
Sending the Groom to Jail on My Ex-Girlfriend's Wedding

Su Xuan transmigrated into a parallel world and became a police officer! At his ex-girlfriend's wedding, Su Xuan boldly took out the handcuffs, offering the groom a three-day tour of the police station! Ex-girlfriend asked, "Su Xuan, have you gone crazy? If you wanted to disrupt the wedding, shouldn't you just take me? What's with arresting my husband?" With the Divine Criminal-Capturing System, Su Xuan would receive rewards for apprehending criminals! With targeted investigations, no criminals could escape! While taking a bus, he casually caught a pickpocket. While strolling through a shopping mall, he stumbled upon a human trafficking scene. While getting a salary card replacement, he accidentally became a hostage... While other police officers were still patrolling the streets, Su Xuan had already become a hot topic in the news, a formidable force in apprehending criminals. The criminals asked in disbelief, "Does this police officer have tracking devices planted on us?" The police officers cried out, "Hey dude, give us a chance, please!"

Elegant Song · Urban
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240 Chs

Chance Encounter with Zhao Ruoxi, Snatched to complain? I'll Give You a Silver Bracelet!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Hearing Su Xuan's words, the woman finally calmed down and took the thick stack of bills from Su Xuan's hand.

She quickly counted them twice before finally exhaling in relief.

Looking up at Su Xuan, she said, "Thank you, officer! I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Su Xuan made a hushing gesture towards her.

"Ma'am, please keep this money."

"We are currently undercover, so it's not convenient to reveal our identities."

"Also, please wait here and don't expose us, alright?"

People in the country had an inexplicable good impression of the police, not to mention that Su Xuan had helped her find the money that had been stolen by the thief.

The woman immediately nodded and promised,"Don't worry, officer. I won't expose your identities."

"Officer, you must catch all the thieves here. They are too arrogant."

"Big sister, don't worry."