
Senju Ichiro

A scientist who sacrificed his whole life for humanity dies and gets a second chance at life. In the world of choice with wishes, our protagonist starts his new life and tries to help humanity this time too. See the story of Senju Ichiro.

TURKISH_WOMAN · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

2. 3 Years

It's been 3 years since Ichiro came into the Naruto world. A lot has happened in these 3 years. First, Ichiro was born on the day Konoha was founded. Because of this, there was a double joy that day. After that, everyone went to their houses and Ichiro came to his new home with his parents. In the first months he slept a lot. He couldn't stay up long. Because of this, he didn't try to make big strides. But he studied all the things he had learned before he was born and was happy about it. He learned all the hakis, at least how to do it. And they all turned out to be better performers than the originals.

Kenbunshoku Haki will go into his perception down to the smallest detail. No one, no matter how good the art of hiding, will be able to escape his detection.

Haoshoku Hakide has reached the level where he can shape his will. By his will, he can attack not only the psyche of others, but even physically. This stage is similar to Susanoo.

If he uses Busoshoku Haki, his body will be at least ten times harder. These are very good developments for Ichiro.

He learned them all in the breathing arts. The name of the newly created art of breathing was the Art of Immortal Breath. When Ichiro asked Smoke why, Smoke told him that this art of breathing was a technique that would lead him to immortality. That is why it is called the art of the immortal breath. With this art of breathing he was not only able to strengthen and cleanse his body, but also his soul. In this way he will be able to practice this art until he achieves immortality. Then he must continue with the Arts of the Immortals.

Sword Art name changed to 4 Seasons Sword Art. Because he also has speed, strength, precision and defense. A very powerful and beautiful sword art. Ichiro played the art in his head and was really amazed. It's a technique that makes you feel like you're actually seeing all 4 seasons, even though it looks like you're dancing. It is indeed a very beautiful swordsmanship.

Hachimon Tenkou became Hachimon Tenkou Shin. Here the art damages the body as before, but this time it heals all damage while improving the body. Also, now there are not only 8 gates, but 16. 8 gates is the same as before, but there are 8 secret gates. They died at gate 8 because these secret gates were not known before. Furthermore, in this art the gates are opened permanently, not temporarily. This increases the potential of the body even more at each door. At the same time, of course, this technique is more difficult to develop than before.

Finally, the name of the chakra cultivation and development technique has also been called Purple Chrysanthemum Chakra Cultivation Art. When Ichiro Smoke asked why, he said that the chrysanthemum is very important in Japanese culture, and the purple chrysanthemum embodies nobility and power. After accepting this as such, Ichiro also studied its implications, and upon learning the content of this art, both excitement and surprise were met. In this art, the purity and power of the chakra was even stronger than the natural energy. This is how your own chakra becomes stronger than your chakra. But best of all, when you develop all the natural energy taken into the body for sage mode with this art, it strengthens and purifies the nature energy and keeps your body in sage mode forever. Of course, the sage mode doesn't change the appearance in this way, only the body gets the sage body. This increases the potential of the body even more.

As he studied all these arts, he began to yearn to experience and study them.

He spent the first 3 months sleeping, eating, getting dirty and going back to sleep. At the same time, since Konoha was just formed, his father, uncle, and uncle Madara spent their time building Konoha and inviting new clans. Though skeptical at first, the idea later took hold in their minds and various clans began to join Konoha.

He started his first degree after he was 3 months old. Spiritual and mental cultivation arts were also trained 18 days after birth. Their names became Immortal Spirit Art and Sovereign Mind Art. As their names imply, one evolves enough to carry the soul to immortality, while the other evolves the spirit to the highest level. After he was 3 months old, he began studying the art of chakra cultivation, the art of immortal breath, the art of immortal soul and the art of sovereign mind. Her progress was so great and so fast that even he couldn't believe it. His ability learning everything right away was much better than he expected. He was able to develop any art to the highest perfection the first time. When he was 1 year old, he already looked like a 4 year old. All people were already starting to see him as the greatest genius of all time. Even then, he had jonin-level power. Of course, Ichiro was overjoyed because now he could control his body, communicate and go where he wanted.

At the age of 2 he started to practice his dojutsu. His dojutsu was called Jikūgan. Its counterpart was the Eye of Space and Time. With Jikūgan, he could teleport anywhere he wanted, stop time, and even travel to the past or future. He can even create portals to other worlds at will. In addition, these portals can be created permanently if he chooses to. Of course, the people who can use this portal can only be those who have obtained his consent. After he finished his work in this world, he thought of making sure that anyone who wanted could go to other worlds. So that this shinobi world could develop faster. Until he was 3 years old he actually tried to live his life. Although he made progress, he spent more time with his family, friends, and traveled in Konoha.

In his old life, he has always worked since childhood, so he wanted to rest for a few years. And even Madara's departure is in the 10th year of Konohan. Until then, he didn't try to rush it as he would be stronger than anyone else in this shinobi world. He really loved his new family and didn't want to lose any of them. His mother was a very good person and he also loved her very much. Yui is a very loving, dignified, caring woman who can become demonic when needed. Like every Uzumaki woman. Back then, even his father Tobirama was looking for an escape hole. His father Tobirama is indeed a very intelligent and serious person. His face is always blank and serious. It was only when he got home and was with his family that he put a little smile on his face and showed that he really loved spending time with his family. The only people who could see this state were Ichiro and Yui. Ichiro really loved his parents. He had a very good relationship with his family and was truly a genius in his father's eyes.

Tobirama was always proud when he looked at his son. He believed that his son could even surpass his older brother. That's why he wanted Ichiro to have a good childhood. For when he grew old it would be too busy to find such times again.

A week had passed since Ichiro's 3rd birthday. Ichiro sat on his bed in his room and practiced the art of chakra cultivation. His chakra had already reached the level of the 3-tailed beast. In addition, its purity and strength is greater than that of tailed animals. His current strength is on par with his uncle Hashirama and Madara. And when he uses the Jikūgan, he is stronger than them. Although he has only practiced tai jutsu so far, he can only beat Madara and his uncle with tai jutsu. But he also learned the Hakis. He perfected them all in just 2 months. He could already create structures like Susanoo at will. With Perception Haki he was able to envelop almost the whole world. The only area it can't really cover is the vast expanse of ocean beyond the continents. Otherwise all 5 big nations are in his perception. He also found Black Zetsu, he also found Isshiki Otsutsuki but it's not time to take care of them yet. Also, he wasn't as strong as Isshiki yet.

After Ichiro took a deep breath, someone opened his red-green eyes. A smile formed on his lips as he looked down at his right hand and squeezed it lightly.

"I ended up with about 4 tails chakra. If I continue at this rate I will have chakra to Kurama before I reach the age of 5. At least I will have the power to radically change this world. I will prevent all these needless deaths. This world needs these powerful people. We won't be able to live in peace until the Otsutsuki clan is destroyed. Anyway, from today I start my ninja career. But first I have to talk to my father."

Ichiro got up from his bed and went to his room's bathroom and took a quick shower. Then he wore a black high-necked t-shirt and white shorts over it. He slipped into one of the black ninja sandals. After arranging his hair in front of the mirror, he smiled contentedly and nodded slightly towards the mirror. He left his roomhe and made his way to his father's study. It was already evening and it had been 2 hours since he had dinner. His father is always working in the study at this time. He is currently focused on creating the KageBunshin. Therefore, Ichiro had already learned the Kage Bunshin with the help of Rauch. A few minutes later he was standing in front of his father's study. He knocked on the door and waited for his father's permission. Shortly after he clicked, he heard his father's authoritative voice.

"Come in, Ichiro."

When Ichiro opened the door with a smile on his face, he found his father with a lot of paperwork on his desk.

When Tobirama saw Ichiro, his eyes lit up. People could see the pride in his eyes from miles away. Of course, Ichiro was also very happy about that. What child wouldn't be happy if their father was so proud of them. Ichiro smiled as he walked towards his father.

"Are you available Dad, I want to talk to you about something?"

Ichiro exuded a faint aura of rulers as he sat in the single chair across from Tobirama's desk. Although Tobirama was surprised by the aura around his son, he didn't show it and put on a serious expression. He knew immediately that his son wanted to have a serious conversation. He got up from his seat and sat in the chair directly across from Ichiro.

"I'm free, I assume you want to talk about something serious?"

Ichiro stared at his father for a second or two, then raised his right hand slightly in the air and snapped his fingers. At that moment, a space formed that surrounded the whole room. This field was a space field. Ichiro created a kind of space chamber in his father's room and nobody could enter or leave this room without his permission. Of course, what was discussed in this area only remained in this area.

As Tobirama looked at his son in surprise, the shape of Ichiro's eyes began to change. Ichiro had opened his Jikūgan. Tobirama jumped up as his astonishment increased.

"Ichiro, you... you have a dojutsu?"

A thousand emotions danced on Tobirama's face as Ichiro nodded with a small smile on his face. Surprise, Happiness, Pride, Excitement, Worry, Curiosity and more. But it was his curiosity that outweighed all his senses. Curiosity for new things and thirst for knowledge. He leaned back in his seat excitedly and studied his son's eyes. It reminded him a bit of a Mangekiyo Sharingan, but he realized it was different. He looked at his son curiously and waited for Ichiro to tell him. Ichiro on the other hand started to explain without making him wait too long since he knew his father.

"My eyes are called Jikūgan, the eyes of space and time. It allows me to control the space like I do now. In this way I can create space fields. I can teleport like your Hiraishin but I don't need signs. I can teleport anywhere my perception can reach. By the way, my perception now includes all 5 big continents. So there's no place I can't teleport to right now. At the same time I can open gates to other worlds."

Ichiro stood here, trying to gauge his father's reaction. While Tobirama listened curiously and intently at the beginning, towards the end he was horrified. With Ichiro's last sentence, he jumped to his feet.

"What do you mean I can open portals to other worlds??!!"

"Our world occupies only a tiny fraction of the existing universe. Did you really think we're the only ones living in this vast universe, dad? The universe is much bigger and full of mysteries than you think. I don't have enough chakra yet to open a gate to another world, but in 4 years it will be enough. Do you want to travel the worlds with me then, Dad?"

Tobirama had both a horrified and an excited expression on his face as he sat back in his chair with what he had heard. This was the first time Ichiro saw his father like this. But he could understand, after all they were both scientists, and as a scientist you always have a hunger to learn about the unknown. Ichiro continued talking while looking at his father with a smile.

"Of course, anything it can do isn't limited to that. I really want to talk about that. The power of my eye to control time. With this power I can see the past and go into the past At the same time I can see and go into the future, I can also stop time.

But I want to talk about the future. When I first opened my eyes, see I the future. I didn't exist in that future, maybe it was a parallel universe future, I don't know. But the only thing I'm sure of is that this future will be the future of our world. And I didn't like what I saw."

Tobirama almost fainted from astonishment upon hearing of his son's abilities. But the seriousness on his face and the authoritarian tone in his voice made him collect himself. As Tobirama assumed his usual form, he began to grow serious and worried about the future.

"What did you see? What will happen in the future that worried you so much?"

As Ichiro straightened up, he took two steps in front of his father.

"Showing is better than telling."

He raised his right hand and touched his father's forehead with his index finger. A moment later, Ichiro and Tobirama began observing the world from the outside like a ghost. Without questioning his new experience, Tobirama began to observe what would happen in the future. Madara's departure, Madara and Hashirama's war, Madara's death and then Hashirama's death. 1st World War. His own death. World War 2, World War 3, Uchiha Massacre, Akasuki, World War 4 and the Madara Rebirth. Black Zetsu and Kaguya Otsutsuki. Hagoromo Otsutsuki and Homura Otsutsuki. And the end of the war. And of course the Otsusuki clan. Millions and even billions of deaths, hate, pain and many events. Tobirama really didn't know what to say or think. This was something he had never even dreamed of. The danger was far greater than he thought, and it was a danger even the dreaded Madara could manipulate. While Ichiro gave his father time to think, they both went back to Tobirama's room. As Ichiro sat back down, he silently decided to give his father time to digest everything.

Half an hour later he took a deep breath and looked at his son with a serious expression. Though seriousness and determination weighed heavily in his eyes, he could not hide the pride he felt for his son.

"We should discuss this with my brother and Madara immediately. Then we should arrange a meeting with the 5 great nations. The danger is too great, so this world must be strengthened so that unnecessary deaths do not happen, as it is necessary for the strong to survive. The sooner we transmit information, the sooner we can prepare for war."

Ichiro nodded as he nodded to his father.

"I know dad, I think so too. I know where Black Zetsu is hiding, don't worry. I've developed techniques. I want to teach them to you and my uncle. Of course, my mother, aunt Mito and Eiji. Of course, just for now. After gaining everyone's trust, I will teach other weaker versions. Even the weak version of my arts is a hundred times better than the arts of the contemporary world."

Listening to Ichiro, Tobirama was at first quite surprised, then he got excited and started to wonder. He really wondered what techniques his son might have developed. How could a 3 year old child have developed techniques?

"What kind of techniques have you developed, my son inherited my skills as expected. Let's see if you can beat me at creating talents."

"I won't disappoint you, Dad!"

After smiling at his father, Ichiro started to explain the techniques he had developed thanks to Smoke to him one by one.