
Novel Senamile husband goal keeper

Without informing her husband, Senamile went one Saturday afternoon to watch to a football game where her husband John was playing as a goalkeeper.

During the game the other team scored. The John's public was not happy the way he didn't defend his goal and begin criticizing that goalkeeper.

Senamile was not happy to listen to that. She approach one of the gay who was criticized her husband and fight.

The husband goal keeper fortunately turn around and see public shooting, making the noise.

He noticed directly that the woman who was fighting is his beloved wife. While the game was continuing, John went out to rescue his wife Senamile.

That made the fight to intensify. The others John's football partners of John's team went also out to help.

The referee stopped the game, police intervened to calm the disorder.

The result was some of the public was injured. After a short calm John's coach replaced because psychologically he couldn't continue playing morally well.

And the game continued as normal. John, the goalkeeper started to reproach his wife why she came to the stadium and why she couldn't lease the public say what he wanted as it is they right to say what they want when watching their team playing.

- "I couldn't leave people injured my husband" said Senamile. "Put you at my place. Can you leave people criticize or injuring me when they are in front of you ? »

- « I cannot. But in the stadium it is the right, their freedom for the public to talk, to criticize who they want among everyone at that public place.

Story from :

Mr. Jean-Pierre Bashige Baguma

2 Otto street

Flat Gravenhage : door number 18


Johannesburg 2196

South Africa