
Senju Ichiro

A scientist who sacrificed his whole life for humanity dies and gets a second chance at life. In the world of choice with wishes, our protagonist starts his new life and tries to help humanity this time too. See the story of Senju Ichiro.

TURKISH_WOMAN · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

4. First Five Kage Meeting

It's been 2 months since they talked about the future. The next day his uncle had arranged the 5 Kage meetings. And the meeting was to take place the next day. Since Ichiro could teleport, they didn't have to leave a few days beforehand. They will teleport half an hour before the meeting, that's all. The mission to lift the Uchiha curse that Ichiro had placed on the Smoke for those two months was also completed this morning. Ichiro was so excited when he got this notification when he woke up. The smoke had created a technique for him. The art of cleansing the curse. Only someone else can do this for someone. A technique that cleanses all curses from a main human's body and blood. So you don't have to use it only for the Uchihas. With this technique they can cleanse all kinds of curses. So when he got up, he washed his hands and changed his clothes. Then he ran downstairs.

"Mother, mother, I go to Uncle Madara, I developed the technique to lift the Uchiha curse. Chao I'm gone."

Before Yui could answer, Ichiro teleported. Yui took a deep breath after staring after her son for a few seconds.

"He's his nephew after all, a few fallen asleep ones just resemble him."

Tobirama couldn't help but smile when he heard his son's scream. He shook his head and couldn't help his wife to agree with what she was saying.

Ichiro suddenly appeared next to Madara. Since then, no water has leaked between Madara and Ichiro. Although he said after the meeting, Madara started asking him about other worlds the next day. In return for his ninja studies and training, Ichiro also began showing other worlds, of course not yet the world he wants him to go to. In these two months, Ichiro has become even stronger. Now that ninjutsu, genjutsu, and kenjutsu were also beginning to take effect, his power increased very rapidly. It was during this time that Madara truly realized that he was a genius the world had never seen before. Seeing or hearing it once was enough for Ichiro to learn something. After a few tries, he was able to apply the techniques perfectly, as if he had decades of experience. In addition, he possessed every element in existence with a 100% aptitude. Hence, he had all the Kekkai Genkai, Kekkai Tota, and Kekkei Mora he wanted. In addition, he had created Kekkai Ija, which brought the 4 elements together. These two months of work by Ichiro made him stronger than Madara. Madara was still in a bit of a depression about it. Because it all felt very unfair to him. So that over the years he had to work his ass off to get stronger so that in a short time Ichiro would be stronger than him without even a tenth of his effort. If he really was an enemy, he would do his best to kill him. Probably the only person in the world who is currently stronger than him is Isshiki Otsutsuki. But it will only take him a few years to catch up. By the age of 5 he will have the strength to compete with him. When he is 7 years old he will be ten times stronger than him.

Madara was waiting for Ichiro at the training ground, a small smile appearing on his face as he appeared. From the excitement on Ichiro's face he knew something good was going on. Before he could even ask, Ichiro started talking happily.

"Uncle Madara, Uncle Madara! I found a way to lift your curse! I finally found him!"

Madara's eyebrows rose as he looked excitedly at Ichiro.

"Well done boy, I knew you wouldn't let me down. After learning and improving all the techniques you developed, I was sure you could too. Tell me what solution did you find?"

Ichiro's grin widened as he grabbed Madara's arm and forced him to sit on the floor. Then he stepped behind him and placed his right palm on Madara's back.

"The technique I have developed can only help someone else, but it can remove all curses that the body possesses. That's why I called this technique the art of cleansing the curse. Now get into a meditative state and let me. This process will hurt, but I'm sure you can persevere. Shall we start now?"

"Okay, let's begin."

After Madara became thoughtful, Ichiro took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Not much changed for the first few seconds into the art, but after the tenth second, Madara's facial expression began to change. Although his right eyebrow moved slightly, he endured the pain he was experiencing. After a few minutes a layer of black mucus began to appear to cover your body. The impurities and the curse from his body were thus expelled from his body. That was an effect that Ichiro hadn't expected either. So he not only cleansed the curses, but the entire body of all impurities. An hour later, Ichiro was done. He sat down on the floor and began to breathe deeply. Madara, on the other hand, undressed and entered the creek in the training area due to the stinky layer covering his body which was 3 fingers thick. After quickly ridding his body of this black slime, he washed his body in the creek for a while to remove the odor from his body. He also washed his clothes, then dried them with ninjutsu and put them back on. Then he began to examine the changes in his body. At first he felt like a thousand tons of weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It felt light and youthful. Even his chakra had grown and strengthened. He was currently at least 50% stronger than before the cleaning. At his current strength, he was stronger than Hashirama and Ichiro had caught up as well. With a big smile on his face, he opened his Mangekyo Sharingan. He began to feel much better while using the Sharingan. He no longer felt hate or anger while wielding his Sharingan. After forming his Susanoo and practicing for a while, he happily gave up his studies and turned to Ichiro who was sitting on the floor with a smiling expression on his face, staring at him tiredly.

"Hah, for the first time in my life I feel so good, I feel liberated from the shackles that have bound me for years. Thanks boy, this result is even better than I expected. Now we just have to put this up transfer the whole clan."

After seeing Madara's happy expression, Ichiro smiled and nodded at the man sitting across from him.

"I will teach you this technique in a moment. I can't do it alone with 237 people. Although I could do it alone with my father's kagebunshin, it's better if we do it together. Also, it won't last as long on others as it does on you. First, they are not as strong as you, and second, none of them have Mangekyo Sharigans. Just because you don't have this curse doesn't mean everyone will have Sharigan or everyone Magekiyo Sharingan. Only those who are strong willed can have a Sharingan, and again only those with a stronger will can have a Mangekyo Sharingan. Of course, those who have a Mangekyo Sharingan directly have an eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. You don't need bad feelings anymore. Yes, your Sharingan will still evolve depending on your emotions because the Sharingan reflects the heart. But this time, you don't have to suffer, traumatize, or lose anyone. You just need a strong emotion. For example, wanting to protect someone, never wanting to give up, falling in love and loving. These are enough to awaken the Sharingan. A strong emotion must of course be in your heart. You no longer have to experience bad trauma, anger and hate. By the way, I'll make a seal to protect your eyes. So nobody can steal your eyes. You saw the future, you saw what Danzo did there. Danzo is only 7-8 years old now, maybe he won't be like him in the future, but it's always good to be careful. After all, the Otsutsuki are after your eyes too. Even they will want to steal it."

After Madara nodded smiling, Ichiro started teaching Madara the technique. They left the cleaning of the entire clan until after the meeting. Because this cleaning process will probably take longer. Ichiro had decided to do this technique with his mother, father, uncle, aunt and cousin as well. Because of this, after further talking to Madara, he teleported back to his house. As he quickly walked to the training ground behind the house, he saw his father practicing the art of water breathing. Ichiro decided to wait until his father finished his education and sat on the floor and watched his father. In the meantime, he contacted Duman because he had an idea.

"Duman can I ask you something?"

"Of course master, how can I help you?"

"What if for a bijuu, after being sealed into a person, the sea of ​​souls is for the bijuu's living conditions and creating the environment of its dreams. An art or an object?"

"Yes, there is a master, his name is dream star. When a jinjuriki smashes this star, its mindscape will provide the best and most beautiful environment for the bijuu. The bijuu can even go far herer thrive and roam freely. Should I prepare 9 for you and put them in your inventory?"

"Yes please, by the way, what happened to the sword you prepared especially for me. You said it will be a zanpakuto, is it ready yet?"

"Not yet, master, your sword is finished, but I haven't been able to choose the most suitable sword spirit yet. It should be ready in a week."

"Okay good. I can use the Art of Cursing Purification on someone who doesn't have a curse, right? Finally, it also purifies the body."

"Yes, master, it is alright, you can use this art with your father and family as you wish."

"OK thanks."

"It doesn't matter, Master."

When Ichiro finished his conversation with Duman, his father also finished his education.

Although Tobirama's face was covered in sweat, he had a contented expression on his face. He had already perfected the first 4 forms of water breath. After taking a deep breath, he noticed that Ichiro was sitting there watching him. As the smile widened on his face, he began to walk towards his son.

"Ichiro, how long have you been sitting here?"

Ichiro smiled at Tobirama and then answered.

"It's been half an hour. Realizing that you were engrossed in your training, I waited for the work to finish. When I cleansed Uncle Madara's curse, I realized that the art I created not only cleansed the curse but also cleansed the body. Uncle Madara has now caught up with me in strength again with his cleansed body. I thought of using it on my uncle, mother, aunt and Eiji. This way your body will be cleansed of all its impurities and you will be stronger."

Tobirama nodded and sat on the floor, his smile widening as he heard what Ichiro was saying. Ichiro began the art while placing his palm on his father's back. It took a few minutes less than Madara, but still took almost an hour. Tobirama also had a 3 inch thick layer of black slime covering his body. Tobirama immediately teleported to the bathroom and quickly began washing and cleaning his body. Half an hour later he came out of the bathroom and got dressed again. He had teleported himself back to the training ground. He found Ichiro lying on the floor. He smiled at his son and began examining the changes in his body. He felt lighter again. His chakra was both enlarged, cleansed and strengthened. He felt like he could feel nature. After closing his eyes, he began to follow his instincts. After making a few hand seals, he opened his eyes again and was amazed by what he saw. It was Mokuton that made his brother so famous and powerful. His eyes started to sparkle as he turned to Ichiro and smiled widely. Even Ichiro was slightly shocked, but shortly after he was just happy.

"As expected from my father, he was able to awaken our clan's Kekkei Genkai right after body cleansing. Indeed, the future of Konoha will be bright."

Ichiro later did the same with his mother, uncle, aunt, and Eiji. The result with his mother and aunt Mito was initially stronger. Then their lifespan increased by at least 100 years. And the chains of seals they had gotten much, much stronger. Eiji also awakened Mokuton like Tobirama. At the same time, his chakra has almost doubled, and of course, its quality has also increased. Hashirama's overall power increased by 50%, as did Madara. Now he too has reached the power that is equal to him. With this effect, of course, they all became a few years younger. His uncle, who was in his thirties, now looked to be in his mid-twenties. Likewise the others. And so that day passed.

The next morning everyone got up early, since the 5 Kage meeting starts at 10am, they teleport straight there at 9:30am. The ones who will leave will be Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara, and Ichiro. As Ichiro's perception pierces, Konohan's safety falls on him. After everyone had breakfast and got ready, they met in the Hokage room. Ichiro wore a black hooded top with a high collar and red details and long black Anbu pants. Of course, it had a red detail on the edge.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Ichiro stepped into the middle. They all disappeared right after touching Ichiro. Shortly thereafter, they emerged 5 minutes from the meeting area. No one needs to know about Ichiro's abilities first, right, everyone will soon find out everything. All four quickly arrived at the meeting point. A samurai was waiting in front of that Goal. Samurai, who stood upright when he saw the arrivals, felt great pressure from the four people who had come. He was shaking slightly from nervousness and fear, but he recovered quickly and bowed respectfully.

"Welcome Hokage-sama, Tobirama-sama, Madara-sama. Everyone is waiting for you inside, let me show you the way."

After the three nodded, they followed the samurai. A few minutes later they came to a large door and the samurai in front opened the door for those who came. Although they gave Ichiro a strange look, nobody had the courage to say anything. As they walked through the door, a huge U-shaped table came into view. To the right of the table was the 1st Tsushikage Ishikawa and to his right Mū was waiting behind him. On his left was the 1st Mizukage Byakuren and on his left was Gengetsu Hozuki. To the left of the table sat Reto 1. Kazekage and to his left Shamon. On his right was the 1st Raikage A and on his left was A2.

When the Kages saw those who had come through the door, they were startled for a moment. Because they were all much stronger than her. They looked at Ichiro strangely but didn't think to say anything. They knew there was a reason these three men brought this child. These men weren't Kage for nothing. The person leading the meeting was Daisuke, the leader of the Iron Nation and the samurai. After Hokage and his followers took their places, Raikage A spoke up.

"Hokage-dono, can you tell us why you brought us here?"

When the other Kages also heard voices of agreement, Hashirama spoke up.

"Raikage-dono, of course I will tell you why I have gathered you here. I wouldn't have called you here so urgently if it wasn't important. Our future is at stake, and our future is not at all bright. Our world is in grave danger and we can only get through this if we work together hand in hand. you come here That's why I called on you to be aware of this danger and to take appropriate precautions. Because this danger covers not only one nation, but the whole world."

As Kage and Daisuke Hashirama all listened in surprise and concern, they couldn't help but wonder what the danger was that frightened someone like Hashirama so much. The 1st Kazekage Reto came to himself first and had his say.

"What kind of danger are you talking about, Hokage-dono? What scares you so much and concerns the world?"

Mizikage soon got involved as well.

"Yes, and how did you know about this danger? Is your source of information credible?"

As Tsushikage and Raikage both exchanged approving looks, Hashirama spoke again.

"Before I speak about the threat affecting the world, I must explain how we obtained this information."

Hashirama looked at Ichiro and smiled, then pointed at him and continued talking.

"That boy you saw is Tobirama's son and my nephew Senju Ichiro. You're probably all right, you're probably wondering why we brought a 3 year old boy to the first kage meeting. But I can say that Ichiro is the architect of this meeting. The person I received the information from is Ichiro and what enabled Ichiro to obtain this information. It was the dojutsu he conjured up."

All the Kage stood and watched the little boy in shock, with a little curiosity and a little jealousy. Daisuke was the first to react.

"What kind of dojutsu is that Hokage-dono?"

When all eyes turned curiously to Hashirama, Hashirama looked at Ichiro and nodded. Ichiro nodded as well, then opened his Jikūgan and began to speak.

"My eyes are called Jikūgan, the eyes of space and time. In short, it allows me to control space and time. It is because of my ability to control time that has brought us to this point. My Jikūgan gives me the ability to see the past and the future. At the same time I can travel into the past or into the future. I've seen the future, and that future is why we've brought you here."

All Kage and Daisuke were speechless as their eyes widened. They didn't know how to react to what they heard. But they all had one thought in common, and that was that those eyes were terrible. You never thought that a dojutsu worse than Sharingan would emerge. Tsushikage was the first to wake up.

"And what did you see? What scares you enough to gather us all here?"

"Let me show you what I saw."

Again, Ichiro took everyone into this room and let them watch it like it was a movie he would come back to. This time, of course, he didn't show it in such detail. Only you most important events. So Madara's departure, Hashirama and Madara's war, Madara's death. Then Hashirama's death and the coming World War. After World War 4 and the truth behind the world. Kaguya Otsutsuki, Black Zetsu, Hagoromo and Homura Otsutsuki, Isshiki Otsutsuki and the Otsutsuki clan. The Kage and Daisuke were horrified at what they saw. In fact, their world is in grave danger. And indeed, even a powerful shinobi has to lose during this time, which could affect their future. They understood why the Hokage had gathered them here. Ichiro took a deep breath while staring at them all while continuing to speak.

"As you can see, our enemies are strong and very powerful. Even the weakest member of the Otsutsuki clan is ten times stronger than us. Can you imagine how strong their patriarch is!? I can not. So Konoha decided to share with them some jutsus I just developed as a show of goodwill. Even the weakest of these techniques that we are willing to share with you is an S rank technique. I hope our good relations will continue forever. Oh, and I'd like to cleanse all of your bodies before you leave here, which will be a small gift to you."

Since Daisuke and the Kage were even more shocked by what they heard, they were already thinking about S-level techniques. In addition, this body cleansing gift also caught her attention. But what shocked her the most was that a 3 year old was able to develop S rank techniques. After everyone calmed down, Hashirama started explaining all the techniques one by one. The weak form of Haki, then the powerless form of the breathing arts, the original form of Hachimon Tenkou, the 8 inner gates. Finally, the S-rank arts specially created to bestow the cultivation arts of Spirit, Mind and Chakra. Each Kage received a scroll of seals. Each scroll contained all the techniques. All the Kage and Daisuke sat in their places and studied these arts. These are all arts that even samurai can use. As the Kage and Daisuke studied the techniques, they began staring at an Ichiro with scrolls in one hand. It was Raikage A's voice that broke the silence moments later.

"Hahaha, Tobirama-dono, you are truly blessed from heaven. If he can develop such techniques at only 3 years old, your son is not a genius but a monster. I really envy you, you must have done a lot of good deeds in your old life. I cannot offer any other explanation."

When the other Kages nodded in agreement, Tobirama looked at the men, his chest heaving with pride, happy and smiling again, and looked at him. He then shifted his gaze to Ichiro and spoke with a sincere smile.

"I think I've been blessed by the gods since Ichiro was born, he actually had great merit in my previous life. That must be me."

Ichiro listened to the conversations and secretly thought, "I was the one with good karma, but okay."

The speeches were for the peace treaty that will come into force in 70 years. The items were determined, and in response to the techniques Konoha gave as a gesture of goodwill, the others began giving. They weren't as good as Konoha's, but they weren't bad. For example, the Iron Nation took over the manufacture of weapons. Each of the Kage shared some special jutsu with them. As the conversation went like this, Ichiro asked again, and after his uncle let him speak, he cut him off.

"And finally, there's a gift from me to you. In 5 years I will visit every nation and improve your country and your environment at least as much as the fire nation. I will create areas for you so that even after the Otsutsuki Scourge there is no need to fight. Small nations of course and it is up to us to support the villages. Even these small wars can result in someone with potential dying. Oh, by the way, while you're signing the signatures, I'm going to catch the Black Zetsu hiding a few miles away."

With Ichiro disappearing right after that, a rage of confusion began again. There, when they signed the contract and were over the moon with Ichiro's latest gift, Ichiro appeared right in front of Black Zetsu. Black Zetsu gave Ichiro a concerned look, tensing in fear. He didn't judge Ichiro by his age, although he couldn't even if he wanted to. Because he had never felt such pressure since his creation. He immediately tried to escape, but it was already too late. Ichiro took a container from Duman and sealed Zetsu with two quick movements. Shortly there after he disappeared again and reappeared in the briefing room. While everyone looked at Ichiro curiously, Ichiro raised his hand to show the Zetsu in the container.

"This is Zetsu you saw, it will remain sealed in this special container for now. We will destroy it in seventy years. Because if we destroy it now, the Otsutsuki clan will find out about us. Because they know when one of them is dies. Zetsu is not an Otsutsuki, but the will of an Otsutsuki. Therefore, if they kill him, they will get news and come sooner. None of us want that. I will keep him in one of my sealed space fields in this container for now. Just in case Zetsu, even if he does escape, can't escape my spacefield without my permission. Do you accept this as such?"

Nobody objected, so Ichiro added Zetsu to his inventory. It is entrusted to Duman. Of course, Duman began studying and working on Zetsu so that Ichiro could create such a piece of will. When the signatures were done, it was time for body cleansing.

"I can't do everything by myself, can you help me?"

Ichiro asked looking at Madara, Hashirama and Tobirama. After all three nodded, the cleaning process began. After an hour they had cleaned the whole body from the Kage and Daisuke. When the Kage's bodies were covered in nasty slime, there was a bit of an argument as to why they hadn't warned you earlier. But after Ichiro offered to teleport them all directly to their village, everyone agreed and Ichiro teleported each one to his home. They finally said goodbye to Daisuke and teleported to Konoha. This is how the first 5 Kage meetings ended.