
Senki Zesshō Symphogear : Gear of Hope

When I woke up I don't remember anything, nor who my parents are, if I have brothers and sisters, I don't even know where I am, but I only remember my knowledge and I know that the world where I live is in danger thanks to the music in my heart, I will bring a smile and hope to this world Hiwae this is the birth of a new king of time and champion of peace and love I don’t own the song, game, novel and other content presented in this book I only own my OC English is my second language so don’t shot because of the grammar

Daoist_zero950 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

New recruit and 2 girlfriends

"Tetsuya, you are Zi-O?"

I answer everyone by nodding my head

"And Build also sorry to have kept this secret all these years, by the way, Tsubasa, Kanade, if you're going to beat me up now, it's time. "

The two girls looked at each other and nodded. They then headed towards me, stopping directly in front of me before.....


They both hit me in the face and I fell to the ground, then Chris came to help me sit down.

"Ouch it hurts more than expected"

"Baka, that's what happens when you keep a secret like that for so many years."

"I knew it would end like this, sooner or later, they would have discovered me, although I managed to hide it for 6 years"

"Yukine-kun, did you know he was a Kamen Rider?" asked Genjuro.

"Uhm, since he saved me at Val Verde, he asked me not to tell anyone until he revealed it himself.

"How could you not tell us about it? We are a family," Kanade asked me.

"What do you want me to say? "Oh, guess what! I have this Driver on me, which allows me to do even weirder things while transforming me from a simple human into a super badass time king"

"Wait a minute, time king... what do you mean by that?"


I could have put my foot in my mouth with this one. Damn it, are they gonna try to open me up now?

"How can I say this I can control time to a certain extent, and I can have premonitory dreams but I prefer to give the details tomorrow because today has been a very tiring day. "

"All right, even though you may have a bigger problem right now. "

A bigger problem?

I feel a pat on my shoulder and when I turned around to see who it was, I was greeted by an angry Ryoko.

"Oh, oooooooooh, I'm in trouble, aren't I? "

"You have no idea, young man, you have some explanation to give me"

"I go home, I'll bring Hibiki back with me tomorrow" I snap my fingers to appear next to Hibiki which surprises her.

"Biki, let's go home"

"Hey?!!!" I drag Hibiki into a portal I created right behind us

"Tetsuya-chan is waiting for a... "

"See you tomorrow"

We crossed the portal under the amazed eyes of Division 2. The gate led us directly to the school dormitory

"How do you do that? "asks Hibiki.

"Many years of training, let's go Miku must be worried that you're not back yet"

As we walk to Hibiki and Miku's room, I knock at the door to be greeted by Miku.

"Tetsu-kun, Hibiki, where have you been? I tried to contact you because of the alarm."

"Yo Miku, sorry my phone was off, I allow myself to enter"

"Oh, make yourself at home"

I go into the room and put myself on the sofa and Hibiki sits next to me

"What brings you to this hour?" Miku asks me.

"A lot, but mainly about our relationship with the three of us."

"What do you mean, Tetsuya?"

"There are some things I've never told you about me, and with what's happened tonight, I think you also have the right to know, you and Hibiki are the closest people to me other than my family"

"What happened?" asks Miku worried.

"I'm going to come to that, Miku, could you prepare something for us because my story might be very long"

"Understood, wait a moment."

After Miku brought us some refreshments I start telling my story

"My story begins 5 years ago, a 12-year-old boy was found by a lady in an alleyway and he was injured so she decided to take care of him until he woke up when the boy woke up he didn't remember anything, where he came from, who his parents were, the only thing he had was his identity, money and a suitcase"

"The boy thanked the lady for taking care of him and in return, the boy who had no home decided to stay with the lady and help her with her business, the boy was very good and learn very quickly, and in nothing, he managed to make the lady's business popular"

"But the boy had another secret, he had memories in him that were not his own that allowed him to be unequaled in any field, but also that he had the power to become a hero, so the boy became a Kamen Rider a warrior who fought for humanity, he fought the noises, and saved the life of the innocent when he could"

"Whoa" exclaims Miku

"Tetsuya, the boy in this story is you," says Hibiki

"You're right, it's my story."

"Heeeeeee, how did you guess Hibiki, because even for me who knows Tetsuya the way he told his story doesn't allow to identify the boy being him" say Miku surprise

"Hehe, how to explain this, I saw him transform himself, when I was attacked by noise when I went to buy Tsubasa's CD" Hibiki tries to explain with an embarrassing look

"You're fine you're not hurt"

"Don't worry Tetsuya was there to protect me, now that I think about it Testsuya how come you know Tsubasa-san and Kanade-san? and what happened at the warehouse"

"Calm down, Hibiki, I'll answer your questions."

Then I start explaining to Miku when I rescued Chris in Val Verde, our first meeting with Kanade and Tsubasa and what really happened during the Wing Zwei concert 2 years ago, what happened last night, and what the Symphogears are.

Miku was surprised at everything I've accomplished since I received my power, but she has trouble accepting that two of the people close to her will face the Noises and she is against Hibiki being involved in all this.

"I don't want Hibiki to be involved in this, Tetsuya"

"You're not the only one if it were possible I would have removed all the Gungnir fragments in her myself, but it might do more harm than good to Hibiki and knowing her, she will eventually want to face the Noises to protect people"


"Don't worry Miku I'll be careful and then Tetsuya will be there to make sure nothing happens to me"

"That's why I'm going to train Hibiki personally as the head of the Symphogear users, I'll make sure that nothing serious happens to her, that's why Miku I want you to understand that we can't do otherwise"

I look at Miku with my heterochromatic eyes which also reflects my anguish at mixing Hibiki into all this.

"Now that I think about it, Tetsuya, didn't Genjuro-san ask us not to tell anyone?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, I might face a disciplinary board for telling Miku everything, but I won't risk anything serious, maybe 1 or 2 months of detention at most"

"Heeeeeeeee, that's bad, you might get punished"

"As I said, I'm not risking much since I'm a major asset for Japan in the fight against the noises, they can't do anything to me and I have a trick up my sleeve in case of a problem don't worry"

"Why, did you reveal all this to me then?"

"Miku, do you remember our most sacred rule? "

"To hide nothing from each other,"

"Indeed, that's why I decided to say what I have on my mind tonight."

"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

Hibiki asked me, with a questioning air.

"Don't tell me you forgot the kiss you gave me earlier."

Hibiki remembers and starts to turn as red as a tomato and Miku is shocked about the fact that Hibiki gave me a kiss

"What happened, Hibiki, why did you give Tetsuya a kiss?"

Ask Miku blushingly to her roommate and best friends wanting to know more

"Remember I said we were attacked by Noises and trapped? "

"Yes, you said that."

"To give Hibiki time to get the little girl who was with us to safety, I was going to transform myself but before that, she gave me one of those kisses, it shocked me"

"Please stop talking about this it's embarrassing especially in front of Miku, I did it in the heat of the moment thinking it was the last time we were going to see each other? "

"Little chance of that happening, Hamster."

"Hey?!!!!! "

"Ahem, Tachibana Hibiki"


"Kohinata Miku"

"Yes" answers Miku surprised that I call her name

"You two are one of the most important people in my life, Hibiki your smile and personality save me more than once when I doubted myself or was depressed, which made me who I am today.

Miku your character and persistence have taught me to always go forward no matter what the difficulties and never give up.

You are both my light but also one of the reasons why I can continue to fight for a better tomorrow.

That's why I can say I love you both, want to be my girlfriends"

I tell them blushing with a smile while waiting for their answer.

// The next day //

The sun enters a room and then an alarm clock sounds, a hand presses the snooze button, this same person starts to wake up and this person is none other than Tetsuya.

"Where am I, isn't this my room? " he asks himself then tries to get up but feels a weight on his shoulder he can barely move one of his arms then he lifts the blanket to discover Hibiki and Miku in their pajamas, sleeping beside him

"Oh, that's right, I stayed here last night, who would have thought they'd agree to share me, but maybe I should tell them about the others"

While I was thinking Miku starts to wake up and then notices that she is holding someone's arm, when she looks at who owns the arm, she notices that it is Tetsuya's arm she starts to remember what happened last night.

"Hello, Miku, did you sleep well?"

"Hello Testu-kun" She staggers and blushes

Seeing this cute expression on her I decided to tease her by going close to her and then take her in my arms and gently chew her ear

"Kya... Tetsuya, what are you doing? "

"What do I do, I show my affection for my girlfriend"

" H*ntai "

" You didn't stop me or tell me to stop "

Then I start by sniffing her perfume which is lavender, then I give her a little kiss on the neck then begin to groping her breast through her cloth which starts to make her even more excited, while I and Miku are inside our little world, I hear an irregular breathing that must belong to Hibiki who seems to have been awake for a while and starts to be excited by my interaction with Miku.

I turn my attention back to Miku and then put my mouth near her ear and tell her loud enough for Hibiki to hear.

"So Miku how do you feel? It feels good, doesn't it? "

"* moaning* it feels good"

"I see I'm very happy to have made you feel good, tell me Miku what do you want to do? "

Miku turns her head with a questioning look

"Heh, what do you mean? *moaning*"

"I offer you two choices, choose either, I give you a fiery kiss... "

I feel the temperature of the room starting to rise.


"or? "

"I'll take you and Hibiki and eat you right now if you know what I mean"

Hearing my sentence Miku and Hibiki become completely red and without thinking start running out of the room then I start laughing at their reaction.

" They really cute when they blush, I should prepare the breakfast "

I get up from bed and then I will prepare breakfast for the three of us after having prepared breakfast, but also lunch for us and Chris and two special bento for Kanade and Tsubasa because I am sure they are still angry about yesterday especially Tsubasa I also prepared for school by teleporting into my room by opening a gate and then I returned to Hibiki and Miku's room. To see them start eating already and then I join them.


Throughout the meal the girls made no eye contact with me, then Miku started talking

"Tetsu-kun, I wanted to apologize for running away earlier... "

"It's okay, Miku, you don't have to apologize, I also go a little too far on my side, next time we'll take it slowly"

"Next time let us know if you want to do this kind of thing and prepare our hearts," ask Hibiki

"Say the girl who spies on us by pretending to be still asleep "

"*Giku* ... "

"Leaving that aside, I'll pick you up and take you to Section 2 after school. Here's your lunch."

"A lunch made by Tetsuya has been a long time since I last ate one," exclaims Hibiki.

The girls take their Bentos and bags and I take mine and then leave the dormitory to go to school, on the way Hibiki turns to me blushing a little

"Tetsu-kun since we're officially in a relationship I wanted to know if I could hold your arm"

I look at her with a smile and hold out my left arm to her, to which she surrounds her right arm, next to us Miku watches Hibiki surround my arm with a trace of jealousy, and as the strong head she is she will never admit that she envies Hibiki

"Miku you can have my other arm if you want"

I tell Miku who is surprised by what I tell her

"No, it's okay, I don't want to bother you with everything you're already wearing."

"Miku," I told her, raising my voice a little.


"Do you also want to hold my arm while you go to school together? "

"May I? "

"Of course you can, now, when you agreed to become my girlfriend it became one of your rights, so if you want something don't hesitate to tell me, understood"


Instead of holding my arm like Hibiki, she holds the end of the sleeve of my uniform, then continuing our journey to school, arriving near the school was not the surprise of all the girls who stare at us but I feel several looks piercing me as if they wanted to pierce my soul, which makes me stop there, which surprises Hibiki and Miku

"What's going on Tetsuya," asks Miku.

I turn my head to the right to see Tsubasa, Kanade, and Chris coming towards us looking at me with an angry look, and the scariest thing about it is that I feel like I see an Anya mask behind Tsubasa.

"It's Tsubasa-semapi and Kanade-sempai" say Hibiki

I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating, but after doing that the mask became more terrifying and threatening, even releasing a murderous aura that is directed only at me.

"Hello Kagami-kun," Tsubasa tells me with a smile that promises only suffering

'She uses my last name, and this smile is not good for me.'

"Hello Tsu-chan, Kana-chan, Chris-chan," I say with a nonchalant look

"Hello my ass, what are these girls doing hanging on to you? "asks Chris.

"If we disturb we can let you talk to each other," says Miku who seems to understand what's going on.

"Don't worry, about that she always like that and since everyone's here and we have a little time left before class, we might as well get to know each other since we're all going to work together from today"

"Hey?" The girls look at me intrigued by what I just said, I turn to Miku

"Say Miku you never wanted to be a superhero," I say to Miku when I pull out a blank Ridewatch and a blank Fullbottle.