
Senran KaguraCraft

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The Overworld home to an abundance of many creatures big or small, to the passive to the day and incredibly hostile of the night while the land is an abundance of biomes, structures and advancing civilizations yet one is different from the inhabitants of this seemingly magical land.

The dwelling

In a giant wooden,stone spacious dwelling lay an occupant sleeping soundly while a white haired dog with a red collar lay next to the man snoring.

As this occupant was sleeping soundly his companion decided to get up and stretch out a bit before jumping off the bed and going to go and get water for himself, causing the occupant in the bed to stir around in the bed before waking up himself and was going to continue laying in the bed until his friend decided to jump up on him and wake him up completely by licking his face causing him to chuckle a bit, before putting his hands in front of his dog's face.

"Alright, alright I'm up, I'm up" The guy says.

*Bark! Bark!*

"Yeah, yeah I'll get your breakfast in a second" The guy said.


The guy chuckled before getting up getting the red covers off of him to reveal him wearing just grey underwear of course while his clothes laying on the floor of course next to him.

The man didn't care as he was getting a meal for his canine companion.

As the he was doing what he can to survive mining, cutting down trees, cooking, making potions, not to mention crafting weapons, and even more. But hey he wasn't complaining. Sure at first it may have been a struggle, but overtime the man has grown to enjoy this life of his especially now that he has a buddy to make his days even more enjoyable.

Once he got the dog some food he poured it in the bowl and allowed the dog to eat while he went to make himself some breakfast.

"Hmm...what should I have for breakfast today?" The man said as he was rubbing his chin.

He looked at his chest which inside is cold to keep the food from rotting of course to see raw meats like pork chops, beef, chicken, lamb, rabbit of course and out of the odds he pick beef of course which he got his coal from the coal bin next to him was ready to cook the food

"Steak it is than"

As he was cooking the beef that he took out of his chest of frozen food he was now contemplating on what he was going to do today?

"I suppose I could mine a bit for today just to see if I get anything new" The man says.

The man nods a bit as he was ready to find anything valuable of course

Once he confirms on what he will do for today he goes to the fridge (he crafted with iron blocks, and ice of course) and goes to grab a drink for himself as he knows he'll need it for today.

Which is mostly a crafted drink consist of apple mixed brew of course he made himself as he went to his chest to get some items of course

A Diamond Pickaxe, a iron shovel, axe and torches and his diamond sword of course

After the man had grabbed most of what he would need, he went back to the kitchen and grabbed his now cooked beef or simply known as steak that was finally finished and went to his table where he sat down and quietly ate all while enjoying the outdoor noise.

The pigs squealing, birds tweeting different tunes of course, chickens of course, sheep bah with each tune, water running at a water mill by his house which he's use to it and enjoy the sounds of nature.

Once the man finished his breakfast he went to put the plate away in the sink (improvised cauldron) with him and his companion now full of food and ready to head out.

"Another day another adventure, right buddy?" The man asked his dog friend as he wore his clothes consist of a cyan blue shirt, blue pant as his shirt is tucked yet not tucked all the way since his right and the back is shown and is finished out with gray shoes.

*Bark Bark!!!!* Said his companion.

"Heheh well said couldn't have said it any better myself" The man said as they now walk out the door.

When he opened the door to reveal the daylight glow that basked through his skin as he breath more and more of fine air this world has to offer so much he enjoy and savor it. He sigh in relief to the life he got in this plain, yet majestic world

"Man some may find this scenery repetitive and boring after a while, but heck I..I can't help but enjoy it" The man says while enjoying it.

He sigh before his dog come out of the house made was barking agreeing with the man of course as Steve pat him

"Right right I know we can admire the beauty another time" Steve said to his dog companion.

As they were making their way to the mining area they were just looking from different directions viewing the rest of the what world had to offer with Steve just simply nodding and continuing forward with a smile on his face.

Steve soon made it to the mineshaft he mostly seen before.

"Ready for mining buddy?" Steve asked his companion.

*Bark! Bark!!*

"Haha! Well said, let's hope that we get something good today!" Steve says with laughter.

After that the two begin their mining which goes relatively well, as they encounter a few monsters hiding here and there in underground from the sun though thankfully they manage to slay the monsters and continue the mining session with them finding more than a few diamonds which caused them to smile greatly that their luck was going well if they were finding this much

"Look like we struck some luck and probably more luckier if we go deeper" he said twirling his pickaxe.

*Bark! Bark!*

The dog agrees of course liking the idea of going to explore more

"Alright then let's keep going. Hopefully by the time it reaches night time we'll be swimming in diamonds" The man who's known as Steve says as he adjust his golden helmet.

*Bark! Bark!!*

"Oh ha ha. Yeah very funny come on then Mr.comedian save your jokes for later" Steve says rolling his eyes.


And so on Steve went deeper to the lower levels of the cave to reveal more monsters and an enderman of course stalking them which Steve took the time to fight it with effort due to the fact endermen teleport at precious level which was the monster weakness since Steve use his sense to attack it as Steve was panting a it from his efforts of course with his diamond sword with the blood of the Enderman.

"Whew...Man I knew there was going to be monsters hiding, but I didn't expect a lot of them to be hiding" Steve says wiping sweat of his forehead.


"Yeah I know, that's why we always prepare for the worst. Thankfully I brought my axe just in case my sword breaks" He says checking the conditions of his sword which is semi-cracks of course meaning it's A-Okay.

Steve knew it had to be either the late afternoon or nighttime as he can tell him and his companion took quite a while in the cave mining.

Which was worth it as they receive a lot of stuff consist of clustered diamonds, Gold ore, Iron and emeralds of course.

"Looks like we made a lot of stuff in one day seems like luck is shining the way despite a lot of monsters of course"


As they were continuing further in the cave they manage to find a small strong hold with several monsters a few skeletons as well as some zombies which made Steve wonder if these monster made this fortress or if they decided to just take ownership of this fortress, but nonetheless Steve readied himself as looked at his companion and had his hand up signaling him to stay.

"Stay here until I give the signal okay?" Steve asked quietly.

His dog nods.

"Good boy" Steve said petting his dogs head.

After that Steve snuck closer towards the small fortress he waved his hand towards him signaling his companion to follow him which he did. Steve then had his sword out he snuck through the front door once he saw the skeletons look away from the inside, as he was continuing further the fortress he was able to silently take out the zombies that were patrolling the lower area with ease, making realize that there's not as much as he initially thought. Once he made his way to the watchtowers of the small fortress he rushed towards the skeleton and beheaded the first one, he saw that the second skeleton was preparing to fire its arrow making Steve pull out his axe and throwing it at the skeleton and making its way lodged in the skeleton causing it to fall into its knees before turning into dust making Steve sigh in relief as his companion walked up to him barking at their success.

*Bark! Bark!!*

"Yeah I know I honestly thought that we would have more to deal with than that" Steve says as he goes to pick up his axe.


"Wait..you found a chest?" He asked.

*Bark! Bark!*

"And you say it has an odd design on it?! Well let's go get whatever is in it!" Steve says as he follows his dog to the chest.

Once he followed his buddy to where the chest is he was right this chest was oddly designed, and that's saying something considering he's seen many different chest, but this? This definitely was different from the rest. Once he opened it revealed....


A rock!!

Steve got it out and see and inspect the rock a bit more further

"Hmmm...I honestly never seen a rock like this before..what about you buddy?" Steve asks his companion only for him to tilt his head showing that he's never seen it before.

"Right...Well I think that's enough mining for today, come on buddy let's head back" Steve says he starts walking back.

*Bark! Bark!!* which mean he is agreeing with it.

Once Steve and his dog left the cave which was easy since they knew from where they mined and his buddy's nose to track the scent of the outdoors, it was easy. Once they got outside they saw that it was nighttime as the moon shined down illuminating the area which made Steve admire the outdoors even more.

"Maaann while the sun and daylight is great, heck even beautiful, the nighttime shows it's other beauty when it's dark out" Steve says trying to be poetic with his buddy rolling its eyes.

After a few minutes of walking they manage to reach their house which once they got in Steve closed the door and went to go relax on the couch with his dog stretching a bit.

He lay on the couch signing of the same day of doing what he's best at doing Mining, Crafting, Farming and many more possibly things he done since his first step as he inspect the stone to see it makes a fainted glow of sorts not much powerful than a torch or a glow stone

"Hmmm...I wonder what this rock is? Maybe it has its use..then again it could also be for something extremely useless and be nothing more than a liability.." Steve says pondering what to do.


"Yeah I know maybe it can be worth something..Well I can do that tomorrow for now" Steve says.

Steve said signing as he got up as his stomach growled a bit and looked at his companion

"I'll whoop up some dinner what do you want?" Ask Steve as he was planning to make some pork chops and his companion any meat he desires

*Bark! Bark!!*

"Heh right. I'll make your favorite then" Steve says.

After saying that he goes towards his chest and grabs a frozen packs of pork chops and begins to start cooking it. As he grabs his companion's meat that he wanted: Rabbit with Carrots along with Potato's of course

While the pork chops were cooking, Steve went to go grab the materials to make for his companion.

*Bark! Bark!!*

"Alright alright I'm making the food for ya! I have to make sure my food doesn't over cook as well you know?" Steve says to his hungry companion.

Which he go a bowl and use to grounder as he mix the ingredients of course and make broth from the rabbit meat which create a vibrant look of food, soon steamed Potato & carrot mixed with the seemingly cook rabbit

Once that was finished he went back to watch his pork chops getting cooked while at the same time making sure they don't over cook and become burnt.

And soon they are in perfect condition seeing them fully cooked to perfection as the furnace adds flavor to his meats with a more taste crisp of fire & coal.

Him and his companion then soon started to eat and enjoy their dinner all while enjoying the nightly outdoors as they were hearing the owls and crickets making noises outside.

As they see the night sky of the outdoors of course

Once they finished their dinner they start to get ready to lay in bed with Steve placing the odd rock on his nightstand with it glowing on and off while putting his clothes next to his bed.

"Huh still don't how or what this thing is..Ahh well I'll figure it out tomorrow" Steve says as he gets comfortable in his bed.

*Bark!* his Dog said as he was getting comfortable position of running in little circles before resting in place.

"Heh yeah goodnight to you too as well buddy" Steve says.

Steve put out his torch with little shakes before he drifts into sleep along with his companion already beat him to it.

While asleep the odd rock soon begins to glow even brighter before engulfing both Steve and his companion into the bright light taking them who knows where.