
Senior brother is so cringe!

In the midst of Plum blossom sect, a prestigious sect where it boast its dominance in the world, there, stood a lonely Senior brother so prodigal around the world, he was handsome and ethereal, but... Why is Senior brother so cringe?

Jin_Narra · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Damsel in Distress

Among the towering trees, an ancient and mysterious aura emanated. It felt both botanical and divine.

A young woman stood out amidst the trees.

Her violet dress, crafted from the finest, most silken fabric, spoke of wealth and refinement. Yet, the most striking detail was the symbol behind her -

An inked flower with delicate three petals.

Despite being just an image, it glowed with an otherworldly light.

However, a horrifying contrast marred the girl's pristine attire...


A crimson stain spreading across the violet silk, marred its beauty.

Her expression was ashen, lips tinged red with the same crimson liquid that dripped down her chin.

With a mix of terror and helplessness in her eyes, she stared out from the woods. As she stumbled back, her gaze kept darting back, filled with a frantic urgency.

Then, suddenly...


A deafening ROAR echoed through the forest, shaking the very leaves from the trees and stirring the clouds above.

The girl flinched, a cold sweat slicking her skin. Gritting her teeth, she muttered a curse, "This is all because of my greed. If only I hadn't taken the Fruit of Enlightenment..."

The earth trembled with a deep vibration. From the colossal trees, a hulking white figure emerged.

It rivaled the botanical giants in size, its fur a stark white that gleamed in the filtered light. Vicious red eyes burned beneath a brow furrowed in rage. With each exhale, the beast released a plume of hot air, its every breath a tremor in the silent forest.

The enormous white ape scanned the area

its fury settling on a single figure.

It pounded its massive chest and unleashed another earth-shattering roar, "ROOAAARR!"

Before the sound even faded, the behemoth charged, a monstrous white blur tearing through the dense foliage.

The girl watched in helpless terror.

Her injuries were too severe to channel her qi, effectively leaving her trapped

The girl stared down the monstrous ape, a steely resolve hardening her features.

Gritting her teeth, she clutched her chest.

For a tense few seconds, a mysterious energy pulsed from her heart, then erupted, engulfing her in a white fire.

When the light subsided, she held aloft a pristine white flower, unlike any seen before. It possessed only two delicate petals that slowly revolved in her grasp.

"Plum Blossom Secret Technique: Emerging Petals!"

She cried, her voice ringing with newfound power.

The tiny flower pulsed with energy, rapidly growing larger and larger. Its slow twirl transformed into a blur as it reached the size of the monstrous ape.

Within the burgeoning blossom, a white energy core pulsed with increasing intensity. Just as the colossal ape loomed impossibly close, the girl unleashed her attack.

"DIE!" she roared.

A beam of light erupted from the flower, bathing the forest in an ethereal glow.

But the monstrous ape seemed impervious. It barreled forward, ignoring the blinding light as it closed in on the girl.

The beam struck the white giant, engulfing it in an explosion of white light so intense it forced the girl to squeeze her eyes shut.

The brilliance rivaled the sun, momentarily painting the world white.

When the light finally faded, she hesitantly opened her eyes, a gasp escaping her lips.


Her voice cracked with disbelief.

It couldn't be!

No, she refused to believe it!

The secret technique...

Her last resort, had done nothing to stop the creature.

A surge of nausea overwhelmed her.

Blood spattered the forest floor as she stumbled back, collapsing onto the damp earth.

Her eyes, however, remained locked on the white giant

The creature roared with laughter, a sound that seemed to mock her very existence.

The girl clenched her fists, her hatred a simmering inferno beneath her fear. But it was a useless fire.

She had poured her life essence into the secret technique, and it had failed.

The monstrous white ape lumbered closer, a horrifying grin stretching across its face.

Defeat gnawed at her. She closed her eyes, a whisper escaping her lips, "It's over..."

Suddenly, a new sound pierced the air, making her stumble. A voice, dripping with power, boomed,

"Fear no more, my darling sunflower! For your ethereal yours truly has arrived!"

The girl coughed more than a litter of blood.

She fought to open her eyes, a mixture of confusion and irritation warring within her.

Who, in this dire situation, could possibly utter such a ridiculous line?