
Chapter 86


" It's really so surprising, you don't look like someone who is pregnant. Are you sure you were giving the right sperm?" Lylic said looking at Selom all round with surprise.

(Laughing) " You are still the same" Selom said

" Whatever, you don't look pregnant to me. I heard you are already 12 weeks gone but you don't look like it"

(Laughing) "I Know, I couldn't believe it myself when I got the news. But thinking about somethings I had to accept it"

"But it's weird, a smart lady like you can be so dumb that you didn't see this coming" 


" Anyways it's not your fault, you wouldn't know what it entails after all you're not a doctor. So what are we having for dinner, I'm starving." She said looking,at the table filled with dishes. They had pleasant aromas.

" I ordered your favorite dishes that's if your taste bud is still intact" Selom replied

" Yours just gave been damàged" Lylic said opening up her dishes

(Surprised) " why do you say that?"

" From the look of things darling, you never take porridge. Even if they were to beat you to death you would eat porridge. But now, you have a different kind of porridge at your tip."


"Let's eat"

After they were done eating, Lylic called for the waiter to clean the table, so they could get back to business.

"Someone is blocking all my intel," Selom said, going straight to the point. They didn't have to beat around the bush, both of them were already in a secured area. " And I think I am being followed"

" That's strange, there are some information I couldn't access as well" Lylic said with a sigh. " I was trying to clean up some mess and I stumbled on some deadly information, but I should be the target. There must be another reason why you are been followed. So what's your plan"

"After the Oscar event, I would be leaving the control. My plan is to come back after five years" Selom said, sounding depressed. This was the place she had grown up in; it wouldn't be easy leaving this place.

" So what do you need my help with?"

" I want you to investigate something for me," Selom said, whispering some information into her ears.

"What!? That's terrible. I don't know how much I can dig into it but I would look into it" This was her hobby, she got into trouble. Sometimes she would dig into someone else's secret and get into trouble for it.

"So tell me, I knew Roselle had something to do with this. She was indeed very bold to play such games with me"

"I am indeed very bold, you've taken virtually everything that belongs to me" Roselle said waking into the room

(Laughing) " You followed me all the way here? What for? You two can fight it out if you want" Lylic said giving them space.

Immediately the atmosphere in the room changed, it became very suffocating. Both women were throwing Killing glares at themselves. Lylic seeing this was helpless.

(Scoffs) "I never knew you could stoop so low and be so shameless"