
Senseless Life

Hanuel Jin, who was just an ordinary boy in a loving family, was diagnosed with a disease that only had a few precedents. The disease caused him to lose most of his senses. But he wasn't supposed to lose everything... Now completely in the dark, will he ever sense anything ever again? ... In the boundless dark void, a faint blue light appeard like a star in the night. This seemingly insignificant blue light, might become the most valuable thing in Hanuel's life. *** Other novel - Rune Possessor

unfadable · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5. Mana Users

The purple lights started to move away from me, becoming denser and denser where the silhouette from the woman could be seen.

Now that the overbearing pressure from the purple lights was gone, I could once again circulate my blue lights through my body and thus, being able to hear and feel again. However I still couldn't spread the blue lights outside of my body, because the purple light was passively stopping me.

The first thing I could hear was 'Are you okay, why are you crying?' with a gentle but slightly panicked feminine voice. 'Uhm, I am not good in these sort of situations' said the woman.


A door burst open and I could hear the voice of the nurse who was accompanying me yelling 'What did you do to him, how did you make him cry?!!' with an angered and concerned voice.

The woman replied 'Well, I also don't know what I did that made him cry, I didn't even touch him' with a slightly panicked voice.

'How can you make someone who can't see or hear cry without touching him?' The nurse replied with a frustrated tone.

'For someone who can't hear or see, he sure is paying a lot of attention to us' said the woman while looking in my direction.

'I have heard enough, send her out' the woman said calmly.

'Who are you to send me out!' the nurse yelled.

'I am the president of the building, Bora Yun' Said the woman (now referred to as Bora Yun)

'No, how can you take me away without Hanuel' the nurse said anxiously while being escorted out by a big bodyguard.

'Don't worry, I will have a good chat with Hanuel' said Bora Yun with a soft smile on her face.

Bora Yun sat next to Hanuel and asked: 'Which family are you from being awakened at such an age?'

I didn't understand what she meant and I didn't care what she said. There was only one thing on my mind ever since I saw something similar as my situation, Bora Yun glowing with Purple light.

'wHaT ARe tHOse PUrPLe LighTs' Is what I asked in a weak and crackling tone, from not having spoken a word in the last eight years.

'Hmm, so you can see mana? I am surprised, not a lot of people can actually sense mana, let alone see it' Bora Yun said in a rather calm but surprised voice.

'mANa?' I said out loud, still with a soft and crackly voice.

Surprised that I didn't know what mana was, Bora Yun started told a whole story about mana and the world for [Mana Users].

I found that [Mana] is a magical particle that was discovered a long time ago, but was kept secret from the world. This particle was found to be a supernatural energy, which could be manipulated by people to gain supernatural abilities and powers in various different ways.

Some people could control the basic elements, like fire, earth, water, wind, darkness and light, while other people had more unique powers like controlling gravity or reading peoples minds. But all these abilities had one thing in common, which is that these abilities were powered by mana.

The fact that mana exists is kept from the general public, but there are certain families, governments and individuals that know about it, who have created organizations. Having these people and organizations are needed to keep the peace.

These organizations are in every country, which keep each other in check. As to not fight wars with [Mana Users]. They also keep the country safe from bad people misusing mana for crime and murder.

'Well, I could talk for many more hours about [Mana Users], but this is everything you should know for now' said Bora Yun.

'And now, tell me everything about you and why that nurse thought you were deaf and blind' Said Bora Yun in a curious tone.

So I started explaining everything. From the very moment I was diagnosed with a disease that caused me to slowly lose my senses to the moment I lost my sense of touch and all the things that happened to me with the blue lights, which I now know is mana, and having my senses back through mana and the fact that my parents left me and am being kicked out of the hospital.

Suddenly, Bora Yun hugged and said 'That must have been hard for you' assuring me that everything will be okay. 'So now you have all your senses back?' Bora Yun asked.

'I don't know why, but I can't spread my mana out of my body, so I can't see' Hanuel said.

After a few seconds of silence, Bora Yun said 'I think there will be no problems now, try to spread your mana to me.'

Hanuel now spread out his mana throughout the whole room. What he could see was a massive room and him sitting next to Bora Yun on a sofa. Hanuel looked at Bora Yun and accidentally said out loud 'She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen' A tall, physically fit woman in her twenties, with long black hair and golden brown eyes, embracing Hanuel in a fashionable but casual dress.

Bora Yun chuckled and said 'Thank you for the compliment, I haven't heard that in quite some time'

After that, it went quiet for a few minutes. Me just looking at Bora Yun, who looked like she was thinking about something.

'I think we could adopt you under our organization' Bora Yun said suddenly in a serious tone.

I was left speechless, and the only thing that came out of my mouth was 'what?'

'Well, you said that you had no parents and that you were being kicked out of the hospital, so I thought we could take you in. You are also a mana user, so it shouldn't be a problem to fit into the organization. There will even be some kids your age' Bora Yun said.

Emotions brewing up, emotions of happiness and relief made my tears overflow once again.

'Yes I would like that very much' Hanuel said after calming down a bit.

'Than I welcome you the Yun organization… no, welcome to the Yun family Hanuel' Bora Yun said with a sincere loving smile on her face while petting my head softly to reassure me.