji was abruptly halted by her question, frozen in place, unsure of how to respond.

Observing his perplexed state, Zhou Zhiruo, without reason, grew incensed and raised her voice. "Master Zhang, we are alone together, a man and a widow, meeting late at night. Controversy is bound to arise. Please depart at once!"

Zhang Wuji stood rooted to the spot, his voice barely audible. "Henceforth, when I come here, I will avoid your disciples, and we can converse in privacy. There is much I wish to share with you."

As Zhang Wuji's silhouette vanished into the night, Zhou Zhiruo found herself in a state of distress. She sank into a chair, her legs crossed, lost in a daze. Her thoughts were a whirlwind, unable to find a solid footing. Her face displayed alternating emotions—shyness followed by a flicker of anger.

Finally afforded the opportunity, Song Qingshu took a moment to truly observe this alluring yet enigmatic woman who had captivated his attention. She possessed a beauty comparable to that of Zhilan, exuding elegance and refinement. Undoubtedly, she embodied the ethereal spirit of the Han River and the grace of Emei, deserving of the praise bestowed upon her in the original book as "graceful, elegant, and extraordinarily beautiful." While previous portrayals of Zhou Zhiruo in television adaptations had featured stunning actresses, the woman before him seemed to possess an even greater allure—a touch more enchanting than Gao Yuanyuan and a shade colder than Zhou Haimei. It was no wonder Song Qingshu, as depicted in the original novel, was infatuated with her, his thoughts consumed day and night, while Zhang Wuji himself hesitated to part ways with Zhao Min, the Mongolian beauty who had captured his heart.

Recalling the night of their wedding, Zhou Zhiruo's heart ached as she realized Zhang Wuji had not come to claim her hand, allowing Song Qingshu to manipulate her instead. Despite his jealousy and wounded pride, Song Qingshu resisted taking advantage of her vulnerability as a man of self-respect.

"What a despicable man!" Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire her while resenting her at the same time. It was an arduous task to win the heart of a woman already entangled with another. The odds were stacked against him. If he wanted to erase the lingering presence of her first love, the best approach was to begin by conquering her body and eventually reaching her heart. Only by becoming her first and foremost lover could he dilute the nostalgia she held for her past.

"I made you put up a facade of strength back then, but now it seems you're willing to give yourself away so easily to other men. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth," Song Qingshu silently lamented, resentful of her former lover. Deep down, he resolved, "I apologize for taking advantage of your body, though, according to the plot, you were destined for a tragic demise. The only recompense I can offer is to protect your exquisite wife from the clutches of other men, wielding your name to command respect throughout the world..."

In the ensuing days, the story unfolded as dictated by the original novel. Zhou Zhiruo joined forces with Zhang Wuji to break through Shaolin Sandu's Vajra Subduing Demon Circle. However, in the midst of their endeavors, Zhang Wuji succumbed to a state of madness, igniting rumors of his descent into lunacy.

Initially, Zhou Zhiruo had intended to eliminate Xie Xun and return to Emei, but Zhang Wuji's heartfelt confession that night caused her to temporarily abandon this plan.

Following the Lion Slaying Convention, with Song Qingshu incapacitated by severe injuries, Zhou Zhiruo chose to remain in Shaolin Temple. She dispatched most of her disciples back to Emei, retaining only a select few to attend to their needs.

Observing her actions with a cold gaze, Song Qingshu could discern Zhou Zhiruo's subconscious intentions. Yet, since that fateful night, Zhang Wuji never set foot in her presence again. As Song Qingshu steadily regained his strength, Zhou Zhiruo's expression began to betray her growing anxiety.

The Black Jade Intermittent Ointment, a revered remedy for mending bones, had worked wonders. Through the power of the Nine Suns Divine Art, Zhang Wuji had channeled the medicinal potency directly into Song Qingshu's bone marrow. Within a few days, he had risen from his bed, his condition no different from that of an ordinary person, save for a lingering weakness.

"Zhiruo, why don't we return to Emei?" Song Qingshu broached the subject cautiously, testing the waters.

"The journey ahead is fraught with chaos. We shall not embark until you have made a full recovery," Zhou Zhiruo responded, her voice a chilling whisper.

Having struggled in the modern world of cutthroat business, Song Qingshu had honed his ability to assess situations and develop a thick skin. Now a mere invalid, he recognized the danger of provoking Zhou Zhiruo, whose image from his previous life's television series portrayed her as somewhat sinister. Considering her ability to dispatch him to the afterlife with a mere flick of her finger, he possessed no desire to confront her head-on. Irritating her would only lead to a gruesome demise. Instead, he contemplated a clandestine arrangement with Zhang Wuji, feigning his demise due to severe injuries. With Zhou Zhiruo's virtuous behavior during this period, none would dare question the authenticity of his demise.

Recalling the promise he had made to the original inhabitant of this body, Song Qingshu couldn't help but wryly smile. There was a saying that cautioned against guarding against a thief for a thousand days, for it was impossible to maintain such vigilance indefinitely. If he wished to preserve Zhou Zhiruo's chastity, he would have to claim it for himself first. Yet, gazing upon his own feeble state, Song Qingshu's wry smile deepened. He was but a wretched scoundrel, his martial prowess reduced to a mere fraction. Zhou Zhiruo, in comparison, stood as an indomitable super Saiyan, rendering any attempt to force himself upon her utterly futile.

Over the past few days, Song Qingshu struggled to engage Zhou Zhiruo in conversation, searching for topics to bridge the growing chasm between them. Yet, her responses remained chillingly aloof, thawing only when martial arts matters were broached.

Initially, Song Qingshu had hoped to foster a closer bond with her. However, their relationship had made little progress. Yet, in their casual exchanges, he unknowingly gained renewed insight into the world around them.