
Senju Ryoichi’s tale to Immortality

Having died and felt the clutches of death once, Senju Ryoichi biggest goal in this new life of his was to never feel that again. To do that he needs to achieve Immortality at any cost, and being reborn in a world where people can spit fire and become God after eating fruit, he has quite a shot at his unachievable goal. . AU . info dump .

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

1: Time Skip~


~7 years later, Konoha Council, Year-42~


It was another heated discussion. Ever since the new Hokage came to power he has passed many acts that have much opposition thus leading it many heated debates like this.

Today Hiruzen has proposed creating a civilian council and letting them have a voice in the Village's development.

The proposal has riled up the old Clan heads and they immediately shot it down since they weren't like their future successor who worshipped the very land Hiruzen walked.

But Hiruzen wasn't convinced with them and like all his previous decisions he ignored their refusal and brought a representative of a civilian council to this meeting — A pudgy merchant who was sweating buckets being between the Chakra clashes of debating Hokage and Clan heads.

"Lord Uchiha, I'm sure that once you think this through you'll find my idea appealing," Hiruzen spoke making the Uchiha Patriarch frown and turn his head away.

"Hokage-sama please, having civilians voice their opinions in development of the village would not be wise. They don't view the world same as we Shinobis do, so it will only uselessly diversify our future development plans for the village." Nara Patriarch all but called Hiruzen an idiot.

And he wasn't wrong, civilians can't differentiate between a Genin and a Jonin, so how could they possibly understand what's beneficial for them? The civilian council would only care about their own interests and will only focused on widening their pockets.

Hiruzen fist clenched underneath the table when he heard Lord Nara's words. He hated these Clan heads always questioning his decision.

'They don't trust me like they did Sensei.' Hiruzen reminded himself. He had tried to build same the trust his sensei had with them, but he failed to do so as these old Clan heads didn't trust someone younger than them with so little achievement under his belt. But no one can blame him for that after all, his predecessors were the Senju brothers. Only single handly winning the previous War would overshadow their presence.

'If it was sensei giving orders they would have blindly followed without asking any questions.' Hiruzen thought again. His eyes sneaked a peak where the Senju Patriarch's seat was — who was also has the biggest political sway in the Village. He had thought with Tobirama's approval, Senju and their allies would be his biggest supporters, but that was not the case. He looked at the source behind that reason.

The boy that he tried to take as his disciple once was all grown in to a handsome teen with his height almost reaching six feet.

Hiruzen lamented how many innocent girl's hearts has the boy broken with his… for better words majestic looks.

'Lucky bastard!' Hiruzen cursed and then turned his focus back to the topic.

"Please try to understand that if we formed the civilian council, it would help attract many merchants which in turn would increase the village's budget."

"Only a merchant-originated clan would think like that since they can't understand how important this village is for us Shinobi clans."

"Whatever do you mean by that Lord Uchiha?" Hiruzen questioned, his eyes dangerously narrowing at Uchiha Patriarch.

Lord Uchiha snorted at Hiruzen warning full gaze and spoke.

"Your clan has only started taking part in previous Era's conflict when your father: Sarutobi Sasuke came into power. Before that, your clan was a merchant clan who doesn't know how many sacrifices we — The Shinbi clans made to build this Village. So please understand this Hokage-sama, we won't tolerate the civilians having any voice in this village. And if they really want a council they can make it in any other civilian-ruled city."

The tension and pressure inside the room intensified at Uchiha Patriarch's words, to the point that the pudgy merchant lost consciousness. It even started to affect the weaker clan heads as the Chakra started rolling off the two Kage rank Shinobi.

*COUGH!* a loud cough broke the staredown between the two Kage-rank Shinobi as they turned their heads to the source.

"What do you think Senju-sama?" Nara Patriarch addressed Ryoichi ignoring the glare he received from Hokage and Uchiha Patriarch.

"Hmm?" Ryoichi pondered with a voice that still bore the cracks of adolescence. However, the individuals in the room paid little attention to the fluctuations in his tone, sitting up with genuine interest in what he was about to share.

Over the years, Ryoichi had accomplished remarkable feats, compelling even the seasoned heads of these Shinobi clans to take him seriously, despite his young age. Whether through his impactful contributions in the War, his impressive history of successfully completing high-ranked missions, his huge bounty that has almost no equals, or the recent revival and prosperity of the Senju Clan.

In light of these accomplishments, Ryoichi had solidified his position as a capable and respected leader. His triumphs, personality, and genius intellect had led many to see him as the rightful heir to Tobirama's legacy, a notion that stirred deep resentment within Hiruzen.

"Hokage-sama… it seems the Will of Fire you so preach has gotten dimmed in you," Ryoichi spoke with an amused smile as he adjusted his rectangular glasses.

Hiruzen and the rest of the occupants waited for Ryoichi to continue, but he didn't, instead he stared at Hiruzen with the same smile.

Taking the clue Hiruzen questioned Ryoichi what he meant by those words. "And what does Senju-sama mean by those words?"

"I will answer that question but first do tell Hokage-sama, what is Will of Fire and Hashirama-sama's dream?" Asked Ryoichi, making every single person listening confuse.

Hiruzen also didn't understand what Ryoichi meant but he answered nonetheless. "I won't go much into details, but Will of Fire meant protecting and providing a safe shadow to the next generation and even if we adults have to sacrifice ourselves to do so we shouldn't hesitate as the children are the future. And protecting the innocent children and giving them freedom to choose and enjoy their lives was also First Hokage's dream."

"So, you're saying that protecting the Children from the cruelty of War was his dream, right?" Ryoichi questioned which Hiruzen replied with a nod.

"Then why haven't you reinstated the age limit on the Academy's entrance and graduation? Certainly you had time since it was removed during the War, eight years ago, but you haven't restored it. You know if we leave the previous War period, Konoha has the most casualties in these seven years you have ruled." Ryoichi paused, his emotionless eyes behind his glasses observing every sitting person.

"And protecting children wasn't the only reason Hashirama-sama built this Village, no. It was to stop Clans from wagging war by the whims of civilians hiring them. This Village wasn't made for civilians, Hashirama-sama built this Village so the Shinobi children could grow without being sent to the battlefield as early as they could follow simple orders. He built this Village so he could stop the unnecessary death and sorrow. And now you want the civilians to have a say in this Village…" Continued Ryoichi as he stood and walked up to the exit.

" I think I have said my part, I will now leave since the final decision is Hokage's" Ryoichi finished as he calmly opened the door and exited the room. Leaving behind the silenced crowd.

He didn't linger in Hokage's tower much and flickered away to his Senju compound.


~Later after the council meeting~


Hiruzen and Danzo sat in the former's office as they discussed today's meeting. Danzo looked to be trying convincing Hiruzen, for something but he looked hesitant.

"Hiruzen don't be naive, we have to remove him he's too dangerous for our rule," Danzo spoke with a cold face.

"You mean mine."

"Yes… yours but my point still stands."

"Sigh~ I don't know Danzo, Ryoichi is still someone who fought for Konoha."

"Again you are being naive, Hiruzen. Don't tell me you haven't seen his emotionless eyes, he doesn't care about Konoha or anything. He only cares about his unknown goals." Danzo spoke and continued after seeing his "friend's" hesitant look.

"…And don't forget what Sensei said about Senju Ryoichi."

"Fine…" Hiruzen nodded hesitantly. "But how would we do it?" He continued.

"you remember the group that wanted information about the missions the Senju clan took?" Questioned Danzo which Hiruzen replied with a glare.

"Yes, but I also remember killing them all."

"You did… but their leader contacted me again, and for some reason, he was willing to pay more for Ryoichi," Danzo spoke carefully seeing his friend getting angry.

"Okay… but when?" Hiruzen while controlling himself from beating.

"Wasn't Senju Ryoichi going to Tetsu no Kuni for his latest carriage's upgrade? He'll definitely travel alone there and we will use his arrogance of always travelling alone against him."

"Hmm," Hiruzen rubbed his beard and agreed.

"Then I'll leave and contact them," Danzo said as he stood and turned to leave, but Hiruzen's cold voice sounded, making him stop.

"Yes you do that, but Danzo… if you ever contact them for any other Senju… I will kill you."

'As if! Once you do it you won't be able to turn back.' Danzo smirked internally as he nodded to Hiruzen's warning and exited his office.


AN: If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws. There are 10+ advance unedited chapters on it…]
