
Senju Ryoichi’s tale to Immortality

Having died and felt the clutches of death once, Senju Ryoichi biggest goal in this new life of his was to never feel that again. To do that he needs to achieve Immortality at any cost, and being reborn in a world where people can spit fire and become God after eating fruit, he has quite a shot at his unachievable goal. . AU . info dump .

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

6:Future Information


"That's… a long story…" The lazy teen spoke hesitantly. Ryoichi could see how reluctant the teen was to tell him more about the future.

"Don't worry I have all the time in the world."

"Uhh…" The teen looked at Aina and questioned her with his eyes. It amuses Ryoichi how they ignored the brown-haired teen every time by default.

"To explain that we need to tell you the origin of the Otsutsuki cyborg, but first tell me do you know the Otsutsuki clan and Otsutsuki Kaguya, the Rabbit Goddess?" Question Aina after she and the lazy teen discussed through their eyes.

Ryoichi noticed minuscule amounts of Chakra being used whenever their eyes locked with each other, just enough to not affect the Chakra dampeners inside their prison cell.

'Is that a Jutsu? Are they conversing through telepathy?' Ryoichi questioned himself as he replied to Aina'.

"You mean the myth of the Celestial princess coming for the God Tree's fruit?"

"Yeah… but it wasn't a myth but a true story or more like history. Anyway, Otsutsuki Kaguya was the mother of the Sage of Six Paths who passed down Chakra to humans thus opening the Era of Shinobi." Aina paused to let Ryoichi process before she continued.

"The Otsutsuki cyborg wants to kill the Sage of Six Paths before he passes down the Chakra."


"So the Humans never acquire Chakra and become Shinobi."

"No, not that. Let me clarify… why does someone from a Clan of Gods want to go so far to the point of completely destabilising the Universe's timeline to kill a half-breed so the humans don't acquire Chakra."

Aina sneered at Ryoichi's questions, even the other two teens showed disdain. And before Ryoichi can question the reason for such expressions, Aina spoke.

"Heh~ of course to prevent the extinction of said God Clan."

"What…?" Ryoichi's mind blanked for a second before he thought.

'Ahh! Boruto's series end goal was to clash with the Otsutsuki Clan, and like every series, the protagonist side would eventually win, so it's normal for Otsutsuki to lose, but… extinction? I did not think that they would lose that badly.'

"You mean we massacre their clan?"

"Well, calling it a massacre would be underselling it…"


"We fought the Otsutsuki clan for nearly 2 decades before we defeated them, and even then the War was devastating, especially in the first few years as there was no one who could take on high-ranking Otsutsuki head-on other than few old people. Only after Lord Boruto, and my father Senju Ryoichi took the lead did we start fighting Back instead of simply defending or getting killed."

"Senju Ryoichi?" Ryoichi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's the name of my father, your grandson. Grandmother named him after you so she could impress you-ahh now that I think my father once mentioned he heard great-grandmother saying that grandmother had some daddy issues. I mea-"

*AHEM* the lazy teen cleared his loudly as he saw Aina getting sidetracked.

"Sorry…" Aina shot an apologetic smile at the lazy teen before she continued.

"The Great Intergalactic War as we call it, was devastating, the total casualties over the period of two decades was in billions, most in the early days. The only reason we didn't collapse in those years were because the few of the inventions your future self made."

"My inventions?"

"Yeah, the life expansion elixirs and the soul-based Jutsu were one of them, but what really became our lifeline against the Otsutsuki were the… SEAL MATRIX." Aina said and raised her right arm as she glanced at Ryoichi's tattooed arm.

The thin armour on her hand retraced as a dragon tattoo similar to Ryoichi's was revealed.

'Nanotech!!!' Ryoichi screamed in his mind, losing his cool first time in years.

Ryoichi looked at the armour in a new light before his eyes traced back to Aina's tattoo and narrowed. His Haki flowed as he scanned the tattoo.

"This…" Ryoichi uttered.

Aina noticed Ryoichi's shock despite his blank face, her smile turned smug as she explained."This is called ULTI-MATRIX, the pinnacle of your mind, a perfect combination of Fuinjutsu and Nan-"

"Nanotech." Ryoichi interrupted Aina, causing her smile to freeze.


"What can it do?" Ryoichi asked as his eyes shone with curiosity behind his glasses.

Aina gained her smug smile back as she explained to the strongest and smartest man recorded in her Timeline's history.

"Everything your MATRIX can and more."

"What more?"

"It can use a huge number of Jutsu stored in its database with a negligible amount of Chakra and…"


"It can analyse, copy and store enemies Jutsus, even bloodline abilities as long as they don't need some specific material. You should have seen the shocked look on that Cyborg's face when my father copied the ability of his fancy eyes and threw back at him with twice the power."

*Ahem* the lazy teen interrupted again, as she was getting sidetracked again, but this time Aina didn't shoot an apologetic smile but an annoyed one.

Ryoichi ignored their antics and questioned Aina. "So it can copy Jutsus?"

"Hmm, it can do a few more things but that's pretty much it."

"Hmm… back to the topic, so this Cyborg wants to kill the Sage of Six Paths so the destruction of Otsutsuki never happens."

"Yes. The Cyborg first killed Lord Boruto to change the War's outcome, but someone else took Lord Boruto's place and led the War, then he tried to kill my father, but by then we had already detected the Anamoly in the timeline and caught him."

"And how did you detected this time Anamoly?" Ryoichi asked.

"By a device you created in future after the incident of an Otsutsuki travelling to the timeline of younger Lord Seven."

"I get it, but one last thing why did you guys travel back instead of your father and this Lord Boruto? Wouldn't it be easier to stop the Cyborg with them, not to mention when the whole existence of the Shinobi kind is at stake."

Aina becomes silent at Ryoichi's question, and Ryoichi can see his question hit the mark.

"…they couldn't…" Aina spoke with barely a whisper that if Ryoichi didn't have super senses he would have missed.

"What?" Ryoichi pretended to not hear and motioned Aina to speak again, but instead of her speaking the lazy teen spoke.

"They are lost in the Time stream."

"What do you mean?"

"After we caught the Cyborg and corrected the timeline, Lord Ryoichi and Lord Boruto brought him to the Alliance council, but when they thought the Cyborg was completely powerless, he brought out a device and sent our whole higherups into a spacetime tunnel with no exit or destination. And then he jumped back in time again."

"Is that so…"

"Yes. And after we knew where he was going we just couldn't afford to find the Adults first and then stop him from succeeding because if we wasted any time all the Shinobi would have ceased to exist, thus leaving no one to even correct the timeline."

After the lazy teen stopped speaking the room fell silent as all the occupants got busy with their own thoughts.

After ten minutes Ryoichi spoke, breaking the silence. "I get it."

"So you believe us," Aina asked excitedly.


"Great! Now you can release us and maybe help us fill that device's Chakra so we can quickly go back in time and save the world."

Ryoichi's smile turned amused as he saw Aina acting like a child after she showed him such a calm and calculative side. He looked at her and gave a small chuckle which broke their stupor. Realising her action, Aina's face turned red as she turned her head away from Ryoichi.

"Sure, but…" Ryoichi spoke, making Aina face him again.

"But?" The lazy teen repeated.

"But I'm also coming with you." Ryoichi completed his sentence, making Aina and the lazy teen frown. The brown-haired who had been silent since the beginning finally spoke.

"No way!!!"

"Yes way, I can't leave the survival of Shinobi kind in the hands of three inexperienced teenagers." Ryoichi replied as he noted internally, 'Especially mine.'

"You are also an inexperienced teenager." The brown-haired teen retorted.

"Am I?" Ryoichi with a smile that somehow made the three-time travellers shiver.

The trio of time travellers argued with Ryoichi for a few minutes before ultimately agreeing with him as they couldn't waste more time.


AN: If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws. There are 10+ advance unedited chapters on it…]


[BTW do donate some stones, although it doesn't do anything much but it certainly does motivate me... a lot]
