
Senju Ryoichi’s tale to Immortality

Having died and felt the clutches of death once, Senju Ryoichi biggest goal in this new life of his was to never feel that again. To do that he needs to achieve Immortality at any cost, and being reborn in a world where people can spit fire and become God after eating fruit, he has quite a shot at his unachievable goal. . AU . info dump .

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

13: Future.


Dozens of Justu landed on Ryoichi causing a big explosion and destroying the room.

"Che! Should have attacked after throwing him outside the building." Kenji said as he looked at the destroyed part of the building. His men also landed behind and agreed with his statement while cursing Ryoichi who calmly stood parallel to them.

Ryoichi didn't wait for them and formed a few hand signs quickly.


Immediately after a giant wave crashed onto the complaining bandits. The stronger and more cautious ones immediately moved out Tsunami's path, but some weaker ones weren't fast enough and died from the impact. The wave was big enough that a huge chunk of the forest surrounding the village was destroyed.

Ryoichi weaved another set of hand signs and tried to attack the scattered bandits again, but Kenji attacked him forcing him to stop his jutsu and duck to dodge a kunai from severing his head.

"Aghh! bastard! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find capable subordinates? You fucker killed 6 which I worked so hard to find!"

Ryoichi again didn't reply to Kenji's shout instead he focused on finding an opening in his defence.

He and Kenji are almost similar levels, the only difference is his bullet time, body control, superior senses, his Haki, Chakra-quantity-quality-control, Natural energy- ok Ryoichi has many advantages over his opponent. Like an Uchiha Jonin on a normal Jonin, but that doesn't mean he'll attack recklessly.

Ryoichi kept dodging Kenji's attacks easily which made the latter start losing his temper.

Kenji suddenly jumped back and threw a Ninjutsu at Ryoichi, but that was a mistake, Ryoichi substituted with a log behind a Chunin and stabbed his wakizashi in that Chinin's heart.

Kenji fumed after seeing one of Chunins die and accelerated towards Ryoichi who in term did the same. In just a second they reached each other and swung their weapons.

Kenji's kunai reached Ryoichi faster which caused a victorious smirk to emerge on his face, but before he could relish in the feeling of sunking his kunai in Ryoichi's eye, his body abruptly stopped causing Ryoichi to easily jodge his kunai and stab the small katana in his neck.

"H-how?" Kenji questioned while choking on his blood, but Ryoichi ignored him and focused on the reassembled bandits.

Ryoichi crouched down and retracted all the seals back to the SEAL MATRIX. He had started supplying Chakra from the very start of their battle, and the Matrix automatically started sending seals onto Kenji's body every time they made contact.

So Ryoichi only had to will the Matrix to restrict Kenji.

This also gives Ryoichi confidence against Mizuki and any other Kage-rank Shinobi and organisations. Even if he haven't seen a Kage in action.

But as long as he didn't die instantly, Ryoichi has confidence in winning. After all Shinobi rank is not like the Cultivation rank where the lower class can't damage the higher class. Other than some exceptional Shinobi, a normal human can pierce any Shinobi's skin with kunai.

Of course, SEAL MATRIX is not without any weaknesses, Ryoichi needs a huge amount of Chakra to offset the Chakra of his target, and the stronger an opponent is the more Chakra he needs.

That's also the reason he made Chakra stone… to use it against the S-rank Shinobi of Mizuki.


-Ryoichi's POV-


After killing Kenji, I slaughtered all the other bandits.

'Again I felt nothing…'

Ever since that day I barely felt any emotion. Even my first human kill was like that… no disgust, guillt, fear, or any repulsion. I didn't even question my sanity and moved on to kill more.

"Sigh~ forget it."

Walking inside the still intact part of the building, I saw a staircase that led into an underground hallway. Slowly walking, I came across a closed room.

I reached my hand to open the door but stopped mid-way when I heard the sound of something hitting. Using my Haki, I instantly knew what was happening. Without wasting any time I used my improved Stealth Jutsu, and stealthly crept behind Kenji's twin brother who was railing a naked women whose eyes looked lost, probably on the verge of mental collapse.

From my side-eye, I also saw a boy around my age lying unconscious. Looking closely his limbs were broken, and his body looked like it had gone through a few torture sessions.

It didn't take long for me realise what happened here, and with that realisation, I refrained myself from killing the"Busy" Jonin instead I knocked him out.

I looked at the woman who was staring at the unconscious Jonin, I could easily the rage and madness in her eyes instead of fear.

'Good she'll be a good pawn.'

Just as I was thinking the girl would jump onto the Jonin and kill him, she did not, instead she looked into my eyes with her rage and madness concealed behind cold look.

'Such emotional control!' I felt shocked and a bit excited at finding someone like her here. To think she could control herself from killing someone who made her life worst than hell.

'She's not a pawn…'

"What's your name?"

"…Mirai" she answered, her voice hoarse, probably from screaming and moaning.

"Do you know why this happened to you?" I asked her a very rhetorical question, one that would decide her future.

"…Because we were weak… my father, mother, brother and me. We were all W.E.A.K."

Now that surprised me, I thought she would blame the authorities for not protecting them, or even the Hidden Village for not taking care of their rogues, but no instead she blamed herself for being weak.

I can feel her obsession for strength that can easily rival my own obsession for Eternal Life. It raised a deep emotion inside me that I can't put a finger on.

"Ohh! What would you do for that strength then…" I questioned her again with curiosity barely hidden in my voice which suprised me greatly. Its been a while since I felt such curiosity towards another living being.

"I would do anything to get my hands on it. Whether I have to kill one or a million. WHETHER I have to sell my body, mind or soul. WHETHER I HAVE TO BECOME A SLAVE OF SOME SHINOBI OR MAKE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL, I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO BECOME STRONGER!!!" Mirial answered, her emotions finally getting out of her control and erupting like a raging volcano.

"Really?" I spoke softly bringing her out of her stupor.

Lifting the unconscious Jonin up, I sealed his Chakra pathway and then used SEAL MATRIX to restrain him before waking him up.

"Agghh! Where-what happened…?" The now conscious Jonin asked Mirai, but both she and I ignored him as I tightened the restraints to stop him from speaking.

I looked into her eyes and questioned.

"What would you give me for power?" my question held another test for me to measure her worth.

"I will give you my undying Loyalty…"

"Ohh! And why so?"

"…" She didn't reply, thinking she didn't get what I was saying, I elaborated.

"Tell me no… why do you think I need your loyalty."

"… because when you entered the room your eyes were cold and detached, you were going to kill that BASTARD! But after your eyes landed on my brother, I saw your action changed then you knocked hi-no knocked it out, start questioning me. Your eyes don't even look cold now, they look… amused…" Mirai explained, her voice as hoarse as ever, but those words caused me to finally notice my unknown emotions.

'Do I also like capable people working under me like my father?' I questioned myself. It was true my father had a hobby of hiring talented people even if he had to pay unnecessary extra money for it.

I always wondered why he hired smart and talented people for jobs that could have been done by far less capable people by paying far less money. But that time I didn't care because we were just that rich.

The only reason my father even looked that stressed at my last moment was because he was forced to expand his business to continue to fund those bloodsucking Pharmaceutical Companies to research my incurable disease.

Who knows if those suckers even tried to find a cure for my disease.

I mean where would they even find another multi-millionaire who's willing to pay 10s of millions every year for his sick poor son?

'You know a father's love only when you become one- no truer word said.' Although I'm not a father, I now at-least knew.

Shaking my head I controlled my emotions and focused back on the situation.

I raised my wakizahi towards Mirai and spoke.

"I will give you that power you so desire in exchange your unconditional loyalty."

Mirai looked into my eyes for some time before slowly reaching her hand for the wakizashi only for me to retrieve it back.

Mirai instantly realised what my action meant and raised her naked and bruised body without any shame and knelt down.

"I Kazuya Mirai daughter of Kazuya Akira the head of the village greets her one and only master!" Mirai spoke, trying her best to not sound hoarse.

"Would master grace this slave with his name," Mirai spoke again, her servitude action reminded me of Heavenly Demon Cult followers from almost every Murim novel I read in my previous life.

'Should I… I mean why not?'

"Call me Heavenly Demon," I answered Mirai who banged her head on the ground. I would have felt cringe if it was a few years ago, but now even if my emotions weren't dampened I would have thought it was quite normal for her to behave like that. After all, I have seen many Nobel having their servants behave like this or even more subservient.


[AN: If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws. There are 10+ advance unedited chapters on it…]
