
Send Me Free (BL)

Send Me Free is a fiction BL crime novel about a street youngster called Free, who after many episodes starts working as a freelancer under the Crime Investigation Department, and Don, a crime investigator from CID who isn't that clean cop as someone in his rank should be. SMF is very psychological, focusing on the darkest deeps of a human mind. It tries the boundaries of the characters relationship and the way how they could act in unknown situations during the story. It's a story about growing and learning while living in different sides of the crime world, but the same time it's about the bonds of friendships, trust, love.. How far human is capable to go.

Edetnitt · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Tired, confessing

The next morning Don was back behind his desk, on the third floor of the South Region Police Station building, publicly nicknamed as GLE. This was where CID, Xs specialized unit of serious crime investigation, also keep their stay. After a long break from work, multiple requested cases to look out have piled up, waiting his attention.

These last few days have pass miraculously very calmly while these two just try to endure each others. Being inside those four walls with that cocky young man really made Don realize what kind of kid he has been playing with here. Sure, he could behave, didn't disturb Don while man was working through the phone at the house. But his attitude was either arrogant or frank, the polite act was surely a long gone. Young man knew his so called value and didn't mind to show it out. Up to the point Don was seriously near to lose it more than once. Trying to reason others behavior has became his best weapon to deal their situation. When Don was calm, he could be incredibly patient.

But even when Free could be quite ill-mannered while not hiding his true feelings, he wasn't rude. Was it about being treat or getting food kid never forgot to thank. What ever the man of the house said, Free was listening carefully. He was both acting like a boss even as grateful and humble. The concept between the acts was so wide that Don wasn't so sure when kid was acting, when he was truthful, or did this kids emotions just change rapidly depending the situation. Perhaps he didn't know that himself either. He just was how he was.

Not only Free was showing his cocky personality out in an overt matter that sometimes felt very excessive, he also had many uncommon habits. Such as staying up the nights and sleeping through the days was still a mild habit. More than once this kid has shown been so clueless about normal, everyday things that Don end up getting used to correct and guide him. But young man was fast to learn. The way Don was actually quite abashed about it.

Being a fast learner also bring more sides out of this kid. The more Free get used to Don, the more he didn't like to be ordered around and was fast to speak back. Like trying his own limits. How much Don could endure him. How much he could act around before this cop would kick him out.

But sutch a time never came. Don pointed out his view why Free was acting like that and clear the air around them before things could even escalate. After dealing some more disagreements, eventually they get used to each other. When Don needed to come back to work, he had no problem and leave the kid alone into his apartment. Again. Only this time Don was very sure young man would not steal anything. Also kind of hoping kid would still be in when Don returns later. Even if he knew it was probably better if the kid leave.

"No notable robs around, not after the shot to the Jewel store," Mark points out after sitting down on his chair, dropping the files he was carrying with him on the table. "After Rop got the lab out from Kerdon and we arrest the kids who burned that building, the area has quiet down. We have two different groups here but non of them are admitting anything. Not the youngters from Green or the kids from the burned house."

"They are keeping their silence. The Ghosts went under?" Ropert wonders out loud. "Suspicious enough."

"I agree. Something happened between them what end up a burned building and one dead body," Mark points out. Noting there has to be connection. "Don. You chatter with one of the suspects. Anything unnormal happened before the burn?" Mark turns his eyes to look Don, who was sitting behind his desk, a little further from Mark and Ropert.

"I was told that a cop being there would make it look like the residents were working for us. Those from next door burned the place so..," Don just states, focusing on his own works. This case was not his. As long as they have no proofs, but just speculates, he has no need to act.

"Did we set the rock rolling?" Mark asks. "Your presence create a conflict?"

"Who knows. It might have ended up the same anyway." Don thinks. "It was one kid who plan it and his friends did the job with him, right? We don't know the whole picture yet."

"Your blonde kid vanished too," Mark shares his thoughts. "He wasn't with the rest of the kids. Non other bodies have found. Did he just disappear? Left the others? Ran away? I say that's our main guy."

"He is doing fine. Just saw him not long ago," Don smiles now. He has no intent to tell where exactly he has seen the kid. But not saying anything might turn to problem later. "I will keep an eye on him for you."

"Ha? You saw him?" Mark tsihs, being surprised of Dons sudden smile. "We should ask him in soon."

"You have something solid, I bring him in right away," younger man calls, pointing out even if they took him in, he too might just keep his silence like the rest of them. Forcing them to just let him go.

Mark lets out a deep, frustrated sigh. This case was just too weird, being so obvious who their culprits were, but the lack of actual proofs made them back off. Everything they knew so far lead them in Kerdon. And still, they had nothing. "But it is weird. No one has taken credit from any of the robs. They really are a group of ghosts. The blonde one has to know something. I got the feeling."

"Just a feeling isn't enough. Let's hear what that woman has to say," Ropert says, speaking about the landlord of the burned building who two guards had just escorted to the hearing area a little earlier. "She might actually be our key witness. Or suspect. Halen is almost ready for her."

- - - -

"I told you I don't know anything," Blue cried, overacting. Leaning her hand against her forehead. "My baby is dead because of you, you terrible men!"

"It's hard to get anything out of her. She just repeats the same over and over again. Says there has never been drugs in her house. An addict saying so sounds.. a quite sad as always," Mark says to Don who had just walk in the sideroom. They were following the rest of the hearing behind the glass.

"The kid I talk there said he kept drugs away. Didn't want youngers get involved," Don clears what he has heard. "But I never saw her moving out the house. Neither did any cameras spot her. Same as the two older kids, they all stayed in. Somehow she still got her doses."

"She mentioned kids renting rooms from her," Mark adds then. "Probably paid with money and drugs. It's clear some of the kids brought 'em in. The question is, where they got all that money?"

"They stole Roperts car easily..," Don points out smiling and turns to look Ropert who was standing on the other side of the room. "They were all pickpockets there."

"I knew it was that blonde fucker!" older man tsihs with an angry expression on his face. This was the first time Don admit knowing exactly who had taken that car.

"I got it back to you. License plates and all," Don smirks. "Come on. Who lets a kid steal his car? You should be ashamed." He adds the rest with his calm and flat voice while turning his look back forward. Ignoring olders fury.

"Selling one or two car isn't enough her to buy heroin daily. I really hope kids haven't done worse for the sake of her addiction," Mark sighs. Even when he wanted to catch these kids, he couldn't help thinking the reasons what have made them do all this from the beginning. They were just kids. Trying to survive in streets. One common way to earn besides stealing was leaning to prostitution. As a father himself, Mark felt very disgusted about the whole thought. "Seen that way too many times."

"How about those two older kids? Have you talk to them again? Are they still in the hospital?" Don asks then.

"Didn't you see them before yourself? What I heard, social workers took them," Ropert explains, dropping his mood. "Apparently the other one had a family looking for him. Other will probably have a place with visa, since he is originally from another country and has no family. They haven't talk. Only told us they only live there. Nothing about payments."

"We will keep her here until she speaks out," the fourth man steps in the room, cutting their small chat off. He was called Thomas Halen, the oldest in their unit, being the most experienced of them all. Because of his charismatic appearance and the patient way of listen and talk, he was usually the one hearing people like this very woman was; too intensely reacting drug users. But even his presence didn't give them much for now when woman was acting this attacking still. So he choose to leave the landlord alone inside the hearing room. To take her break.

"If you know where the blonde kid is, you should drag him here. Maybe a little intimidation makes him confess if he has something new for us," Mark says, looking Don. "She will talk sooner or later. One missing kid is suspicious already. All we need is a word from her and we will call arrest. Drug possession is enough to get him in."

"Sure. I can try," Don states. "If he, or any of them, have something to do with the Ghosts, we will soon find that out. Now that they are all out of the picture, the robs will also stop for good.

The time is on our side. We just need to wait how this goes."

- - - -

When Don finally came back to his apartment, Free was watching tv. That was basically all he did now-a-days. Sleeping and watching tv. Sure, Don has mentioned that there were books to read too, but kid didn't seem to be so interested at all. The way how Free skip the subject made Don really wonder did this kid even know how to read? Since first he was interest, but suddenly back off. Once, but only once, Don actually saw Free eyeing one of the books, but as soon as Don show up, kid lost the book immediately.

"Welcome back," Free greets from the living area. He was laying on the couch, now turning his look to the older man who has just walked in the kitchen area.

Don hums as greet. Seeing everything seem to be as it was when he earlier left, he could feel more calmer. The kitchen was also surprisingly clean, when usually it could have look like after a hurricane. Yougn man was a clean person but didn't bother to put things back after using them. That was one of the first things Don learnt about him. One of the things he has learn to endure too. "How was your day? Have you eaten?"

"I ate. But I'm horny! Let's fuck," younger has get up to sit by now, looking straight toward Don who didn't even bother and turn to look back at him.

"Please, keep in mind you are speaking to a law officer here..," man answers calmly, like this bold comment from this young mans mouth couldn't even surprise him anymore. Ignoring the kid, he walks inside the bedroom to change. Free clicks his tongue annoyed and gets quietly up.

Don takes his tie off and turns, just to see Free has silently sneaked in and already standing behind him, making a bold move and pushing the older guy lay on the bed before he could have time to escape. Then the younger gets fastly on him, keeping his hand against mans chest.

"I said I'm horny. If you plan to pet me here forever you have to give me," Free points out smirking, sitting on Don. "Besides.. You are way too into me to not wanting it too, right? Being so gentle to me all the time. It would be a win-win, you know. Or if guys are really not your thing, do me behind. I promise you will like it."

Keeping his intent stare on the kids blue eyes, Don breathes deeply out. The way this kid act was unbelievable. Even while badly hurt, feeling constant pain, still he was thinking with his lower body. Don wasn't sure should he feel irritated or sad. This kid was clearly a mess. Or too damn careless.

With an easy move, Don swings the younger one under him, keeping Frees wrists tied up above the head, against the bed. Showing the one making rules here was him, not the kid. "You walk through that door all by yourself. Can walk away anytime you want," Don calmly says. Without giving more thoughts of Frees words, he casually changes the subject. "By the way, they want you to the hearing. Want to know how you got the drug money for your landlord."

"Tell that fucker I sold his car to get it!" Free tsihs back angrily, finally letting his mood out. He didn't want to hear from the cops. Or from anything. His mind has been so lost in thoughts the whole day that he just want to get laid now. Forget everything. Being rejected like this was frustrating.

"Already told," Don points out, eyeing Frees reaction. It was very clear now kid has repressed feelings in, searching a way to deal his situation. That was why he act this aggressive. "And about your friends.. They all got their place in the list. Social workers took an interest of them. The burning house. A drug user as a landlord. All the sympathy are on their side. They will have a nice push to the better future."

Free stares back at Dons eyes quietly. His look has changed a little, no more angry. But more truly lost. Older guy loosens his hold a little and after making sure kid has calmed down, he lets go. "You are the only one left," Don continues. "But I let you know, your landlord is in there. Her first hearing was today. Addicts tend to break sooner or later. How long will it take? Day? Only hours?

We know you guys paid rent to her. She probably doesn't even know how you got the money. People like her would not bother to know. She even used a kids dead as for sorry-points. That's not all. We know already someone else than her brought the items in. That alone will be a reason enough to take you in. Others have denied all.

I can't hide you forever. If you plan to run, you should make a haste.

Because tomorrow morning, we will hear her again. If she says something that has anything to do with you, you are mine. And I will take you in."

Young man turns his look away and closes his eyes. "Got it," he whispers with a broken voice.

When kid wasn't clearly minding to speak more, Don stands up, removing his tie totally. This conversation was over for now. "Let's order pizza tonight. To celebrate your friends. From this day on, if they were the ones helping you out it's all cleared now," he adds while walking out of the room, leaving kid alone.

Free shows a smile, moves his hand to cover his face. Tears were now falling down. He was suddeenly feeling so relieved. And so freaking lost.

- - - -

The same evening Free was sitting at the table, eyes toward up the stars, untouched latte on the table in front of him. He was on his thoughts, ignoring everything around him. Don puts two pills on the table in front of him. "It's time for your medication," he says calmly, eyeing carefully Frees uninterest appearance. Young man didn't eat so much before. This whole evening he seem to became more and more motionless. Like he was closing in.

Older takes his fingers on Frees face and turns his look toward himself. Blue eyes looked indeed very lifeless. "Did my words finally reach you? It's good if you have start to think seriously. But don't get depressed on me now."

Free tsihs. "Who is depressed. It's just.. I'm planning."

Hearing that cocky tone of voice made Don drop his slightly worried feeling. Moving his hand, he pets young mans hair gently. "Good."

They were staring each other. Until Free lets out this long breathe, showing more charged look. "There is one thing.. I need."

"Name it," Don immediately responds.

"You still have my phone?" younger dares to ask. That made Don low his hand and wear a smile. Without answering he walks to the bedroom and comes back a moment later. Hands the smart phone to Free.

Younger stares the phone unbelieving at first, but then takes it. Damn, it really was still here. "I put it away the day you came here. It rang a few times. Then the battery died," man explains.

"You didn't search in it?" Free wonders out loud, doubting.

Older walks at one of the closets and searchs a charger. "Asking that I'm now very sure I should have," man smiles and gives a charger to Free. "This should fit. If you are asking your phone back now, I assume you are planning to move. When you still can, please, rush it."

"Should you really talk like that?" Free finally shows a relaxed smile, meeting with Dons eyes. "Weren't you supposed to make me confess and take me in? Isn't this you helping your suspect run?"

"How honest all of a sudden. Are you testing how much you can say before I actually take you in?" Don sits down on the other side of the table, not dropping his gaze from youngers eyes. "But you are indeed right. I could care less can we catch you or not.

Besides, all I did was finding a wounded stray cat inside my apartment and have been taking care of its wellbeing. I'm good at keeping my work and private life separately. You just happened to intervene both."

Free smirks. This cop was indeed very odd.

"But don't think that will save you tomorrow morning," Don adds, leaning back.

"I don't," younger confirms quietly.

- - - -

"The person behind that lipstick was horrible. But looks like she didn't really know a shit. Calling boys whores was all she could sing," Ropert calls when he and Mark were walking to the back of their floor. Don was sitting on their corner.

"That blonde kid. We have him now," Mark says and looks Don who was sitting at his own desk, reading some files, now staring back to Mark. "She told us enough. He is the one with the drugs. You know where he might be? We should put a search on that kid."

Don sighs, moves the files down. So kid was also the one bringing the items in? No wonder Don never saw this landlord going out. She had no need. How many times young man had came and talk to him with drugs inside his pockets? Playing so innocent. Of course Don already knew the kid wasn't so pure, but now there was a clear proof. Someones words against his. From this Don couldn't possible save him.

"I agree," Ropert notes after sitting down on his own chair. "Now we have something to accuse him from. Reason to call him in. This way we will have a change to figure out if he really has something to do with the robs too."

"Actually he seems to be here already," Halens voice suddenly speaks behind them. Three men all turn their eyes on the man who was calmly walking closer from the elevator area. He has heard part of their conversation. "The blonde kid. He just showed up to the front desk."

"What?" Don asks unbelieving, surprised. Halen must be mistaken. There was no way kid would be here now all of a sudden.

"WHAT?! Bring him in. Now," Mark says with a loud voice, already hasting to move back to the first floor. Have their luck just turn?

"I go," Don stands fastly up.

- - - -

Free was standing inside the waiting area. The scene on the other side of the floor has taken his attension. Two police officers were holding still Lady Blue who was screaming and spiting toward them. His former landlord was like a shadow from her rotten usual self. Showing her worst sides out right now, making Free turn his look away. He really didn't want to witness that. He was about to leave that person to the past. Never intend to see her again.

Blue wasn't so bad. She has helped Free a lot. But at the same time Free knew that that help was just a delusion. In order to have a roof upon him and his brothers, Free had done so many bad choices that thinking them all after was making him feel sick of himself. Like just now realizing how far he could go just to try to maintain what he then had.

Right now, he has nothing left. But himself.

Someone walks in the room. Startling now, Free raises his head and looks Don to the eyes. Sigh of relieve. Free couldn't feel more happier to see this person. Even when trying to act all tough outside, he felt so nervous being inside this building. "Hi," younger says then quietly.

Don gives a long sigh. And smiles back. Kid looked lost, distressed. But still showing a smile out. He actually came here on his own? Plan to turn himself in? If Don would have seen this coming, he might have help this kid run. Drive him far away himself. Coming here is like throwing himself to the wolfs.

"Is that my watch?" Don asks when he could recognize that unusual item around Frees wrist. In every way, it didn't suit him, just hanging around his thin wrist.

Young man sighs and nods, shaking the hand. "Borrowed. Have to look good in here, you know."

Thinking that answer was very pointless, man moves away from the doorway, showing a way. "Let's go."

After turning on their left, they kept walking across the lane toward the hearing rooms area. "You knew where I work?" Don then asks, while no one was near to hear them. His guess would have been that kid has track his cars movements. But the small shitty-chat might easy Frees nervousness, so Don just pick up the subject and went with that. Coming here now all of a sudden.. Kid must be planning something.

"Well, to be honest I installed a tracker under your car, so I kinda knew where you have been running with your car. For some reason you were a moron and never took it off. My phone too. The tracking app is still active," Free says sarcastic, knowing the man next to him knew very well how he knew. Don smiles. But then Free continues. "And one of the cars used on the scene when you guys set the follow-up cameras were registered under this building. You can find all that shit from internet."

Hearing that made Don feel even more surprised. Now this was new. Kid actually confessed knowing about the cameras. That there were more than just one. "Public surveillance, my ass," Free continues smiling.

"Didn't buy that?" Don turns his eyes back ahead.

"Sorry, but even with your nice commentary you couldn't sell that lie. I already knew it was you and your friends. When Tim found one of the cameras, I plan to use that against you. Let you see what I needed you to see. To get you off my tails.."

That was pretty much Don even need to hear. Now he knew for sure kid was here to turn himself in. "Why are you here? What are you up to?"

"Something I'm good at. The only thing I'm good at," Free answers quietly, since they were getting closer to their destination. There were some people clearly waiting their arrival. "But this might become my biggest mistake ever. If it does..," he turns to look Don, their eyes met. "Thank you. For everything. And I'm sorry. For what I will do."

Don was just intently eyeing back. Feeling awfully confused. The way kid spoke couldn't but leave you wonder what was going on. And what would be coming.

Two other men were waiting them in front of this open door. One of them look familiar to Free. Must be this 'Ropert'. So young man smiles to him as greetings. Yeah, he remembers seeing this man before. The same one who has driven his car in front of their Main House. Got beaten. His car stolen..

"This way, please," Mark says after Don has escorted the young man to them. The atmosphere was very intense, when these two men were wearing their charged attitude. Were they doing so intentionally or was this how they always were, Free didn't know. But he has used to cops cold treatment.

"Sutch a warm welcome you guys have to offer. I know I'm pretty," Free says with an arrogant tone in his voice. His appearance changes to cocky and self-assured. Saying, see, I'm here now. Look at me. With a smile on his face he steps inside the room Mark was showing. The person in front of Don changed like with a click, from troubled to someone who act like a king of the room, owning the place. That leave Don smiling. Now that was the kid he knew. The show was on. "If you were looking for me you should be more excited of my visit, don't you think."

The bold act didn't go unseen from others either. Finally showing a smile back, Mark closes the door behind him, pointing Free to sit down to the other side of the table.

"It's just like in movies," Free then awes while sitting down. "Big mirrows and all." There was nothing else, really. Just a table and three chairs around it. No windows. Feeling like a prison cell if the color of the walls wasn't so light.

"Thank you for coming in here. I'm Mark Dylon. Your questioner today, if you may," man states out and sits down himself, across the table. Keeping this straight eye contact. "I have something to talk with you about some incidents what took place the area where you live. Or.. used to live."

"Free. Nice to meet you," Free says and leans back. "How can I help?"

"Free? That's an unique name," Mark writes something down.

"One of a kind," other states surely, showing a proud smile.

"....If you don't mind, can I ask what happened to your face and hand?"

"Fell down the stairs," was the fast answer with a smile. Well it was unnessessary question anyway so Mark let this one pass.

"Okay. Well, to get to the point, first of all we are interested about your former landlord, Eline Brown, who you might know better as her pet name 'Blue'. You have been living in her house.. how long?"

"About four years."

"How did you end up with her?"

"I lived in streets. She worked in some club at the time when I met her. Had just inherit the very Hostel building, you know, the one that burned down. Thought she could start a business or something."


"You saw her. Didn't take long to spend everything. She said I could live there if I paid rent. So I did."

"Where did you get the money for the rent?"

"From doing this and that. What ever came up."

"Well, Eline told us that it was not just money she reseived from you."

"Yeah, I figured," Free states, speaking straight.

Mark freezes from surprise for a second. "So you admit you have been her hand to get heroin?"

Young man breathes out calmly, like sighing away his sins. "Yeah, that's me. You think that junkie could get anything done herself?" he felt so nervous to confess something like that to the cop sitting in front of him. This 'Mark Dylon' would probably throw him to prison after this sitting. But Free plan not to show it out. How uneasy he felt inside. Be the strongest in the room. Don't show any fear.

Mark smirks. "Wow. You ain't hesitating to admit it," kid was stupidly honest now. Making Mark doubt was this conversation even real. "From where you buy it?"

Free tsihs. Questions like that feel very pointless. He knew both people in street and cops know there were many main keepers dealing. Where he buy it didn't actually matter. "You can buy anything from the streets."

"Where you get the money?"

"From doing this and that. What ever came up," see, this wasn't the reason why Free was here. To answer sutch unnecessary things. Get to the damn point already.

Mark sighs. "Okay. Let's move on. You seem quite honest when it comes to talk. So I can just ask, right? My friends already suspect you to be part of this group who hits store buildings and so by shutting the guard systems and cameras. That's how you get most of your money? Are you with Them?"

Now we are talking. "Not kinda. Since there is no group."

Mark stares Free whose facial expression hasn't really changed at all. "No group?"

"Yeah. Just me."

Mark falls to silent. So did Ropert and Don behind the glass. Don shows out a smile. What on earth this kid was up to..?

"So.. you are saying you, and you only, are responsible for these incidents?" Mark smiles doubting. "You plan to take all the blame on you?"

"Can't blame others when there's no any," Free states straight. Keeping his calm. "It's just one part of my doing this and that. I had a little help from people around in time to time, sure, but I was the one making the moves. That's easy money. I even have the jewels in save from my last rob if you need proofs."

Well, clearly this kid was responsible of those robs, when he knew about the jewels which were still missing. "Alright," man straights his back, clearing his throat. Indeed, the way kid wasn't even trying to deny anything here but choose to admit everything instead was very unexpected. But only making their job here easier. There was no reason to act big. "If you so want. That is probably all we even need to hear for now. It's pretty clear you are now arrest-" "Oh, but I have more," Free suddenly cuts his words. Mark just stares at him. And finally waves his hand to let the young man know he was all ear. Sure, lets here it. "Go on."

Free closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe in and out. Then he opens his eyes again and looks the watch around his wrist. Touching it. "I couldn't figure what I want from now on. If I'm the only one left then I am lost. Have no 'place' to go back.

So being a pet doesn't sound so bad."

Silence fell in the room. Mark was still eyeing the young man, having no idea what kid meant with his words. "I'm not sure I -" "I'm not talking to you then, am I..," Free once again cuts Marks words, staring the man intently, showing this sad looking smile. Again, a moment of silence.

Then Free speaks again. "I have died twice already, Mr Dylon. Who you would bring to judge? I don't exist," he shakes his head while saying that. "You have to give me an ID if you want to accuse me of any of the previous things we just talk about. That's fine to me really. I really have nothing to lose here anymore. Since I do not have anything.

But he said I have a talent what he would use if I was on the same side. On his side.."

First Mark couldn't but keep his halt stare at Free, unbelieving what he was hearing, kind of trying to catch up what this kid was even talking about. Then he looks toward the mirror. Like noting Don. Was the kid talking about him? Ropert too turns his eyes on Don, who didn't speak a word. But wait what Free would do next.

This kid must be joking or something? Trying to baffle? Why? When he was already in here? Mark should just cut this nonsense here. "Look, I really - " "Before I sign in I broke in to your buildings lightning system," Free fastly states. He should make haste and explain. This cop just looked toward the mirror, so it was now clear to Free Don was watching behind it. Following their conversation.

Once again the room falls to silence, Mark kept staring Free, didn't even find words to say anymore. This kid has more and more?

And before anyone could even react anyway, young man continues, leaning his hands on the table. "I lost my computer during the fire, so I can't give you that. So I thought to prove myself some other way," he explains. Trying to keep his shaking voice in control. This was not a time to show out how scared he really was, how damn uneasy he feel inside. "I have had two IDs of some guard officers about two years now. With those I was able to sign in to the CGBs site when ever I needed and play with the cameras around the city. I can give you those ID names and passwords. If you compare the times of robs and the IDs used you will find the match. Clearly no one has done so. Since the IDs are both still active. Or there is no sutch thing than log in records under. Otherwise you guys would have found me way earlier. First time I check in, I accidentally black out the whole area of Kerdon. This you guys knew already, right?"

Mark didn't say anything. He was quietly listening to this kid. He had IDs he's being using?? How this young man even knew they have been investigating that blackout too?

"You are the ones who set those cameras up, around my house, right? I found them all. Went out and back in when ever, freezing your records when ever. I dared to rob that jewel place as a test drive to see if I could actually walk in and out without you realizing. Well, I could. I did," now kid shows a sneaky smile, mocking. If nothing, at least he himself was damn proud of that, just like Don had said. It was impressive move. Against pros. They had definitely underestimated their target. "This building of yours.. isn't so different. As we speak your recording is currently stopped," Free confesses. "I left you a nice screenshot there."

Ropert was now alarmed and searchs his phone, makes a call. He has no choice but to clear kids claim since it was made during the hearing. Don didn't move his eyes from Free. Kid act really really calm. This acting he has witnessed before too. Done toward himself. How this hot-headed and cocky brat could drop his attitude and show a totally different personality out, sutch for his own goals. To make everything go as he want.

"You can later check and see me just walk inside your power room. Those nice ladies on the lobby let me in since 'I'm sutch a cute'," Free raises his hand and puts one of his finger against his cheek, showing a cute smile. No doubt he was a natural actor. "You can go anywhere with this smile of mine. After all there should have been alarm already if anyone would bother to check your cameras ever. Or the people actually walking in.."

While Free was speaking, Ropert has explained the situation to the guy he was talking with, now getting a clear answer back. A long sigh. Don turns to look Ropert who glances back.

Marks phone vibrate in his pocket. He answers, without saying a word. "Confirmed," Ropert just calmly says.

After ending the call, Mark breaths slowly out, confused as hell. "You are serious..?" he asks then, more like stating. Finally his abashed look has changed to more serious. This kid wasn't joking here.

Now Free felt even more confident, being suddenly very energy. Don and this Ropert were definitely watching them. They were alarmed around him. Were seriously listening to him. "I didn't have a watch and didn't want to bring my phone here so I borrowed this," Free shows the watch toward the mirror. "I'm kinda proud to get my timing just right. After waisting some time with talking, it should be around... twelve seconds left now or so."

Mark snorts. He wasn't so sure how to take this all anymore. "Look. I don't know what you are playing here but.." "Playing? I'm in my job interview," Free smiles and leans back. "Gonna get paid well. Eyes up." He points his finger up. After a few second the lights above them starts to snap off and on. There was a repeat. The whole floor was now on alert. The man sitting in front of Free was staring the lights eyes wide open, speechless.

"It's Jingle Bells," young man then clears. They actually could find the rhythm from blinking after kid mentioned it. "It's attached to your main power line, but even if I'm this awesome, I only had one breaker so it's not really the whole building seeing this. I really hoped you would keep me in this floor, at least."

Don opens the door smiling. Meeting with Frees eyes. Man suddenly appearing in front of him made Free drop his strong and bold act, leaving him quite surrendered.

Mark turns to look at the man behind him. "Okay, I have nothing," he sighs, laughs a little. His mind was empty. This situation felt very unreal. He wasn't sure should they be very alarmed or actually impressed what was suddenly going on around them without anyone even realizing it sooner. But what was even more confusing was Dons reaction. There was clearly something going on what Mark didn't know. Don didn't usually smile like that. So he definitely knew this kid better than have let Mark and the others know.

"You are putting me on quite a spot here, kid..," Don states, not dropping his eyes from Free, calmly keeping his smile. "I must ask, is this really what you want?" 

Young man tsihs back. "I'm tired. Confessing my crimes to you. You really didn't give me a choice, did you," he quietly answers, losing now his attitude totally. This was all he had plan to do. His show was over. Win or lose. His life was on this cops hands now.

"You understand what you are asking here?"

"I do," this time Free answers clearly, no doubt in his voice. Seeing Don made him feel even more certain. Like, if someone, this man could save him here.

"Good. You won yourself a deal. You are done here. Wait me at the end of the hallway. Go," Don moves away from the doorway.

Still quite stiffed from everything, Free stands slowly up and turns his eyes on Mark, then back to Don, talking to both of them "It's just a timer that breaks the electricity waves. It ends when the gear runs out of marks. You can just sever it without a harm," he explains with a shaking voice. His hands were actually shaking now too, when the tension around him was defusing, so he did his best to hide it. But kind of failed badly. Everyone could see now how anxious he was. Still he turns his look on Mark next, showing a smile. "Thank you for not using that bad cop -thing I have seen in movies. I was pretty nervous so you could have really broke me with just a yell. It was nice to meet you, Mark, was it?" he nods and finally turns his eyes back on Don. Taking the first step, young man starts walk toward the door and the man standing there.

The moment Free gets next to him, Don lands his palm on his head. This minor touch was enough to calm Free who breathes a long breathe in and out before he keeps going. Trying seriously hold his tears.

Mark has get up himself by now, staring first the kid, then Don who calmly takes his phone and search a number, ignoring him. Ropert opens the sidedoor, also eyeing the young man walking away. "What he is to you? You plan this with him?" oldest man asks then with this chilly voice. It was very obvious now these two were in good terms. Making both men demand answers.

"I told him you want him in. That's all," Don answers straight, taking his phone on his ear, ready to make a call. "Let me finish this case for you from here.."

- - - -

After two hours of clearing all out and apologizing the sudden situation what shot the alarm on inside the building, Free was now sitting in Dons car, exhausted, has walked out back to freedom with his own feet even regarding all what he has done. They didn't throw him in jail or anything. Didn't use any kind of arrogant act toward him, but talked and listened fair and clear. That was odd. Something someone as Free, while living in streets, having seen only the cold and unconcerned attitude from public officers, could do but think was very different behavior. Even so, it was kind of refreshing to let it all out. Surrender. And he could not have done that if Don hadn't been in the same room with him, supporting him.

Now Free could only wait. Nothing seem to be sure anyway, not yet. Simply said, there was two possibilities. Either he would get punished from his crimes what as a minor would mean appointments with social workers and more burocracy shits. They would probably treat him as an illegal individual or something. There was a big change him ending up in juvie. If so, then he has lost this game for good. Nothing after that.

The other option.. He could get the rare lucky card. Sell himself to the government and be their dog, that's how Free was thinking it. Probably better than prison. Or not..

All Free was sure about was that he was on probation, being under Dons supervision. How man could even make that all possible was still a big question mark to Free. He simple trust Dons words when he said Free has talent and he would use it if they were on the same side. And that this cop really meant it. That blind trust has lead to this moment. Young man turns to look the very man who was driving the car while Free was sitting next to him. This was the second time sitting in this car. But now for a very different reasons.

"Is it okay to call you Aki?" Don then cuts the silence after realizing young man looking at him.

"No," Free tsihs.

"Then 'Kid' it is," man says, glancing Free once, then back the road. "You did something way crazy there. Never saw that coming."

"Did it work?" younger sighs while closing his eyes. Really, he was still kind of shock he actually did all that rather than run.

"You have me. I can make it work," Don frankly answers with a proud voice, showing this jaunty smile. There was no way he couldn't. "My Boss is non other than our Mayor. So I do what ever I want. I know my ways."

Free smirks, laughing silently while eyeing the man driving. This cop was actually quite boastful, under all that calm act. "So you were the big guy all along," he clicks his tongue, pointing out how conceited that bragging just sound. "How lucky I am."

"No. I am the worst big guy there is. But that is indeed your luck," man clears. "Now everything left for today is you to rest. I didn't think you would move this quick. If I had knew you would pull out a stunt like that.. You feeling okay?"

Honestly, not just his aching body, but Free felt damn tired and broken mentally too. But like he would let that show out too much. "I can deal it.."

Don hums. The first thing to do after they'll get back to his apartment, he should take care of kids injures and make sure he really gets his rest. This here was a huge new deal, a big turn in young mans life. He couldn't possible be feeling just okay with this all right away. "Let me know where those jewels are so we can return them before things turn any worse. You really haven't sell the items?"

"I have 'em save..," younger clears silently, eyeing the moving city around them.

Not long and they finally arrived back to Dons living building. Man drives the car in the parking lot. "To tell you the truth I was so scared when I walk in there. Wasn't sure will I ever walk out..," Free admits quietly after the car stop and man was showing they were ready to move out. Older man turns to look at him.

Even if Free was smiling, young man look like he was about to cry. All his emotions were clearly waving after his confession. And right now, while sitting inside this car, there was no one here who he should try to impress. In front of Don he had lost his acting, being painfully honest. "You did great," Don states quietly, showing this gently smile while reaching his hand to touch young mans hair as he has a fast habit to do when seeing this kid showing this melancholic mood. "But it was a reckless thing to do. A job interview?"

Snorting, sniffing once and slightly getting back his normal mood again, Free clears his throat, ready to speak back. "You already knew I was your 'ghost', right? Eventually you would have bring me in anyway. But.. I didn't want to run. So I thought it was better to walk in myself. Maybe get some points when doing so," he explains, finally turning to meet with Dons eyes. Smirking. "And you said I have talent."

"You have. Running back that fast from robbing a store while been under watch and not getting caught, that is a talent," Don tsihs and gets out, happy to see kid was back on his feet.

"Yeah, I didn't run. Just set the alarm there go on a way later. I was a long gone by then," Free too steps out, closing the door behind him. "But I have to admit I made damn huge mistake there.. I thought I was screwed, missing that one camera. You got a nice capture from me. But it played well for me after. Was glad I really carry out that backup plan when I asked my brother to wear my clothes in front of you. You were my alibi. Your solid evidence from your security cameras and you as my eyewitness, you couldn't possible just erase those away to not exist." Young man looks Don with a sneaky smile, following him toward the underground elevator area. His cocky attitude was up again.

Don sighs and speaks again after they were already in the elevator, waiting it to stop on their floor. "Using me like that.. It was very bold move. No wonder I got more interest of you. Be glad I like you."

"Yeah, well, it's your own damn fault to underestimate me. I can't even believe you guys couldn't do better. Calling yourself detectives? Hope I will surpass you soon, I'm the best in which side ever, anyway," now Frees attitude was going over the line. But Don plan to ignore that, as usually. It was better to see him smile than act out. Over all he has already used to this ones cockiness. Let kid shine now when he still could. He would learn to be more humble sooner or later.

"Please do. I would love to take orders from someone whose cockiness I actually like," older opens the door and let this arrogant kid walk in first.

After getting his shoes off Free walks straight to the living room. Without wasting time, suddenly he pushs the smaller couch over, gets down and searchs this carefully hidden bag from insides of the furniture. Don was now standing in the kitchen, staring what kid was now doing. The very second he also figures out what it must be, leaving him feel quite abashed, incredulous.

Young man throws the small leather bag to the older guy after standing back up. "I figured no one would find them here," Free casually smiles and pulls the couch back up, cleaning his mess.

Don looks fastly in the bag, seeing it was indeed full of jewels. For the second he felt so stant he couldn't find words to speak. Or morelike, he tried not to let his inner feelings out. "You.. really had the fucking guts to bring stolen items in my apartment..?" Don closes his eyes, drops his hand and raises his head up, breathing slowly in and out, calming himself. This kid really dared to use his apartment as a hiding place. "When exactly you brought these here?" After asking he immediately figure it out. Since there was only one time that would have been possible without Don noticing anything. The second day kid was in here.

This was the first time Free heard the tone of Dons voice changing this radically. But he didn't pay more attension to it. Of course man might be pissed off now. But what he could do? At least the jewels were in secure. "When I came to get the last half of my money. Your twelve hours. By the way, I'm pent-up. You still have hours left. Come on, let's do it," Free smirks.

Don stares back at him coldly and after a while sighs out, closing his eyes and putting the bag on the table form his hand. This kid has once again surprised him with his random actions. Kinda pissing him off. No, really, fucking pissing him off. "How about pizza?"

"Pizza sounds good too..," younger tsihs. Still a no?