
Chapter 80

Stephanie couldn't understand what was happening at all, she got very close to the old man George and would always bring him food from home. She got to know a lot about him and his family and felt sorry for him. According to him, he was sent away from his home and after that this was the only Job he could find and all his earnings, he kept his only granddaughter. 

One a special day, Roselle came to the mall to visit, she didn't come alone, she came with Lylic as well. Rumor had it that these two were always together, if Lylic was found somewhere alone, it meant Roselle was just a few meters away. They were always together. There presence in the mall was quite a shock, the had come to the mall very early in the morning, it seems they were so early so as to avoid a crowd or they had something very important to deal with.

"Good morning ma'am welcome to Marviswell Boutique" Stephanie said opening up the door, she didn't look up to know who it was. This was her chorus everyday, except when her presence is needed 

Lylic hearing this chuckled "It seems you've gotten used to the system here" she said with a smile.

Stephanie hearing her voice raised her head to see who it really was, the voice sounded familiar. Looking up she was surprised to see Roselle and Lylic. Seeing the surprised look in her face she turned over to look at Roselle "It seems we scared her" Lylic said

"Come over, give big sister a hug" she said, opening up her arms, but all she got was a shocked looking Stephanie, who had her eyes and mouth opened like a fish brought out of water. 

"My hug, is a rare opportunity" Lylic said again still maintaining her smile.

Stephanie couldn't suppress her feelings, she ran into Lylic's arms. The tears she had been suppressing came rushing out. She began to cry, this was the hug she wanted at first and she had to admit Lylic's hug was warm and nice. She snuggled into her arms more, it was as if she wanted to bound herself with Lylic, she wanted to penetrate her spirit into Lylic's body. Lylic wouldn't stop herself from laughing. After petting her, she smiled, now it was now time to get into business.

"I heard you've made a lot of sales lately" Lylic said looking at Anna

"Yes ma'am and all this was thanks to Stephanie"

(Laughing) " I never thought they both of you would get along well. This is indeed very surprising"

(Chuckles) "it's very surprising in it, when I felt met Stephanie I felt like ripping her hair off" Anna said with a smile

(Laughing) "we both felt the same way" Lylic said looking at Roselle who was always quiet. She had the habit of exempting herself from others conversation.

"I gave to give you my permission, you can attend the upcoming event" Roselle said with a cold face.

"Really?" Stephanie asked with a smile

"Yeah, really. It's just two weeks away. And when it time we would invite you for dinner"