
Sensational! The Crippled Mister Gong Is A Big-Shot

In her last life, Fu Xi was blinded by love, feeling no regret even as she cut ties with her family to marry a scumbag. Eventually bedridden by illness, she could only watch as her husband hooked up with other women, even bringing them to her bedside just to humiliate her. He killed her family members to gain their riches. Fu Xi swore that if she could have another life, she would exact her revenge! After her rebirth, she headed straight to the Gong Family and demanded that their young master—Gong Hao, who was paraplegic and bound to a wheelchair—marry her. Everyone laughed at her stupidity, but Fu Xi knew that Gong Hao was the only one who had earnestly loved her. On top of that, he was a very capable man! Six months after Fu Xi married him, Gong Hao miraculously rose to his feet, reclaiming his family's property and revealing multiple bombshells: he was the owner of the largest property company, a minister of national intelligence and an anonymous god of war! Linking arms with her husband in front of the cameras, Fu Xi smiled. "Why did you keep such a low profile before this, Mister Gong?" A journalist asked. Gong Hao leaned in and gave Fu Xi a gentle peck on the cheek. "I was waiting for her to find me and save me..."

Happy Happy · Urban
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120 Chs

Her Reward

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The captured man quickly spat.

"It was Liu Yun who had given him the money." Gong Cheng touched his nose and picked up a tissue to wipe the blood off his hands before continuing on.

"Liu Yun got someone to hire him to tamper with the new system. He's a hacker. He can't take a beating; he has already confessed everything even though we've only given him a few broken bones."


Fu Xi was stunned. She immediately thought of the man who had uncovered her IP address.

These kinds of people would usually sit in front of their computers and do work. But who would have thought that they would end up in Gong Cheng's hands? The beating he received probably made him doubt his life choices.

"Is he still alive?"

When he heard Fu Xi's question, Gong Cheng immediately laughed.

"Sister-in-law, I'm still aware that I can't afford to cause any deaths in the country. Don't worry, he's still alive. I'll get my assistant to record his statement."

His smile was clean, but Fu Xi's eyes were cold.

He had just said "in the country".

A thought popped up in Fu Xi's mind. She heaved a sigh and stopped thinking about it. She rubbed her temples.

The kind of person Gong Cheng was and his dark past had nothing to do with her.

After recording the statement, Fu Xi dealt with the matter. She even merged the transfer records Liu Yun gave to the hackers and posted them online.

She wanted to push Liu Yun to the brink so she'll never be able to make a comeback!

Within a few minutes, the news of the vicious stepmother framing the Third Young Master was trending.

Fu Xi even deployed bot accounts to increase the popularity of the news.

This came on the heels of her previous scandal. It was one misfortune after another.

Liu Yun was having a headache. The first thing she did was to find a reporter to clear her name. However, it was not very effective.

Fu Xi thought for a moment and deliberately pushed the news to Gong You's official Weibo account.

"Sister-in-law, it's useless." Seeing what she had attempted to do, Gong Cheng did not take it to heart and stopped her calmly.

"He won't care."

"But he's your father. He has to explain himself."

When she finished speaking, she saw Gong Cheng's lips curl into a mocking smile.

"Father? Is he worthy?"

She immediately fell silent.

She had forgotten that Gong You and Gong Cheng did not have a good relationship. This time, Gong You would probably pretend not to know and ignore it.

Forget it. She had better not get involved in the matters between father and son.

"I'll head back first."

Fu Xi got up to leave the security company and returned to the villa alone. The moment she entered, she smelled a fragrance coming from the kitchen.

She followed the scent and was stunned when she saw someone busying himself in the kitchen.

"Ah Hao?"

Hearing her voice, Gong Hao turned around and smiled at her.

The golden sunlight shone on him through the window, giving him an aura of warmth.

He was wearing a white apron that tightened his clothes, accentuating his slender waist and strong muscles. His long legs were especially attractive to her.

He still had a wok spatula in his hand and was flipping the pork chop. The alluring fragrance of the meat became stronger as he flipped it.

Fu Xi walked to his side and hugged him in surprise.

"Are you cooking for me?"

"Yes." Gong Hao pinched her nose, turned off the fire, and used the remaining heat to grill the meat.

"You did well. This is my reward for you."

He smiled faintly, his eyes blazing.