
Sensual Bytes

18+ Adult Erotica. Reflective, hot and intense sexual relationships. Short stories full of kinky surprises. Warning: the following stories contain thoughtful, sexually explicit adult material. Reading these stories means you are an adult in your nation of viewing. You are responsible, so please don’t share these stories with anyone under the age of consent. These stories are for personal reading. They are fictitious situations for adult pleasure. Enjoy responsibly.

Luke_Moore_3311 · Urban
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Desperate Pawn

Kinky gear & kinky gurls!

We were so frickin desperate that we did not make an attractive pair. We were entirely out of options as we headed into Delmar's Pawn Emporium.

It all started when Laine and I decided to do — anything — to get interstate to see our favourite band perform.

By a frickin miracle, my brother had won two front-row tickets and backstage passes. Then he got himself busted for growing hydroponic dope in his garage two days ago and was bailed with home detention. He had to cash his girlfriend's and his airline tickets for surety.

He threw the concert tickets at me in total disgust as he sprawled on the sofa, his ankle revealing his electronic ankle tag.

I grabbed the tickets off the floor and raced out of his place.

"But Raedan," said Laine as I showed her the tickets, "How the frick do we get to Melbourne?"

My best friend was right.

We had no money. We tried begging for the cash, but we owed everyone heaps already. We were self-shafted.

"Raedan, sweetie," said Laine after we shared the last joint in our squat in quiet despair, "What about our kinky gear? Surely it's worth something."

"I doubt we can cash it overnight on the internet, honey. Besides, my brother wouldn't let us in his house."

"No, No," she said, "Delmar's."

"Ugh, girl, have some standards. Besides, I love my leather body harness. And I'm not losing my whips or gags, you bitch."

Then I added, "Surely you don't want to part with your awesome rubber corset, chokers, handcuffs and leashes. Seriously, sweetie?"

"Ah, girl. We do not have an option. We should be able to get a couple hundred from the sleazy bastards easily enough. Come on, let's do it. We don't want to think about it, or we won't."

So we did, and there we were at the appraisal counter in Delmar's Pawn Hole or, perhaps, Pawn Hell.

Grady Delmar was a sleaze bucket. I always avoided him and refused him as a client for any kinky play in our neighbourhood.

Yes, Laine and I were fetish trashy, but we enjoyed ourselves and kept the reins in our room.

"What have you got in the bags — something worthwhile — I hope?": smirked Grady.

Laine took the lead. So she should have. It was her idea that had us here.

"Quality stuff to give you a hard-on, big boy."

I might have tried a different pitch to get his attention, but Laine's worked.

She took the items out of the bag like it was a fetish convention. Then, she carefully spread the superior items on the glass-topped counter.

Grady eyed them, and his pupils popped wide in lust. His small mind tried to picture the gear on either of us.

We knew how good it looked when we teamed up to give middle-class sex-starved husbands the night of their lives.

"Mmm, yeah, I'll give you that it's fine leather. The cuffs, collars, whips and leashes. Yeah, probably one hundred and twenty, though Wayne will have to approve it. The harnesses, we can't sell those."

Screw the bastard.

I wouldn't actually do that — but we needed at least two hundred.

"Oh, come on," said Laine, "Two-fifty."

She would try to haggle for two, but her voice gave away her desperation.

"I'll get Wayne if you care to wait. But, as always, it's your choice."

Grady went through a partition, and we twiddled our thumbs.

"Honey, sorry," said Laine, "I don't think we will make it. Do you want to leave here now!"

"No, sweetie, hang in."

Then I whispered my plan into her ear as the two brothers positioned themselves imposingly behind the counter.

If Grady was a sleaze, Wayne, the eldest, was a vulgar prick.

"Well, Raedan, long time no see," Wayne said, leering at me.

He has wanted my pussy since college.

Okay, I haven't been honest up to this point. Wayne had my arse a few times in senior college.

Well, it was birth control.

But his standards had spiralled down while mine hadn't changed.

"Tell you what, Raedan, here's your chance to make five hundred…put your gear on…give the control to my brother and me…and its five big ones…easy… that's it… that's my offer, and you know what…you can take your gear home…keep it."

Grady, the sod, was rubbing his crotch. He thought it was a certainty.

I locked my arm through Laine's and took her a few steps from the counter.

We were doing the low, intense mutual whisper. This wasn't shaping as I thought it might.

"Lainey…it okay if we go…we like the control…fuck knows what these cunts will do to us if we surrender the dominant role… that's not us…but it's your call."

"Now hang on…Rae…" she responded, "Don't be coy and say it's my call…that implies you are willing to be a slave whore, and I'm the one holding us back…Well, honey… I'm going to the fucking concert…and if I have to shame my body to get there… I'm going…Oh fuck this sweetie… let's just have a fucking good time…those two boys are only bodies with pricks, after all."

And that's how it unfolded: the seamy Delmar brothers closed their shop for the afternoon, and Lainey and I pawned ourselves in our gear for five hundred bucks.

Grady and Wayne were sitting naked on the office sofa as we came out together from the cramped single toilet where we had got ready. They had the whips, swishing them about and were jangling the cuffs and collars.

Laine and I were both in full-body harnesses.

Our gorgeous young tits were pushed up and shaped by leather, as were our young hips and navels, and of course, there was the thin strap of leather teasingly hiding our shaved pussies.

Thank God we didn't own open crotch harnesses — these two randy arseholes wouldn't have been containable — but they weren't anyway.

Nothing decent was holding them back, as we quickly found out.

Wayne got proceedings underway, but it wasn't how I thought.

We were anticipating a bit of rough play with the whips and collars, then the guys creaming our arses.

They wouldn't last —we were trying to keep this sane.

But Wayne sane — what a joke — he tossed me a goddamn strap-on and a tube of lube and the command: "Fuck your girlfriend's arse —NOW!"

I had no idea where the warped sod had got the toy from, but it was here. The cock part was frickin pinkish and ribbed, but I put it on.

Lainey nodded — that it was okay.

"Lick her arsehole first," said Grady.

I tugged her body harness rudely to the side.

I was just enjoying licking Laine's arsehole —something I had never done when we played dominant with men.

It was role play, but here now, I was, loving her puckered crimped crack and its sweetness under my tongue.

The bitch was moaning.

Lainey liked it.

I liked it.

The two guys stroking their dicks and groaning appreciated it too.

I spat in my girlfriend's crack and prodded and poked my tongue about. It was fun. I forgot my lewd strap-on brief for a few minutes but was then looking forward to it.

Lainey was excitedly ready as I lubed the pink plastic cock and eased it into her giving arsehole.

It was a strange sensation. I was pounding against her butt cheeks which felt good.

But it was Laine who was ecstatic. The plastic flexi penis ribs were driving her wild with pleasure. I held her hips and pummelled her like I was a guy. It was a surreal experience — my girly male moment.

"Swap it over you bitches — NOW!" said Wayne.

Maybe he was calling the shots, but the fun and bliss were ours.

Laine had the strap-on positioned behind me.

I was on all fours.

She was about to give it to me as she lubed my arse with two of her fingers after yanking my body harness tightly away from my crotch.

I had never been so sexually excited in my life as my BFF fingered my arse, stretching and crooking her fingers, driving me crazy with satisfaction.

Her digging digits — I couldn't get enough of the pair.

"Mmm….oh yeah…Oh God," I was totally enjoying myself.

Screw the Delmar audience.

Seems Wayne didn't want me too happy!

"Shove it in her arse — bitch!"

Laine went straight in. Filling my arse suddenly.

"Oh shit," I gasped in surprise.

It was intense. I thought I would frickin burst open. My butt crack expanded like I didn't believe it could. The pink ribbed penis was so frickin firm and so goddamn deep in me.

The pleasure spasms came in spiky increments. My filled arse was deliciously exciting me. Laine was pounding my crack!

Wayne suddenly fixed a collar around my neck and pulled me forward; to his fat imposing cock.

Lainey was pulling me backwards towards her, digging her fingers into my hips.

Wayne was thrusting his cock into my mouth and tugging it out with vehement energy.

I was caught between two sources of action and pleasure — my filled mouth and my gaped arse.

Lainey suddenly yelped and pushed harder into me.

Grady must be assailing her arse or pussy — was all I thought: because I was lost in a body blur of cock sucking and my tushie-filled action.

"Stop the strap-on bitch," said Wayne, and added: "Get out of her arse—Grady."

It was clear who was directing —The Pawn Show.

"Under her with the strap-on; bitch — NOW!"

Lainey was under me, and I sat my arse back on the toy.

Hot ! Hot — in my slot!

Addictive and defining.

Wayne saw my pleasure but wanted to get me to lewder heights.

He knew how slutty I was from college.

He was above me —I thought he wanted to continue the cock sucking —but he held my body back, making the strap-on really fill my butt.

He shoved his cock straight into my cunt —ardent and emphatic — ball deep, the prick — double filling me — and I hadn't been here before.

"Sheez-Jesus!" I yelped loudly.

It was too bodily intense — both my pleasure holes filled and worked at the same time.

"Flippin' Hel'…Oh My GOD…Ohh…Ohhh…Fuck it…Fuck Me!"

A loop of expletives.

My body was giving me everything. My body took me pleasure places I couldn't have imagined. I was instantly partial to double penetration.

Grady had his cock in Lainey's mouth, giving her something extra to concentrate on.

Wayne wanted me to be a whore — well, I was happy to be one.

The intensity kept building.

Then Wayne withdrew —the callous, conniving bastard eased out before I had my deserved orgasm.

"Screw that tart," he said to Grady.

I saw Lainey remove the strap-on and Grady ram his cock into my girlfriend's arse right in front of my face.

Wayne was holding my collar tight —so I had the view —as my girlfriend was arse fucked.

Did he think I didn't want to watch?

It was compelling.

Lainey was taking the son of a bitch, Grady, on the cock constricting journey of his life.

Wayne was behind me.

He loved my arse—from college— well, was he in for a surprise. I was way beyond my anal virgin days with him.

He took the extra layer of male pleasure, the boyish necessity of tightness for his cock, as he went on a rampage —ramming my arsehole repeatedly.

"Orrgh! Oof! Raah! Damn, that is good meat! Orrgh! Ugh! Ugh!"

Thrusting and jamming as deep as he could.

But he wasn't ready for my arse muscle control.

Boy, did I give his cock a treat and blow his mind open.

The dude just groaned and groaned.

"Hngh! Hngh!"

Who was fucking in control now?

I had his cock encapsulated in my arse — my sphincter was dominating his cock —squeezing his pecker into girly arsehole submission.

God, I was good. God, I was arsehole perfection.

"Oh, you sweet, sweet bitch," he said before degenerating into grunting and huffing.

He was a goner.

Whatever he had planned for his dick, it was my arse package that finished him off.

He twitched and jerked inside my butt.

I felt it, and his final series of manic pushes into my butthole.

Lainey turned a bit and winked at me.

Grady was cock sated too. I saw his withdrawal from my BFFs gape, and his jizz dribble out of her.

Wayne eased out of me, and I visualised how my sweet, delicate crack must look — raw and a cum wad dripping.

Well-satisfied cocks make for mellow guys.

The Delmar brothers were finally as close to polite as they might ever get in the face of awesome bitches.

Wayne kept his end of the bargain. He was a businessman, after all. Maybe his personal ethics and predilections were kinky, but he paid up: five big notes.

Wayne said as we were leaving Delmar's, "Anytime you need cash, ladies —you know what to pawn."

Lainey and I were arm in arm, swinging our bags of gear in our free hand.

We were heading straight to the local flight booking centre.

We had a concert to attend, and no backstage groupies were going to — out cock us — when it came to sucking off the band members after the performance.