
Sense by itsjosemariaa

Leslie miller is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, but with a hard past, that’s why she is cold, tough and shy. Over time, she will make new friends and start a relationship with her boyfriend Brad Clayton.

Itsjosemariaa · Teen
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35 Chs

Chapter 30

I took a plane and went back to Virginia. Ethan and Madison digested me thousands of things when I arrived, about on campus, about on Tiffany, in short…

"I hope you'll forgive me, it was I who told Brad" He had lied to me... but I know he did it with good intention. "I didn't want to see you so sad. And believe me when I tell you it's the first time in ten years that I see Brad depressed"

"Is that true?" I said sarcastically.

"No, he lied," Brad said as he laughed.

"Hey bitch, what's wrong with me? Have you already forgotten me? come let's talk about our life" Said me Madison.

Before I left, Brad gave me a part. "Open it when you're in the house," So, I opened it with Madison.

*And the black sheep found another black sheep with whom it could be the envy of all the white sheep*

"He has every reason," Madison said. "You're both the same shit"

"What the fuck did you just say?" I said as I laughed.

"Leslie, What you want to be older? I know you've already told me but... I don't think that's what you want"

"I really... I'd like to be a writer. But I've already been told I'm no good at it" I answered.

"Okay, no, look at me. Don't let anyone tell you how high you can get, you just don't give up, and don't forget to enjoy the process" Keep my head down.

""But you don't know what my life is like. It's different... I have many problems, many people have forgotten me..."

I answered.

"Yes I do, and you know why. Because while the happy people playing at being sad, the sad people playing at being happy" She said "You fought all these years against your depression, your anxiety, your self-esteem, your disappointments... and yet you're still as strong. You shine with your own light. I'm proud of you. Remember you'll have us forever. And that whore Tiffany... who gets fucked"

"How do you know all that? How do you know it's not a lie?" I asked.

"Because real friends know everything about each other. I also want to study psychology and I can know the past of people with only one movement. Remember *Forever*" Madison continued. "Well... are we leaving? Brad's waiting for you"

"Okay, let's go"