
Senran Kagura: Altered Fates

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Along the path home, at some point Reiko got Ippan's attention, breaking him out of his thoughts yet again. She looked exhausted, and even mimed a yawn to drive the point home.

"Tired, huh? I don't blame you," he said. He then wondered something. Presumably shinobi who could materialize their guardians didn't always have them out, perhaps it was possible to un-summon them. Suzune didn't include that in her lesson, but Ippan considered it now.

He closed his eyes and felt for Reiko with his chakra. He touched her and he felt pleasantly warm again. Then with some effort, he shaped the chakra like a hook and wrapped it around her, tugging her back into him with it.

There was the sound of rushing flames which prompted Ippan to open his eyes. Reiko was gone now. But not totally gone, if he looked within himself, he could feel her within his subconscious, already sleeping happily and warmly. Ippan smiled, satisfied, and now that he knew the method to get her out, he wasn't too worried about her being trapped or anything.

As Ippan continued his walk along a route he normally didn't take home which went through the shopping district, lost in his thoughts, someone caught his attention. She stood about as tall as Ippan with dark green eyes and sandy blonde hair that was down to her neck and curled inward at the ends. Adorning her hair like a crown was a large pink bow. But two things about her were what really caught his eye. Firstly, her tits were huge. If Ippan had to guess, they were probably in the Japanese I-cup range. His normality to remove back pain must have worked wonders for her, just like Murasaki. The second thing that caught his eye was her outfit. She was wearing a French maid costume that had a pleated knee-length skirt and a very low-cut top that showed off an incredible amount of cleavage.

Ippan was staring.

"Hello there, sir," her voice was delicate but seductive, a true siren's song. "Do you like what you see?" she winked and put her hands behind her head, puffing her chest out more.

"Uh," was all Ippan could manage to utter in reaction to her forwardness.

"There are more sights like these inside if you're interested. Very good tea too," she winked again and gestured to the building behind her.

After prying his eyes away from her curves, with some degree of difficulty, he saw the reason she was dressed as she was. The building she gestured toward was a maid café. Ippan had never really considered going into one, not because they didn't appeal to him, but just because he had always been afraid of someone he knew recognizing him in one. Everyone knew exactly the kind of people who frequented these places. People like Uchika, or what Uchika would become when he grew old. Now it didn't matter though. Ippan gave the young woman a smile and walked in.

He was greeted on the inside by a very different-looking woman. She was shorter than him, but still had some nice curves, sitting at about an E-cup with alabaster pale skin and mint-green hair. The most peculiar thing about her was her yellow eyes, which looked like the eyes of a snake just like Miyabi's. She wore the same uniform as the woman out front, but also wore a totally deadpan expression. When she finally spoke, her voice was so monotonous it bordered on robotic.

"Welcome to La Noir café, my name is Hikage and I will be your server. Please follow me." She led Ippan over to an empty booth and set down the menu. He seated himself and watched as Hikage bowed deeply and walked away toward the kitchen. When he saw her walk away, he noticed something about her. She was a shinobi.

When a shinobi went through training one of the first things they were taught was how to be on guard at literally every moment. Eventually, being on guard becomes the shinobi's default idle position. They're always aware on a subconscious level of where their openings are, what their center of gravity is, when they are breathing in and out, how loud they are breathing, and so on. The next thing a shinobi is taught is how to make it look like they aren't constantly aware of those things, since most ordinary people aren't aware or even care about those things. Someone who is constantly rigid and ready for battle at any moment would stand out. Once a shinobi learns this, they can go through everyday life and almost no one will be the wiser. But because all shinobi have gone through that training, they can spot when someone else is faking a casual stance or casual movement, because they have to do it constantly themselves.

Ippan was no exception, and he knew that his server was a shinobi. It was strange though, he knew all of the shinobi students from Hebijo, and even just being a shinobi in training awarded him a livable allowance. A graduate shinobi, Akunin or Zennin, definitely wouldn't need to work multiple jobs to get by no matter what. So, what would a shinobi be doing working at a café? As he was thinking about all of this, he had the menu up pretending to look through its contents carefully.

After a few moments, the last customer had left the café, leaving just Ippan. At this time of day, he wasn't surprised having just missed the lunch rush, and there didn't appear to be much staff on duty. Ippan decided to keep his guard up but otherwise not react. The only possible explanation for Hikage being a shinobi and working here would be if she were part of a deep undercover mission, or she was a renegade. Either way, he didn't really want to cause any trouble. Ippan didn't have enough loyalty to Akunin in general to care that much about renegades, and he certainly wasn't about to ruin someone's undercover operation.

After some time, Hikage returned to Ippan's table. He was acutely aware that the two of them were the only people present inside the main dining area of the café.

"What can we get for you?" she asked from right next to him. He was about to answer when he suddenly felt something sharp against his neck. He slowly turned his head to meet her gaze. Her expression hadn't changed much, but there was now a certain animalistic intensity to it. "You know," she accused in a slightly lowered voice.

Ippan gulped and nodded. Either he let his guard down for a split second too long or she was really good. There wasn't much he could do from here, if things went south, he was leaving here with at least a nasty scar. He cursed himself for unsummoning his guardian, Reiko might have actually proved to be helpful in this situation.

"You're from Hebijo," she continued, "that used to be my school." It looked like she was a renegade after all. Definitely not the lesser of two evils here. In fact, she had a pretty good reason to kill Ippan, he was a liability.

"Listen," he started and felt her knife press a bit harder into his neck, "I honestly don't care if you're a renegade. I'm not going to tell anyone."

"How can I be sure?" she asked, her monotonous tone making the situation far more frightful. More importantly, she had a good point. Ippan could just be telling her this to get her to let him go, then he could turn around and tell everyone at the academy.

"Let me guess, you left Hebijo because you didn't like the way it did things. Maybe you just wanted the freedom to be able to do what you wanted with your life, instead of being forced to follow orders like a pawn," Ippan was staring into the middle distance now, getting a bit lost in thought again. "I can sympathize with that feeling. I've been struggling with it myself. I have no reason to get you killed, I envy the life you live."

Ippan felt the blade shake slightly. Her face was just as deadpan as it was before, but her eyes were searching his carefully. After a moment, she removed the blade from his neck.

"Look, just to show you how serious I am, my name is Ippan Norizuka. Now you know exactly who to look for if your cover is blown."

"Who is your sensei?" she asked suddenly, catching him slightly off guard… again.


Something flashed in her eyes, and he saw her posture get slightly more relaxed. Did she know Ippan's sensei? More importantly, did his sensei know about Hikage? That was a strange thought.

"I feel like I can trust you. Hinata's blade will not taste blood today." She brought her knife up to her lips and licked the multi-segmented blade with her tongue before folding it into its handle and slipping it inside the sleeve of her uniform. Without saying much else, she took a seat across from Ippan, keeping her eyes trained on his.

"Um, aren't you on the clock?" he asked.

"I don't have emotions, but I can tell you need someone to talk to. I'm a good listener."

An hour passed.

"I just don't know what to do…" Ippan finally ended his rant. Hikage wasn't wrong, she definitely was a good listener. She very calmly and patiently nodded along to everything he said and didn't even seem the least bit distracted. When someone Ippan assumed to be the manager came by to see what she was doing, she simply said she was on break and continued to listen. The manager left with a look on his face that seemed to imply he knew he wouldn't get anywhere by arguing with her.

Ippan had explained his current predicament to her, carefully leaving out the details about his rings, and simply telling her he had means of escaping the life of an Akunin, leaving the method vague.

"Well, I sort of escaped the life of an Akunin along with my classmates not too long ago," she replied. Her deadpan expression had maintained throughout the conversation.

"And how is it for you?" Ippan asked, eager to know the inside scoop on the life of a renegade.

"We get attacked by Hebijo shinobi at least three times a week and I haven't eaten anything besides wild grass and bean sprouts for the past three days." Okay, that didn't sound healthy, but Ippan honestly didn't know enough about wild grass or bean sprouts to dispute it. "I don't have any emotions, but my friends do, and I can tell that in spite of our plights they are much happier to have the freedom to walk down their own shinobi path."

"You don't even have enough money to eat properly?" Ippan asked, curiosity piqued.

"Not only are we renegades we're also technically high school drop-outs. It's not easy to find a job that isn't just part-time like this one. If we were ordinary people that might not be an issue, but as shinobi we tend to blow all of our money on food almost immediately, leaving nothing for the rest of the month."

Shinobi training burned a lot of calories. Most shinobi needed to eat a lot more than normal folks in order to compensate. It was definitely a rough spot to be in. He found himself feeling a bit bad now, knowing that he had such an incredible power that would let him eat anytime he wanted for free when there were kindred spirits like Hikage being left to starve. Ippan honestly wanted to do something about that, but he had to find the right way to phrase it so there weren't devastating consequences. He'd have to think about it later though, for now he was a bit distracted by something.

Two somethings actually, which he was shamelessly staring at. Hikage followed Ippan's gaze, looking down at her cleavage and then back up to him, her expression wasn't shifting in the slightest.

"You seem to really like looking at my breasts." She said.

"Honestly," Ippan began, "I do. Quite a lot, they have nice shape to them."

Suddenly she made a sound that was similar to a laugh, but her face didn't change at all. "You remind me of a friend of mine."

Ippan really wanted to try something with her. Unlike his fellow classmates and Reiko though, he didn't have an established relationship he could take advantage of when requesting lewd things. Even with the rings, if he asked to her to do something she would probably decline. As he carefully considered what to do next, he placed a hand on her breast. This elicited a slight gasp from Hikage, but otherwise no reaction.

"Now you really remind me of a friend of mine."

Meanwhile at Hanzo academy, a certain blonde-haired, breast-worshipping, sexual harassing ninja sneezed during her training.

That was certainly an odd thing to be remembered for. Ippan was curious, but also too focused on thinking about his next course of action and about the impossible softness of Hikage's tits. He had slipped a hand inside her top to explore, giving her bare flesh gentle squeezes as he remained lost in thought.

He had made it a point not to use the normality powers to make it so he could just request sexual acts at any time. It felt much more rewarding to let them come to him with that sort of thing. But unfortunately, this meant he ran into situations like these, where he really wanted to get his rocks off, but without normality he wouldn't be able to do it and ensure she was giving just as much as she got. If he stuck his dick in her mouth, she wouldn't stop him, but she also wouldn't take much initiative in sucking it to completion.

Ippan gently flicked her nipple and then noticed a distinct lack of sound coming from her. Looking up at her face, he understood. She was deeply flushed and breathing a bit heavier, but still held little expression in her face. She was clearly trying her best to keep her near-permanent poker face but there was something there in her eyes. She may not have been as emotionless as she let on.

That gave Ippan an idea. The biggest problem he had with just making it so everyone would always follow his orders was that he would never know if they were just following his orders because they were compelled to or because they genuinely wanted to. He supposed he could make it so they always wanted to, but that felt a bit too fake. But maybe if he included a trigger phrase, he could be a bit more selective about it.

"It is normal for someone to obey any order I give them if said order is prefaced with the phrase 'would you mind'." That took care of the first part. This way he could still give them orders and if he didn't include the trigger phrase, they wouldn't be compelled to obey. There was one more part to this, however. "It is also normal for any order given in this way to be perceived by anyone observing, besides me, as being a simple common courtesy." He didn't always want his public sexual acts to be seen as such.

Now that Ippan had laid the ground-work, it was time to reap the rewards. "Hikage, would you mind climbing under the table and sucking me off?"

"Huh? Oh, sure." Without any delay, she slipped underneath the table and began undoing Ippan's pants, pulling out his hardened member. "Huh, you're pretty big." It never stopped being satisfying to know that. Even though he couldn't see what she was doing, he very quickly felt the effects as his cock was plunged into her moist mouth. Ippan let out a groan of pleasure as she immediately deep-throated him and began to slide her lips across his shaft.

"Hikage I really need you to… oh." Ippan suddenly saw the manager walk up again, it seemed like he was about to get Hikage to come back before he saw her under the table with Ippan's cock in her mouth.

"Sorry about holding up your employee, sir," Ippan said amicably.

He shook his head. "Oh no that's perfectly fine. I can see she is just doing you a favor. I'm frankly impressed by her good customer service!" he let out a hearty gut laugh. Then Ippan got an idea.

"You know, since she has such good customer service skills," emphasis on service, "I'd say it would be normal for you to offer her a free meal at the end of her shifts."

"You're absolutely right," the manager smiled. "Well, I won't bother you much longer. Enjoy the rest of your stay, sir." With that he bowed and walked away. Once he was far enough away, Hikage pulled Ippan's cock out of her mouth but continued to stroke him with her hand, poking her head out from under the table to look up at him.

"Thanks, Ippan. I appreciate it. I do feel kind of bad for Haruka though…"


"The one that greeted you out front. She's one of my renegade friends." This was an interesting revelation, as Ippan had no inkling that the woman out front was a shinobi, which meant she was really good at faking a casual stance. It also meant that Ippan was in worse danger earlier than he realized, since even if he managed to get out from under Hikage's knife, he wouldn't have been able to make it out the door.

"I'd say it would be normal for her to get free meals too, she definitely did a good job of bringing me in here," Ippan was fondly remembering her impressive curves.

"I suppose that's true," she said then slid his cock back into her lips. She was handling Ippan's dick like a pro, and he could tell. There was a very clear difference between Ryouna's desperate and enthusiastic blowjobs and Hikage's less enthusiastic but extremely skilled blowjobs.

"You really know what you're doing, huh?" Ippan said before moaning out in pleasure as she swallowed around his shaft, creating a soft ripple that caressed his rod. She removed him again to reply.

"There was a time that I entertained the idea of being a prostitute in order to make easy money. My friend Homura talked me out of it, but not before I got a lot of practice."

"What did you practice on?" Ippan asked, very curious.

"Haruka makes some pretty weird medicines." This response didn't quite satisfy Ippan's curiosity as he had no idea what Hikage meant by that, but she returned his cock to her lips, sucking and licking along his engorged member with such finesse and skill that he instantly forgot what she said. Ippan was close to climax and he could feel the familiar pressure in his groin heralding it.

"I'm close, Hikage," he warned. With a low growl, he began to cum, shooting thick ropes of sperm onto her waiting tongue. He heard her give a surprised gasp, no doubt at the taste, and then eagerly begin to swallow his loads one after another. Her gulping was loud enough for Ippan to hear, and there was such incredible satisfaction at being able to hear it.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp…" The sound echoed steadily through the whole café, and after perhaps realizing that Ippan was nowhere close to stopping, Hikage started to bob her head along his cock again, still not losing any stride in swallowing down the sticky cream. Ippan had his head tilted back and his legs sticking out. His toes were curled in his socks at Hikage's continual milking.

After Ippan had finally finished his signature long ejaculation, Hikage made a loud slurping noise as she sucked out whatever sperm was left inside his shaft before completely pulling it out of her mouth. She slid back up in the bench across from Ippan, moving the contents of her mouth around and clearly savoring the taste. With one final gulp, she let out a contented sigh.

"I may not have emotions, but I do have taste buds, and that was the most delicious stuff I've ever had."

Ippan was grinning like an idiot, "Thanks, Hikage, I appreciate you doing that for me."

She shrugged, "It was the polite thing to do, I suppose. I'd do it again too if it meant getting to taste that again. Much better than grass." She nodded.

"Hikage," the voice of the busty greeter was suddenly beside Ippan, nearly making him jump in surprise.

"Ah, Haruka," Hikage replied, "is it time to swap?"

"Yes. I'll take over from here." When Ippan looked at the woman, evidently named Haruka, he found it extremely difficult to read her expression. Well, not quite, her expression was one of casual sexuality and delinquency, but he found it difficult to read her true emotions. And now that he was aware of the fact that she was a shinobi, he realized why he didn't notice her trying to fake a casual stance earlier. Quite simply, she wasn't. Even still, she had no obvious openings or exploitable weak points. It was almost like she had just modified her casual stance to be her battle-ready stance. A clever idea.

"Okay, I'll go let boss know," Hikage replied and walked off, leaving the two of them alone.

Haruka immediately replaced her friend in the booth, "I heard you two having fun in here and just had to see it for myself."

Ippan chuckled breathily, "She was just doing me a favor. She was really good at it, though."

"Oh, I know," Haruka replied casually enough. "Now, I overheard your discussion with her and I'm glad she's satisfied with your little story, but I'm the kind of girl who likes to get to know a potential threat really well." As if to emphasize her point, Ippan felt something soft graze his thigh.

"Well, go ahead and ask me anything, I'm an open book."

"I suppose we should start with the obvious, what's your name again?" she asked, placing both of her elbows on the table and leaning forward with her chin resting on her graceful fingers. Once again, no openings; but also, no sign of faking her demeanor. She was even twirling one of her sandy-blonde locks of hair flirtatiously with a finger while she awaited an answer. Even just that simple detail was enough to nearly distract Ippan from the fact that she was a trained killer. This woman was dangerous.

"Ippan Norizuka," Ippan repeated for this new friend.


"I'm a second-year at Hebijo." These questions were easy, but if Ippan had to guess they were control questions so she would be able to easily spot a lie later on.

"What's the name of your shinobi class sensei again?" she was looking him dead in the eyes, smiling with her soft-looking lips.

"Suzune." Ippan noticed a very slight shift in her expression. One of Ippan's strong skills as a shinobi was deception and espionage, and part of that skill was knowing when the two were being used on him. He was really good at spotting unusual behavior when he was looking for it. She, however, was just as good if not better than him. Even Ippan couldn't tell what she was thinking, just that her thought process had changed slightly. This was almost the same shift he sensed in Hikage earlier.

"Sexuality?" That one was unexpected.

"Uh, straight." Ippan's hesitation was only because of her forwardness.

"Preferred breast size?" Ippan thought she had to be fucking with him now.

"I don't really have a preferred size. Most of the women I know have huge tits though. No idea why, but I'm not complaining."

"Are you a virgin?" Ippan was starting to take her questions less and less seriously now, but he remained cautious in case that was her intention.

"Yes. I've gotten a couple blowjobs and a few handjobs, though, so I'm not totally out of the loop."

Her grin widened slightly. Ippan became aware of the soft something from a moment ago rubbing against his shin. He wanted to maintain eye-contact, so he didn't look to see what it was yet.

"Are you single?" she asked.

"Nope, I have both a girlfriend and a personal cum-dumpster." She really seemed to like that answer, narrowing her eyes and licking her lips. The rubbing on Ippan's leg grew a bit more intense. Whatever it was, it had a slight curve, and seemed to bend near the tip… he wondered if she was rubbing his leg with her bare foot?

"Oh my, busy, aren't we? Next question, what are your current aspirations?"

"I have a dream to wake up in a king-sized bed surrounded by a veritable ocean of naked women willing to explore every perverted fantasy that emerges from my twisted mind." Her foot(?) was now sliding along Ippan's inner thigh, he could feel himself growing harder again in spite of the orgasm he just had. One thing he had discovered about whichever ring was making his ejaculations longer was that it did now require a lot more time to recover. This fact made Ippan slightly conflicted about whether he wanted her to continue what she was doing.

"What are some of those fantasies?"

"Well, I could tell you that," Ippan began, grinning just as wide as her, "or I could let you find out." Honestly at this point, his fantasies weren't that complicated. He found himself really enjoying blowjobs and he definitely liked it when women drank/ate his cum, but aside from that nothing else was coming to mind. The thought that maybe Haruka would start giving him a footjob was surprisingly appealing and he really didn't know he had a thing for feet until just this moment. Ippan figured letting twisted and perverted ideas bubble up naturally in his mind would be the best course of action at this point, it certainly hadn't let him down yet.

She chuckled softly. "That concludes our little interview I think."

What? He thought. She didn't even ask any important questions.

"That's all you needed to know that you can trust me?"

"I more or less trusted you from the beginning. Frankly, I trust Hikage's judgement, but when you mentioned Suzune and I saw the look in your eyes I was sold. She was our former sensei as well." Her foot began to actually grind against the bulge in Ippan's pants now. "Everything else after that was a compatibility test."

"A compatibility test for what?"

"Us, of course. I should let you know that you passed with flying colors. I like you already, Ippan." She gave a genuine smile, and she looked gorgeous while doing it. "But I should let you know, I have very high standards. I can tell you are very clearly a fellow dominant in the bedroom, just like me. We can be an amazing team, you and I, but first you have to really impress me. You have a willing slave, I have a sneaking suspicion I know who it is, and I am already quite impressed that you managed to collar her right from under her fiery sister."

Holy shit, Ippan thought. She managed to glean that from the questions he answered. He wondered if she knew the rest of his classmates. "However, you have only one slave. I'll tell you what, if you manage to get yourself a few more willing fuck-toys, I may consider joining you in that little dream you have." She winked seductively.

Challenge, fucking, accepted. Ippan knew it would be a trivial matter to use the rings to make her submit to him, or even just making a few other girls submit to him, but there was something so satisfying about doing it this way. He certainly wasn't planning on stopping at just Ryouna when it came to submissives, Haruka basically just sweetened the pot by challenging Ippan to do something he was planning on doing anyway.

Ippan noticed the rubbing of her foot on his groin was becoming less intense. There was some relief in it, since he was already so sensitive still, but he had his pride to consider. He wasn't about to get blue-balled by this woman.

"Haruka, would you mind giving me a footjob until I cum?"

"Oh, I'd love to." She licked her lips. "As long as you don't mind me sampling some of the aftermath. I heard Hikage earlier saying it tasted good. As a scientist, I would like to sample some myself."

"Please do." Ippan winked and became aware of the fact that his pants were coming undone. She was unzipping his pants with her toes. Ippan marveled at how much the very idea of that turned him on. His cock then became exposed to the elements again, and he could feel her foot directly on his member. Her skin was soft, and the curves of her arch and toes were making for a very enjoyable experience. She definitely knew what she was doing, because she even seemed to be accounting for Ippan's sensitivity by going very slowly and softly at first.

"Oh," Hikage suddenly appeared next to them. Once again, Ippan nearly jumped. These were shinobi all right, and good ones. "What are you two doing?"

"He asked me to do him a favor too," Haruka replied and licked her lips seductively.

Curiously, Hikage leaned over and peaked under the table, "Oh, I see. Well, I'm heading outside now. Have fun." She then turned around and began walking away. There was something very sexy about having been caught in the act in public, Ippan was growing to enjoy the sensation.

Once Hikage was out of the door, Haruka turned back to Ippan and smiled, "You're lucky she was the one serving you first. I probably would have tried to poison your food the moment I noticed you were a shinobi. I might be a renegade but protecting my friends is my number one priority."

Ippan cocked an eyebrow curiously, to which her only response was a widening, creepy, and sadistic grin. He definitely was glad he was served by Hikage, this way he managed to make two friends instead of dying. Her feet were pumping more intensely, and by now the sensitivity was gone replaced only by the pleasure of her soft and petite feet.

"It's twitching so much; do you like my feet that much, Ippan?"

"I do, and I honestly didn't know I did until I felt them."

She chuckled seductively. "Well I'm glad I have broadened your horizons a bit. Maybe I can broaden them more in the future."

"I would love nothing more." Ippan said, starting to pant a bit from her relentless movements. She had now begun to slide the toes of one of her feet along the shaft of his cock while the toes on her other foot were curled around his tip, rubbing it and spreading his precum around.

"I can feel you getting close Ippan, go ahead and cum all over my feet." He didn't need much more encouragement, he began to squirt his load between her toes, a torrent of cum drenching her feet and even covering her shins. A pool of sticky, white sperm was forming on the ground beneath the table as she used her feet to pump every last drop he had.

"Oh my, it's still coming," Haruka sounded genuinely surprised, and a slight blush was forming on her cheeks as the seconds rolled by and more and more of Ippan's cum was pooling on the floor below and plastering the bottom of the table. This was much messier than a blowjob, but there was something sexy about that, too.

Once Ippan had finished, Haruka looked flummoxed, "That was forty-seven seconds. I counted. Now I'm glad I didn't kill you." She reached down beneath the table and seemed to scoop up some of the semen from her leg with her finger and brought it to her lips. When she put it in her mouth her eyes widened, her composure completely shattering for a split second before she swallowed and swiftly took another fingerful and brought it to her lips.

"Slurp, gulp… slurp, gulp…"

She was even blushing from the taste it seemed. "Oh my, I must say, that is the most delicious sperm I've ever tasted." She produced a small clear glass vial from her cleavage and ran it along her leg, catching some of the thick sperm inside and corking it. "I'm going to save a bit of that for my free meal later." Ippan beamed with pride as though he had just created the most delicious sauce in the world… and technically he did. But now his softening cock was even more sensitive than it was before, something he noticed all too well when trying to put it away back in his pants.

"Well it has been fun speaking with you Ippan, but I should probably get to work cleaning this up."

"I understand, thanks for the customer service." Ippan winked at her as he stood up, getting ready to leave.

She chuckled and waved, "Anytime."